Chereads / Rubrum Lunae / Chapter 8 - Vol. 1 - Chapter 4.5: The Promise To A Lost Sister

Chapter 8 - Vol. 1 - Chapter 4.5: The Promise To A Lost Sister

Two Months Ago, Mission of San Juan…

In the Mission of San Juan, the girls sleep without noticing the calamity that was happening in the city. However, the calamity was heading in their direction…and at that moment, Fabiola was having a nightmare…


"Hey did you hear the rumor?"

"Rumor?" Fabiola sweeps the floor while the other Sisters help clean the corridor. Abril grabs the dust sweeper and plays with it like a sword:

"Yeah…the rumor about the monster that abducts people…"

"Monster?" Mariana looks at Abril. Abril plays with the dust sweeper; "Yeah…according to the girls in school…the monster appears when there is no moon, when the clouds cover it…

"And then what happens?"

"The monster roars through the night, people who hear get hypnotized and slowly walk away towards the street…they don't hear anything and don't move…and that's when…"

"That's when?" Mariana gets closer to Abril. Abril smiles at her and turns off the lights:


"GGYYYAAHHHH!" Mariana screams of fear as Abril laughs at her. Mariana runs towards Fabiola and bumps into her. Fabiola falls to the ground, revealing her underwear to the girls. Both of them blush, Abril laughs:

"Oh well…Sister…you still like bunnies huh…"

Fabiola immediately stands and grabs the broom; "ABRIL…MARIANA…QUIT WASTING TIME!"

"GGYYYAAHHH" Fabiola chases after them. Suddenly, from the room another Sister appears, the girls hide behind her; "SISTER MELISSA!"

Fabiola stops; "Sister Melissa…we were just playing…"

Sister Melissa smiles at her; "Fabiola were you bullying Mariana and Abril again?"

"N-N-No…they started it…"

Sister Melissa was a 18 year old girl who was very nice to Fabiola and the other sisters because she was the oldest sister without including Sister Carolina. She was always scolding Fabiola for fighting. Fabiola always admired Melissa. Melissa had brown hair with brown eyes always wearing a nun's attire,she also had dark skin.

"Fabiola…please put the broom down…now girls we must finish cleaning…"

"YES…SISTER!" THe girls apologize to them. Sister Melissa smiles at her; "Girls…after we clean…I will get you some ice cream…"

"YYYAAAYYY WE LOVE YOU!" Mariana and Abril hug Melissa. Fabiola looks down and continues to sweep. Melissa notices; "Fabiola…"


At that moment, Melissa feels strange; "I'm sorry girls…I have something to do…" Melissa enters her room. Fabiola looks at her worried. Abril looks at the door:

"What's wrong with our sister she was fine a moment ago…"

Mariana looks down; "Lately…Sister has had many headaches…"

Fabiola looks worried; "Oh sister…."

On the night of her disappearance…Sitting on a bench outside the church… Melissa and Fabiola had one last conversation…

"Listen Fabiola, you must not pick fights with other kids okay."

A young girl says to Fabiola who is covered in bruises.

"It's not my fault…they were picking on Abril so I just defended her, Sister Melissa." Fabiola replies while she is getting treated by Melissa; "I know and I am grateful that you defended your sisters…however…"

Sister Melissa hugs her:

"Listen Fabiola…it's okay yo defend your sisters…but you don't have to put your well being on the line like that…"

Fabiola looks down; "I know…I just want to be like you…You're strong…Father Clemente says that you can be the strongest member of the Order…like The Golden Maiden or the Scarlet Maiden…you even got your lance at the age of 13…my age…"

Sister Melissa chuckles; "I'm not that special Fabiola…I just do these things to protect you and your sisters…"

"Melissa…are you going to hunt tonight?" Fabiola asks Melissa with a worried expression. Sister Melissa looks down; "I will…I know that you already sense the amount of mana gathered in the city right?"

"I have…it's evil and it's constantly making other manas disappear…"

"Fabiola…that monster is true…and we of the Church have the mission to stop it from killing innocent people…"

"But why you…why do you have to sacrifice your life?"

Sister Melissa stands up; "You know…someday you will understand the mission our Lord has given to us and that we humbly accepted…"


Sister Melissa feels dizzy once again. Fabiola looks worried; "Sister, are you alright?"

"Yes…sorry…I just had a small headache…"

"Sister…those headaches have been constant…are you alright?"

"Don't worry Fabiola…I'll be fine…"

Sister Melissa hugs her. Fabiola replies:

"But why do you have to leave? Father Clemente hasn't returned yet…please don't go!"

"I must… in order to protect you." Melissa walks to the door; "Fabiola…I want you to make me a promise…"

"A promise?" Fabiola with tears in her eyes stands up as well. Sister Melissa extends her pinky finger:

"I want you to promise me…that whatever you do, stay alive!Please…You must live and continue living for your sake…and mine…"

Fabiola cries; "You're saying this because you won't return…right?"

