"That makes a great point. I see you've made your resolve." The guild masters stern and stiff demeanor get a bit tender and his face now portrayed a smile like a father smiling at his son.
A wry timid smile forced its way onto my lips and a hint of embarrassment creeped up behind my smile, which made me try to hide my smile.
The atmosphere grew tense again, the air was once again filled with animosity.
"Well boy since you've made your resolve how do you plan to back up that resolve, what strength do you have to defend such bold jesters." The guild masters gave me a sharper glare then his previous, it had a hint of kindness or was it worry.
"I-I'll get stronger! I might be a nobody right now but before long I'll surpass even the heroes.".
—guild master POV
"I-I'll get stronger! I might be a nobody right now but before long I'll surpass even the heroes."
I watched as my eyes widen, he made such a bold statement with firm belief, He's just like him. Maybe, just maybe he can be the one to...
"Hmm... Ha ha ha ha, that's the spirit young man! You've just what is needed with your drive you might just do what's needed to make a change." I can't believe am smiling, in all my years it's been a while.
"Let's see if you can make it to level 50 within a month I'll go along with my deal and report you to the state, if you fail to live up my expectations I'll have to report you for the safety of the state." Level 50 huh, it takes a regular adventurer at least two months to reach level 40.
Am sorry kid but you have to be strong to make monsters submit to you so you'll have to make my expectations.
Look at his face full of light my intuition has only even been wrong once don't make it a second time.
"Thank you sir!" He stood to his feet in an instant and lowered his head in a bow. His sincerity made a small smile came into the corner of my mouth.
—Good Luck Kid.
"Let's do this!"
"Ah a customer, welcome!" A short girl jumped from a stool and stood before me. She had a rugged bed head with windham color hair and caucasian brown skin. Her eyes were pearl white, adding to her short stature she almost seem not human as even her assets where overly developed for such a small figure.
"My names Amanda and am a mountain dwarf, people often times get confused by my appearance, am not a child am 22 in human years." I was even more speechless was my face that readable, I was dumbstruck by her appearance.
"Uh-yes am sorry, it was rude of me to stare I didn't mean to." I bowed twice to show how apologetic I was.
"He he heh, no need to be like that as I said am used to this kinda of reaction from humans, happens every time we get a new customer here." She gave a small chuckle that made my apology seem unnecessary.
"Ah yes customers, am here to buy a sword."
"Right give me a minute"
She dashed off into the store leaving me at the store front. It was a rather roomy space made from wood seeming oak. It had a counter along with one stool on the receptionist side, the room had a wooden door which acted as an entrance and exit along with two glass windows on either side of the door.
"Okay side if you'd follow me." She returned after five minute calling for me. I proceeded by following her even further into the back of the store. We walked along a narrow passage for about five minute before coming across an intersection with two other passages one leading left and the other to the right.
We proceeded right until we reached a large room, in this room there was a dirt floor instead of the usual cobble stone floor that was in the passage and the store front.
"Go and grab a sword from the wall to your right then try a few swing at the dummy in the center of the room, you may continue at it until you find a weapon that suits you. Meaning you aren't only limited to the swords you can use any weapon present." She they stepped away from me and sat on a seat that was adjacent to the door.
I walked over to the weapons area and took a browse through all the weapons on the wall and then at the ones in a wooden box to the corner of the room
With my weapons mastery still it should be possible to use just about any weapon here, most of which are weapons I've trained with in my previous life under forceful family supervision.
I grabbed a long sword from the wall that had a slender blade with two sharp edges, the weight was just about right for my body type and the slender blade was optimal for high speed combat, it had a pointy blade that made the blade even lighter than regular blades.
The only point of weight on this blade was the hilt that made weidling the blade much more easier.
"I must get stronger huh, let's do this"