Sitting in the cafeteria that Monday afternoon, smiling dreamily over my pork turnover and mashed potatoes, I noticed that my friends were staring at me. "Dan, what's wrong with you?" my buddy Chris asked. "The whole week you've looked...I don't know..."
"Happy," Vince said.
"Yeah, happy. What the hell do you have to be happy about?"
What indeed? I forked potatoes into my mouth and displayed my Cheshire cat grin. Of course I couldn't tell them about Elaine, about the wonderful woman who had spent the last week tying my into the most delicious knots imaginable. I mean that almost literally-the four times I'd gone to visit her the past week I'd spent most of the time strapped to the bed in what she called her "Fun Room", with my legs over my head and my cock in my mouth and Elaine doing all sorts of slippery things to my ass.
I'd discovered the cure for teenage angst-regular, no-strings-attached sexplay. I would drive to Elaine's house with an erection and swollen testicles and leave covered in sweat and walking on air. I wasn't as consumed with thoughts of sex because I knew that I would actually HAVE a woman touching my cock in the near future, unlike my miserable, frustrated buddies.
So as my friends and I left the cafeteria I held my head high, my stride was confident and full of purpose. I was on cloud nine, knowing that in a few hours I would be at Elaine's house and her tongue would be rimming my anus while I sucked myself off. Had I known at the time what awaited me there, and in my near-future, I wouldn't have been so cocksure. I was about to learn that there are always strings attached with sex, of one sort or another.
But that was later. For now I was feeling pretty good about myself. So when I turned the corner and crashed into Bridget Landau, my reaction was different than it once might have been. Before I would have blushed crimson and stuttered and sputtered apologies, too intimidated to make eye contact and too horny to keep from staring at her breasts.
But that was before. Now, I gently took her shoulder to steady her and I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you OK?"
"Watch where you're going, fuckwad!" she spat, giving me a look that made my three buddies shrink back like she was the Gorgon herself.
"You're right, my mistake," I said, suavely ignoring the fact that it was her fault. "My mistake. Here," I knelt to pick up the cell phone she'd been talking into when she blundered into me.
"If it's broken, you're buying me a new one, asshole." Her friends stared me down, waiting for me to wilt.
But I was imperturbable. I handed over the phone with a smile. "It looks fine." She grabbed it out of my hand. "Asshole," she said, walking by me without another glance. Her bitches-in-waiting trailed behind, each giving me a dirty look. The smile never left my lips.
"Jesus Christ," Vince said, "I about shit my pants."
"Why?" I asked.
"Why? That was...Bridget Landau!" He spoke her name as if he feared it would bring a curse down upon him.
That may seem to be the overdramatics of a teen-age boy, but I should explain about the aforementioned Bridget. When I say that she was the prettiest girl in the school, I'm not saying anything. There are girls all over the country who are the prettiest in their schools. But compared to Bridget Landau, they're all plow horses. Bridget was absurdly gorgeous. There was no reason for a girl to be so beautiful, sexy, juicy, all-out delectable. Her hair was of the golden sunset, her eyes blue as the sapphire. Her breasts floated like twin scoops of meringue, her legs and ass so wonderfully sculpted that it was as though God had chained Michelangelo to a block of marble and given the instruction, "Make it perfect!", then used the finished product as her template. She was, I mean to say, HOT.
She was also a colossal bitch, a girl who could give lessons in haughtiness to Anna Kournikova. She terrorized the school, belittling boys who wanted to date her, scorning girls who wanted her friendship, manipulating the teachers, both male and female, who could not disguise their own feelings of inadequacy in her presence. The rumor was that Bridget was still a virgin, not out of any Puritan beliefs on her part, but that she'd never met a guy she thought worthy enough to win a prize as exalted as her maidenhead.
The fact that I'd stood up to her, even in this petty way, stunned my friends. "What the hell has gotten into you?" Chris said.
I shrugged and said, "Maybe I've come to see that I have some good qualities too." And that's how a left them, shaking their heads as I walked to my next class. I chuckled as I imagined what Bridget's reaction would be if she saw me with my pants down, my enormous dick hard as steel, my legs in the air, and my mouth all over myself, sucking my cock until I came. THAT might impress her, I thought.
The school day crawled by, but it eventually ended and I raced home from the bus stop. Tensions at home had gradually declined the past week, but when I came through the door my mom gave me a sour look. "Going out again?" she asked.