"No…I am saying this because I love you and your sisters…"

Fabiola cleans her tears and stands up, she makes a pinky promise:

"I swear…"

Sister Melissa smiles and puts her hand on Fabiola's forehead; "Thank you…and don't forget that we may not be related by blood…but I still love you as my own little sister…goodbye…"

Fabiola falls unconscious; "S-S-Sister…"



At the same time during the attack of the Chupacabras against the police force…


"lissa…Melissa…SISTER MELISSA!" Fabiola wakes up and looks at the ceiling. She breathes heavily and notices tears from her eyes:

"I had that nightmare again…"

"Is something wrong sister?" Abril looks at Fabiola half asleep. Fabiola looks at the window:

"No…everything is fine…"

"I'm going to the restroom, sister."

Mariana tells Fabiola who is lying on her bed still awake:

"Okay, but go quickly."

Fabiola responds to Mariana. Mariana steps outside the room without noticing the protection tag that Carolina left on their door. Accidently, she removes the tag, and with it the protection barrier.

Fabiola lies down looking at the ceiling; "Sister Melissa…I made a promise to you on that night…but I wish I could be strong like you were…"

Father Clemente sits on his office as he communicates with the Bishop:

"I see…so many casualties…Bishop…do you know something about Carolina?"

"I'm afraid not…but I already dispatched more member to see what's going on…I will keep you informed…"

"Thank you…Bishop…"

Father Clemente hangs the phone; "That beast…how strong can it get…and more importantly…why does El Muerto wants the Bishop's head?"


Father Clemente looks at the window; "It's here…that monster is here…"


The monster flies on top of the Northwest region of the Rio Grande City. In that part there are few houses including the Mission of San Juan, and in the back it is surrounded by hills…

The Chupacabras proceeds in roaring once again…


"I'm so sleepy…I want to go to bed…" Mariana walks to her bedroom.


At that moment, she stops as she hears the roar and falls into its hypnosis. Fabiola lifts her body:

"No way…this mana…ABRIL…"

"WHAT IS IT SISTER?" Abril looks at Fabiola with her eyes wide open:


Abril panics; "Where's Mariana?"

Both of the sisters begin looking for her:

"Mariana...Mariana where are you?"

"Abril, what's wrong?" Father Clemente comes out of his office and sees Abril in a terrible state. Abril with tears in her eyes replies:

"It's the Chupacabras…its here…and we can't find Mariana…"

"No…it can't be…" Father Clemente notices Fabiola running outside:


Fabiola runs outside the ministry and sees Mariana; "MARIANA! COME BACK INSIDE!"

Fabiola runs outside, at that moment, she notices the winged monster in the sky.


Fabiola breathes heavily as she feels rage:


Fabiola sees many people outside their houses standing there hypnotized:

"Oh no…the people…what should I do?"

The monster flies down and attacks a man who is standing outside on the far end of the street.

The monster covers the man with its wings making him scream; "AAAHHHHHH"

The Chupacabras lets go of the man, as the man falls, he begins to turn into ashes and disappears.

Fabiola begins to tremble of fear, thinking to herself:

"It's the same as before, what should I do?"

The monster begins to attack one by one the people closing in on Mariana:

"M-M-Mariana…wake up…No…it's like before…"

Fabiola has visions of the monster taking Melissa away. She takes a deep breath.


Fabiola slaps herself and stops shaking. She runs towards Mariana and begins to slap and yell her name trying to wake her up:


The Chupacabras finishes the last person next to their house and begins to fly at the girls:


Fabiola screams one last time, Mariana finnally reacts; "Fabiola, why are we outside…" Mariana notices the monster; "GGYYAHHH IT'S THE MONSTER!"

The creature heads towards the girls and flaps its wings with force.


The powerful current separates the girls, the Chupacabras heads towards Mariana:


"Sister…help…" Mariana extends her hand with tears in her eyes. At that moment, Alejandro steps forwards and grabs the girl.


In a blink of an eye, Alejandro appears and saves Mariana. Both of them roll a few meters. Mariana opens her eyes and sees Alejandro; "Hey girl, are you okay?"

Mariana blushes and nods in agreement. Alejandro stands up carrying Mariana and expresses excitement:

"Woo-hoo!! This is my second save of the night."

"Hey you perv, stay away from my sister."

Fabiola screams at Alejandro who notices that he is still carrying Mariana

Mariana looks at him very nervous causing Alejandro to panic:

"I'm sorry…"

"It's okay, please put me down…" Mariana replies with a shy voice.


The monster roars again and flies towards them. Fabiola stands in front of them:

"Stand back, you two..."

Mariana then goes behind Fabiola. Fabiola with a brave face puts her two hands in front in a position as she was holding something. Fabiola closes her eyes and chants:

"En el nombre del Santo Protégeme: Lanza Divina de Santa Inés" (In the name of the father protect me: Divine Lance of Saint Ines)

A spear with a white staff and a silver blade appears in her hands. She grabs the spear and hits the monster with the staff:

"I'm your opponent."


