As we continue to watch this handicap fight going on when a sudden smirk while watching their fight I Kazehana what do you think about them the two sekeris Kazehana ( sekeri #11 & 12 and I don't think they have found their Asikabi yet) is that so I said to Kazehana ( yes she replied with a knowing smirk) would you think they have potential of joining our family and Peerage I asked all my girls yes but I think that third one would be difficult all ( you like difficult women) that I do as me and my girls converse Azazel and Penemue deadpans while Penemue had her own thoughts maybe I can join them.
I took a step forward and flared just a little bit of my power to get their attention which worked as soon as the two sekeris turned to me I can see it and feel it that I'm their Asikabi they ignored everything around them and turned their eyes only on me.
Kazehana turns to everyone and says( Y'all are about to see the winging of a sekeri) All ( Nodded) Azazel (I'm very interested in what will happen) both of them are standing inlo front of me and introducing themselves to me. Hikari ( I'm sekeri #11 I choose you to be my Asikabi) Hibiki (I sekeri #12 also choose you to be my Asikabi) after they made their declaration we each shared a kiss making both of them my sekeris like Kazehana.
Once that was down I had turned to the light blue haired girl and asked care to dance with me.