"Uh, yeah."
"You have to do your homework first."
"OK, sure." I went straight to my room. That was the deal, homework first, blowjobs later. I raced through my math problems and took notes on "The Merchant of Venice" and an hour later I was ready to go.
"I'm going!" I called.
Mom came out of the kitchen. "Are you sure Elaine doesn't mind you bothering her every day?"
"She hasn't said so."
I felt a bit bad for Mom. Discovering your son with his own come dribbling out of his mouth and a homemade dildo sticking out of his ass is a shock you don't get over in a week, and now she also had to contend with me going over to Elaine's every day to do God knew what. I think Mom longed for the days when I thought girls were yucky and all I wanted to do was play cops and robbers. Those days, I thought as I climbed in the car and pointed it toward Elaine's house, were definitely over.
Elaine welcomed me in with a kiss on the cheek. "And how are you today?" she asked, feeling my crotch with the palm of her hand. "Ooh, he feels heavy today."
"Is today the day?" I asked anxiously. Elaine had so far declined to fuck me, and I was desperate to get my cock inside her.
"I think not," she said. "I have something else in mind for today. Shall we?"
I was disappointed, but not so much that I didn't practically skip up the stairs to the Fun Room. I obediently lay on the bed and let Elaine truss my wrists and ankles. She cranked me up and I moistened my lips with my tongue, anticipating that I would soon have my cock in my mouth.
But Elaine stopped me when my legs were only half in the air, the cords suspending my ass about three inches off the ground. "Oh, boy," I thought. The other time Elaine did this she gave me head while she fucked my ass with a skinny glass dildo. I'd come in quarts.
"Honey," she said, "I need to ask a favor from you."
A favor? "Oh my God, anything," I said. What wouldn't I do for this wonderful woman?
She told me what she wanted me to do. "No way!" I bleated. "No! Huh-uh!"
Her full, friendly lips curled in a pout. "Oh honey, please."
She sighed. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but..." She went to the closet where she held all her "toys". A mouse of fear ran up my spine. I was tied up, helpless. She could do whatever she wanted to me. I knew she had dildos and lotions and restraints in there, but what if she had bludgeons, hammers, snippers?
I didn't like the looks of the object she eventually produced. It was a dildo, about 12-inches long, made of steel or aluminum. It wasn't thick, not much thicker than a pencil, but the bulbous head was a bit larger than a grape. It had a wide, squared off base, and a long electrical cord dangled from that end. In the middle of the cord was a small plastic box that housed a circular switch.
She took her time lubricating it with a clear jelly, and then she smeared my ass with the same stuff. "Now, just relax," she said as she snaked the rod up my ass. She slipped it in inch by inch, until I thought it would pop out my mouth. "There we go," she said. She plugged in the electrical cord and sat next to my on the bed, brushing a few stray hairs from my face. Her light red hair framed her warm, motherly face. "Are you absolutely sure you won't accommodate me?" she asked, her voice light and sweet.
"Elaine, please don't hurt me!"
"Will you, or won't you?"
My lips felt thick. "I won't!"
She held up the circular switch so I could see, and then her manicured thumbnail moved it left. There was a soft "hummmmm" sound, and the head of the dildo began vibrating deep in my rectum. My soft cock sprang up like an antiaircraft missile locking on target.
"Uhhh..." I groaned in delight. That grape-sized head was buzzing softly inside me and it felt wonderful.
"Will you do it now?" Elaine said.
She didn't wait for an answer. She clicked the switch again and the humming grew louder, the vibrations stronger. "Oh, oh, oh," I babbled.
"Good, isn't it?"
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if I sucked your cock right now?"
"I will, as soon as you promise to do what I asked. And I take promises very seriously. If you break your promise, I won't want to have fun with you anymore. So, will you be a good boy and do as I ask?"
She clicked the switch. Sweet Jesus, it felt so good! I would have given anything to have a tongue licking the head of my cock. I needed friction so BAD! My penis was hard as the dildo shoved up my ass. The vibrations had me on the brink of screaming.
"Ready to give in yet?"
Click. I screamed. I screamed from the perfect combination of agony and ecstasy I endured. It felt so good, and yet it killed my that my penis, that totem of sexual pleasure, stood huge and hard and nothing touched it but air. The vibrations in my anus were now so strong that my cock was actually beginning to shiver. I few more clicks and I might be able to come just from the vibrator.