"Listen to me Mariana, you need to hide!" Fabiola tells Mariana as they both see the monster flying on top of them.

"Hey, what about me?" Alejandro feels left out.

"You're bigger than us, you can defend yourself…" Fabiola replies, Alejandro looks at her with shock.

"I can't move my body…" Mariana is so scared that all she does is stare at the monster. Alejandro grabs her hand and both of them run to the Mission:

"We need to hide…come with me…"

The monster flies down once again with the intention to attack the girls.


Father Clemente appears and punches the monster:

"Don't touch my daughters you beast. "

"FFFAAATTHHHEERR!" Mariana and Fabiola look with joy. Abril runs towards them:


Father Clemente takes out a rosary and breaks it. Suddenly the beads shine a golden aura:

"Proyectiles Santos!!" (Holy Projectiles)

The beads serve as bullets and attack the Chupacabras, the Chupacabras dodges all the attacks. Father Clemente smiles:

"I got you…"

Father Clemente puts his hands together; "Prision Divina" (Divine Prison)


The Chupacabras roar as the beads form a circular prison, trapping it and electrifying it.

"WWWOOOWWW…THAT'S SO COOL!" Alejandro looks with excitement.

"Don't just stand there…run towards the Mission…" Father Clemente tries to hold the Chupacabras. The Chupacabras gathers mana and releases it at once.


The monster releases a powerful mana wave, destroying the prison and blowing everyone away.

"GGYYYAAHHH!!!" Alejandro holds Mariana, however they are also blown away. Alejandro hugs her, however both of them hit the ground.

Mariana hits her head in the ground and starts to bleed:


Alejandro stands up and sees Fabiola standing next to them with her lance pin to the ground:


Fabiola makes a sinister smile:


Fabiola begins to run and throws the lance to the monster. -SSSLLLAASSHHH- Fabiola's attack hurts the right wing.

"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Fabiola moves her hand, ordering the lance to spin at high speed. Fabiola jumps into the air and hits the monster with the lance once again:



-TCH- "I knew it wouldn't be enough…" Fabiola runs towards the hill:


The Chupacabras notices and flies towards Fabiola's direction.

"I need to stand up…" Alejandro stands up and begins to run towards the direction that Fabiola went:

"I must help that girl, I must help her..."

Father Clemente regains consciousness and looks around:

"Where is Fabiola?"

"She went that way..." Mariana answers as she is barely conscious. Father Clemente runs towards her. Abril hugs Mariana crying:

"Mariana, stay with us..."

"Damn it…she lost too much blood…a normal healing technique won't work…where is Carolina…"


At that moment, a portal opens in the sky, and two figure fall next to them. Father Clemente looks at them:


"EVERYONE!" Sister Carolina runs towards them. Father Clemente and Abril smile; "It's Sister Carolina…"

"Mariana…" Sister Carolina proceeds in curing her; "Curacion de Agua Sagrada" (Holy Water Healing) Carolina tunes water into blood, replenishing Mariana's blood and healing her.


"You guys sure are lively…" Father Clemente notices another figure in the dust cloud. As the dust cloud begins to clear she notices that it is Uriel.

"Uriel…what is happening?" Father Clemente asks with a worried face, Uriel looks at him:

"Don't worry about it…now then…what happened here?"

"It was the Chupacarbas; Fabiola is fighting it at this moment...along with a weird boy…" Abril replies to Uriel; "W-W-Weird boy…"

Uriel closes his eyes to sense the Chupacabras, he senses Fabiola and Alejandro:

"Alejandro…that idiot…what is he doing here?"

Sister Carolina stands up; "I must save them…" Father Clemente notices her injury; "Wait…I must heal you first…or else you won't be able to fight…"

"But Father…"

Uriel walks a little bit to the side and closes his eyes and thinks to himself:

"Hear the rhythm of the soul."


Uriel begins to hear Fabiola's soul; he opens his eyes and says:

"Found her…"

Uriel takes out a ring and puts it in his right index finger; "Carolina…I will go on ahead ... .catch up when you're ready…"

Mariana asks in a lone tone; "P-P-Please save my sister."

"I will" Uriel answers with a serious expression, Uriel extends his arm forward:

"Yo soy a jinete, yo soy el inicio, yo soy el final, yo soy el Charro Negro" ( I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am "El Charro Negro")

He squeezes his hand and makes a fist.


Suddenly a crimson flame begins to flow out of his ring and expands covering him creating a small pillar of crimson and pink flames.

Father Clemente and Carolina cover themselves from the flames. They begin to sweat because of the intense heat of the area:

"What's this power?"

Father Clemente chuckles; "THIS IS THE POWER OF EL CHARRO NEGRO!"

Uriel comes out of the fire and takes off with a high jump:

"Time to hunt that monster...."