Chereads / From Gangster To Fantasy Villain / Chapter 18 - Birthday

Chapter 18 - Birthday

When Zeldris received the necklace and put it on, Zhong witnessed something incredible!

Zeldris's deep frown faded into a natural expression.

The change in his temperament was drastic. He no longer radiated hostility and malice. Becoming almost docile and cute in Zhong's eyes.

The air around him was so mellow, that Zhong was put off by it initially. It was like he was a different person.

Now instead of being hostile, Zeldris was indifferent to most things. He even made a joke that didn't involve a threat!

Zhong was about to shed a tear! He felt like watching his cute grandson grow out of his rebellious phase.

This change in temperament allowed the master and disciple to grow closer. As Zhong's fondness wasn't unreciprocated.

Zeldris has never disclosed this, but he actually holds a great amount of respect towards Zhong.

Zeldris likes his principled, militaristic and domineering character. This is how a true man should be!

In addition, as far as Zeldris has understood it, his hypermasculine master is also one of the strongest people on the planet. How could he not respect such a figure...

Currently, a year has passed since Zeldris became Zhong's disciple.

So far Zeldris has spent his entire time focused on training, under Zhong's guidance.

Aside from Irina, he hasn't seen a face other than Zhong's.

Thanks to those reasons, Zeldris has made insane amounts of progress during the year.

So much so, that he could instakill the version of himself from less then a year ago.

Zhong focused Zeldris's training on only 3 things. Aura cultivation, aura control and swordmanship. Stating that before moving to fancy things, such as sword techniques, one must master the basics.

The training is intense, but the only thing Zeldris complains about is not having a sparring partner he could have a chance of defeating. It's a bit boring knowing you'll lose every single time...

Anyway today is a strange day.

Having gotten used to the monotony of each day being essentially the same, Zhong suddenly threw a wrench at it and told Zeldris to do absolutely nothing.

'What is that old bastard up to now?' Was Zeldris's first thought.

His second thought was to go play with the chickens, since he has nothing else to do.

Hence he's currently at the stall, where the livestock are kept.

*Cluck* *Cluck*

*Cluck* *Cluck*

"Hmm." Zeldris hums, surrounded by chickens.

Chickens are nice. Unlike the annoying pigs.

He pets the chickens and feeds them. Even throws a couple in the air, watching how the flightless birds make a smooth landing.

However suddenly the boy's fun is ended by a loud shout, that reverberates throughout the entire building complex.

"BOY! COME HERE!" The shout startles his friends and they all run away.

"Tch." Zeldris is annoyed. Still, he heads out to meet the source of the voice.

He heads inside the house and finds a giant man, standing with a smile on his face, resembling a cheeky fox.

It's an appalling sight...

"What's wrong with your face?" Zeldris asks, disgusted.

"Humph. Shut up." Zhong's expression becomes normal and he takes out a box with wrappings on it. Then throws it to Zeldris and stares at him with his hands behind his back.

"What is this?" The boy asks.

"It's your birthday gift." The man responds confidently.

"I don't have a birthday. I don't even know how old I am."

"So what? Your gracious master has assigned a birthday to you. Congratulations my young disciple! You have become 10 years old..." He say and smirks.

"Well alright." Zeldris shrugs uncaringly and tears off the wrapping.

He is left with a wooden box. Which he opens.

"Happy tenth birthday." His master states, as he opens it.

Inside he finds two things. Some sort of brown leather bag, that looks incredibly nice. And a paining of him and his master, standing side by side.

He stares at the thing, admiring it's quality.

"It's an interesting gift." Zeldrs remarks, staring at the painting.

Zhong nods. "Aside from the picture, the bag is also special. It's essentially a storage bag. However once you make a connection to it, it will disappear, becoming one with you. Then you can use it by just thinking about it. This is the next level from the spacial storage ring. It's called the dimensional storage bag."

"I see. Thank you for this gift." Zeldris graciously gives thanks.