Elaine stroked my face. "You're at four right now, darling. At five, you'll agree to help me. At six, you'd knock over a liquor store if I asked. At seven, you'd betray your country. At eight, you'd sell your own mother into slavery." She smiled in that sweet, innocent way of hers. "Want to save me the trouble?"
I couldn't speak, I could only scream. So I shook my head. Click. It felt like the lower half of my body had been lowered into a deep-fryer, all I felt was liquid heat in my ass and cock.
I mumbled something. "What's that, honey." I tried repeating it, but my lips wouldn't work. "Are you saying you'll help me?" I nodded my head like a horse trying to shoo away flies. Elaine kissed my lips. "Thank you so much, honey, I appreciate this."
She clicked the switch twice and the vibrating bean up my ass slowed enough for me to stop sweating. Elaine went to the winch and started cranking my legs back. Slowly, bit by bit, my pink torpedo crept toward my lips. "Oh, come on!" I begged. The fat plum loomed closer, closer. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it back and forth as Elaine slowly folded me in half.
At last the tip of my tongue grazed the tip of my dick, and I croaked, "Ungh, more!" She kept cranking, and at last I was able to slurp my dick into my hungry mouth. "Ohh...ahh!" I groaned in relief as I gobbled myself up. I jerked my head forward and back like a strutting turkey, causing my penis to slip and slide around the inside of my mouth. My tongue never stopped swirling around the head, and I knew I wasn't going to last long.
"Can I have some?" Elaine asked, pulling my cock away from my slobbering lips and engulfing it in her own mouth. "Oh, yes, Elaine!" I was getting a double-header blowjob, with mine one of the heads. We went back and forth, taking turns, Elaine licking my shaft when my helmet was inside my mouth. "Is it OK if I swallow it?" she asked.
I didn't want to share my semen, but that would have been rude. "Sure, go ahead." Elaine deep-throated me once, twice, making my shaft shiny with her spit, and then she wrapped her fingers around me and started pumping and her mouth captured my glans and she started bobbing her head up and down, up and down. And then, damn her, I heard a soft "click, click, click" as she turned the vibrator up to the setting marked "betray your country".
The vibrations went straight up my dick, straight up my spine, straight into the pleasure center of my brain. I screamed, I flat-out screamed in ecstasy as my prostate swelled and clenched and I erupted in a Krakatoan-scale orgasm. Elaine clamped her lips around the crown of my pumping penis and drank my heavy cream.
The world swam before my eyes, I thought I might faint. Huge sprays of semen shot from my cock and Elaine swallowed them all. When, after what seemed a full minute, my penis stopped its twitching, Elaine switched the dildo off.
"Hyuhhh!" I groaned. I'd rather hoped she would leave it in my rectum for the rest of my life. But no. She slowly withdrew the probe from my ass and set about cleaning it. "Thank you, Danny," Elaine said. "I promise, you'll enjoy yourself."
As the echoes of my orgasm died away I slowly realized that I had, indeed, promised to do Elaine's bidding. I was horrified, but what could I do? She was irresistible. She could play me like a piano. I let out a long, deep breath and shut my eyes. What had I gotten myself into?
Five days later, a beautiful Saturday evening, I lied to my parents and told them I was going night fishing with my buddies. I told my buddies that I was going to visit my grandparents with my folks. With both groups of people who cared about me properly deceived, I drove to Elaine's house, already sick to my stomach.
I also had a relentless hard-on. One of the conditions Elaine made me promise to was no masturbating during the week, oral or otherwise. I also wasn't allowed to come visit her during the week. Even though I was scared and nervous, my dick was hard as a chisel.
You may be wondering, just what did she want me to do? And perhaps you're thinking some other things as well. For example, why did Elaine, who seemed the very model of the kind, suburban housewife, have what amounted to a dungeon in her comfortable house? How was it that this sweet, motherly woman liked watching me suck myself off and cornholing me with a wide variety of dildos. Rather odd, yes?
I pulled up to her house at 8PM and was relieved to find no other cars in the driveway. Guests were expected, you see. Elaine was throwing a party. And yours truly was the entertainment.
