JUNE 5, 2089

 By the time I came to my apartment, my mind had already taken the sad effect hit by the songs I was listening to, and was tired because of the running. When I entered my room, I saw my roommate lying down with my Dobermann, trying to play with him. The fact that I overlooked the room wasn't locked never came into my mind at that moment, or maybe I never locked it and he forgot about it being locked. I guess we'll never know!! However, I made quite a smug face in front of him. I felt I was the one who got him and took care of it and he's trying to befriend him just without doing anything. I wanted to tell him how I found him and discovered irrationality about me and my disorders. But just as I was about it say something, he interrupted me by saying,

" I am too hungry and sleepy. Do you have something to eat? Then I'll sleep. Tomorrow, I have work."

I remember the earlier call from the doctor, laughing at his carelessness said, "My Bro, tomorrow is Sunday, no classes." I felt so proud that I saved him by telling him this and now he will sleep peacefully, but actually, he didn't feel like he was in quite the mood.

He said," Bro, I have my assignments scheduled for tomorrow, and there's an event in the college on Monday too, I need to go for the arrangements. I am not you who has nothing to do with your work".

This second the second time, I had a smug face but felt worthless at that very moment so I just said,

"Fine, I'll get some noodles and please just sleep or else I will get murdered by embarrassment…." just to lighten the mood of the room.

I saw the dog standing nearby with his wagging tail. I took him with me to the oven and said,


Then we both howled and actually, I was smiling for a brief period. 

Later, it was already 11:50 pm about midnight and I still didn't feel like eating anything. My roommate had already slept after eating the noodles. Although as told before, I'm an insomniac! So, no dire need to sleep at such early a time. I reached out for my laptop and started my warmup before the big match. I opened 'ASPHALT 15: OVERSEAS' and started the process of getting my dark circles. Well, but this time I had a spectator watching my skills and performance. I was feeling like giving him a name, and why would I consult it with my roommate, I found him, brought him so I am the master. So, I named him "Porshe".

Ya, I am not too good at giving names. And you can say this was my best when it comes to using my potential. I was winning a lot of matches with my blue-coloured no sun roofed Porshe A11 Amaze in the game. Well, the decision to give that name is still a mystery and insoluble. It was like I won my final match of the chapter and shouted with joy, by catching the Dobermann," Hey Porshe, we won it!!". He seemed to enjoy it pretty well, both the name and the game. Finally, after playing GTA 8, Fortnight, AOE (Age of Empires), COD I thought of having some rest and sleep at around 4 AM. It was Sunday today, as I remember it is but who told me I had already forgotten? Now I felt like feeding my stomach with something. So, I stood up, placed my lappy with his lover, the charger (Even though they are a couple and here single me and Porshe), and went to the kitchen. Took a glass of water (chilled one) and I had a leftover sandwich, which went into my stomach, took a fine shower (I hadn't forgotten to take one), and went to the bed and purposely slipped on it. I still had a lot in my mind, sometimes thinking about my body's malfunctioning or about my future with that girl, when suddenly I saw two silver lines in the sky. They were bolts of lightning and were as bright as the sun. My blurry and half-open eyes could barely see them, although it was a loud one. Their sounds were too loud and echoed in my ears after which a continuous rain began which lasted about 3-4 hours as shown in the report the next day. The light supply was also shut down for a long time. The whole city was flooded again with rain but not as compared to previous rains, there was extreme silence within the sound of the raindrops. I almost felt like either killing myself at that moment or giving up on everything. The sudden recognition of utmost suffering took over my brain. As fast as the raindrops were falling, the same way I felt like falling into the realms of shadows. 

I started feeling both secluded and occupied at the same time. It was acute darkness in the room and I started creeping out. I was trying to sleep too hard, although couldn't achieve the goal. I sensed some negative energy that was present all around me, attacking me from each and every direction. I felt my bed was like a dolmen. Thought I was about to get doomed in this noisy and long-lasting rain and there would be no one to at my last hours. Suddenly I was in the best sleeping state and little did I know when I left this world to the dreams. When I woke the next day, I saw the reason why I was able to spend the night, something was cuddling me. It was Porshe…...

I had little tears of joy and believed that 

"If humans left humanity, there still are some animals which would show it towards us."

to be continued...