"You're welcome. I also have some matters to discuss with you. So come and sit." Zhong tells him, turning around and sitting behind a table. With Zeldris doing the same.

The table is covered by all sorts of dishes, including a cake. Something Zeldris has yet to see in this world.

"Eat." Zhong commands.

When Zeldris starts eating and relishing the delicious tastes, Zhong opens his mouth to speak.

"While you eat, listen here boy. I will be leaving for a while soon. Despite being an elder of the Wudan sect, I also have a large family to take care of." Zhong explains, making the boy pause with a fork in his mouth.

"How many women have you knocked up?" Zeldris asks with his mouth full. Displaying amazing dexterity with his tongue to be able to enunciate his words quite clearly.

"PUAHAHA." Zhong bursts into loud laughter at the comment. Expanding on the topic. "A lot, but that's not what I mean exactly. My full name is Zhong Jun, the guardian of the Jun family. You can think of it as an organisation, that has my children and wives as the executives."

"Hmm. So you're the leader of the family?" Zeldris muses.

"No. I have given that position to my son."

"So you just miss your children?" Zeldris asks. To which Zhong nods.

"As I've gotten along in years, I've come to care more and more about my family. There is not much to the life of an old man like me. Aside from looking after my cute children and teaching the future leaders of the next generation." Zhong explains, giving a subtle compliment to Zeldris.

Zeldris nods in understanding. "Well I'm not one to stop an old and feeble man from seeing his children... This father will allow it. I was getting tired of your ugly face anyway."

Zhong smirks at his disciples banter. "The girlish boy is trying to show off. How cute. How about you become my grandchild? With your looks, you can be my 278th granddaughter."

"Heavens! Are you a rabbit, old man? How does one reproduce to such lengths." Zeldris shoots back. Genuinely suprised.

"Hmph! You better write down everything and learn, girlish boy. This ancestor of yours is a master in the hearts of women." He states.

"Hmm..." Zeldris hums and tilts his head, staring at Zhong.

"I see..." Zeldris muses, then continues. "If you were so successful with a face like yours, then I will drown in women when I come of age..."

"The hearts of women won't budge to a pretty face, my young disciple. A man has to have a strong character for him to be desirable." Zhong explains.

"Stop talking like you're teaching me. I will be plenty successful." Zeldris retorts. Not wanting to hear about this topic.

"See, this is where you should bow your head and listen. It's not just about getting them to like you. How you satisfy them is also extremely important." Zhong explains. He has been serious about this topic from the start. Having the same expression as when he explains things about martial theory.

Zeldris can already anticipate the lecture coming from miles away. But the thing is, he can't really stop it.

How could he explain that he's already an expert at this topic, without mentioning his past life? As a 10 year old little boy, he must only shut up and listen, as the old bastard lectures him about the art of women.

Though as Zhong starts his lecture, Zeldris realizes his error in thinking that he has nothing more to learn. The old man talks about things even an experienced 40 year old hears for the first time.

The secrets and strategies Zhong explains blow his socks off. Shocking the young boy enough that he really does write down everything his master tells him.

It seems Zeldris has forgotten the old man is over 400 years old. How could he, only having lived 10% of it, be comparable in experience to him? This was just his massive ego when Zeldris thought he was above Zhong's teachings.

Zhong, seeing his young disciple take his impromptu lecture so seriously, that he's writing down notes, smiles inwardly. This is one of the boy's best features. Being able to put aside his ego and completely immerse himself in something that he sees as beneficial...



2 days later.

Zhong leaves the sect, heading out to wherever he lives.

Zeldris is left all alone in the complex. Zhong gave him a training scedule spanning an entire year. Meaning he should be back before then.

When Zhong left, he made sure Zeldris understands not to leave the area. Since he's supposed to be dead to the sect.

Something he had no need to repeat.

Now that Zhong has left, Zeldris looks at the huge, vacant housing complex. His only companions worth mentioning now are the chickens.

"I guess it's just me now..." He mumbles.