Elaine may have appeared a boring housewife, but she was nothing but. After she broke me to her will with that damned vibrator she told me about the variety of sexual practices she and her late husband enjoyed. It was a big part of their lives, and they had a large group of like-minded friends who got together once a month or so to, ah, party. It was at one of these gatherings that I was to perform. And you won't need three guesses to figure out what I was supposed to do.
"Honey, hello," Elaine said, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. She looked great, her rich red hair done up in an elaborate bun. She wore tan shorts and a white T-shirt, very casual for her, which meant that she wasn't yet dressed for the party. Either was I, I soon learned.
Elaine led me into her big bathroom and told me to strip. I did, and when I was naked I turned to see that she too was nude, her big white breasts arousing me to a fever pitch. I reached for them and she gently slapped them away. "Wait, honey."
She had me turn the shower on, and when I turned around her thick red hair was covered by a white shower cap. "Oh, that's sexy," I teased.
She opened the cabinet below the sink and produced the thick, white dildo made of soap that she'd reamed me with the one time before. "Oh, jeez!" I whimpered, my giant cock throbbing with anticipation.
She joined me in the shower and lathered me with a spicy-smelling body wash, before she spread my cheeks and fucked me with the hard soap dildo. "I have to get you nice and clean back there for the party," she said. "You don't have to go to the bathroom, do you?"
"No," I groaned. "I haven't eaten since early this morning, and I went before I came here."
"Good, can't have you taking a shit when one of my friends has her tongue up you ass, now can I?" She worked the slippery dildo deeper and deeper into my anus, caressing my thighs and my stomach with her long fingernails, but she wouldn't touch my cock. "Please, jack me off!" I begged.
"I need you at fever pitch," she soothed. "You'll get to come soon enough, I promise."
She rinsed me clean and patted me down with a huge, heavy terrycloth towel. She took me by the hand and led me to a bedroom at the back of the house. "My friends will be here in an hour or so. I'll come get you when we're ready. And I want you to wear these," she pointed at two objects on the bed.
"Oh, come on!" I whined.
"You want everyone to see your face?" she said with a wicked grin.
"No, but, jeez."
"Be ready in an hour," she chirped and turned on her heel and left.
I resisted trying on the two items for as long as I could, but after the clock on the nightstand showed forty minutes passed I figured I 'd better get "dressed". The first item was a pair of leather shorts, shorts so tight I had to squirm to get my erection tucked inside. The back of the shorts were secured by a thin stripe of Velcro, and the first time I put them on the Velcro ripped open and I popped out with an almost audible, "FWAAANG!" But I adjusted things and was able to put them on without it cutting of circulation to my dick.
The second item was a leather mask that fit over my head and eyes but left my mouth open. I put it on, it was hot and uncomfortable, but it did hide my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked absolutely ridiculous.
"Oh, honey, you look MARVELOUS!" Elaine said as she came to see how I was coming along. She reached down and caressed my cock through the skin-tight leather. "I can hardly keep myself from sucking you off right now."
"You look great, too," I said, amazed. She wore a tight white leather corset, a white garter belt, white stockings, white-high heels, and elbow-length white satin gloves. "Who are you supposed to be, Glenda the Good Dominatix?"
"Close," she said, kissing me on the cheek. The doorbell rang. "Ah, the first arrivals. I'll come get you soon." She rubbed my cock again. "They're going to love you, sweetheart."
I waited another fifteen minutes, taking the mask off because it was too hot. I heard the doorbell ring another six times, and the sounds of conversation and laughter filtered up from downstairs. I was trembling.
I heard slow, soft footsteps come up the stairs, and Elaine appeared in the doorway. "My friends are here, and they can't wait to meet you." She saw I was scared, and she said, "No one down there wants to hurt or embarrass you. They want you to enjoy yourself."
"How many people did you invite?"
"There are 16 people downstairs, ten women and six men." She handed me the mask, and then her eyes flashed as she suddenly remembered something. "Honey, like I said, no one down there wants to hurt you. Now, there are some things we do that you might enjoy, and others you're not quite ready for."
I didn't like the sound of that. "Like what?"
"Well, I can't say. You like it when I fuck you up the ass, don't you?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Some men might not like that. Now, here's the important thing. I'm going to give you a code word. If at any point someone starts to do something you object to, say the code word and they'll stop."
"What might they do?" I asked nervously, my imagination conjuring up a twisted horror show.