Chapter 2 - I'm Stronger!

"...Haa.." Looking forward at the rising sun, Henry's sighed.

Getting up, he went back to the place where he found the Drey, absorbing the infant squirrel's DP. Strolling around the forest for a bit, he didn't go to the Zoron village nor the Academic town, Monica immediately and decide to wait until it was night time. 

Strolling around the forest, he found a bird's nest with a few eggs inside it, although he wasn't sure he decided to touch it just in case as he felt the warm taste coursing through his vains once again. 

"tek, it's over already." Henry's said, Looking at the rotten eggs. 

By the time, it was night time, Henry's had already headed towards the broken fence, peeking inside, he saw that there weren't many people moving around the streets anymore but as he didn't want to risk getting seen, he decided to stay around the vicinity of the village until all the villagers went to sleep. 

Looking up at the moon, right above his head, he was sure it was about midnight if not more. Walking back to the broken fence, Henry crawled inside arriving at a rather open area. Quietly heading towards a certain direction while avoiding the village guards, Henry arrived behind a run-down house with several cracks and holes in it. 

Looking inside through the hole, he saw a few old people sleeping inside, who are Infact the beggers of this village. Originally in the game, the player was suppose to either get this beggers to leave the village or send them to an nursing home after receiving a quest from this village's head. 

But they didn't give anything nor did the player received a large amount of exp, from this useless quest so, Henry decide to absorb their DP instead. 

Slowly sliding one of his hands inside, he placed it on a old man sleep nearby as he felt a sour taste, not too sweet nor too bitter. 

Having digested the old man's DP, he checked to see if the old man was still alive and sure enough, he was alive but seem to have a slight cold. Slowly reaching his hands towards another begger, Henry absorbed their DP too, feeling the bitterness increasing but he didn't stop there and decided to enter the run-down house absorbing as much DP as possible before leaving the village just before dawn striked. 

Having left the village, Henry felt his body slowly taking the form of a human but it was still a long way before he could become a real human. Entering the forest again, he navigated his way through the forest as he reached a enclosed cave, slowly removing the bushes he went inside closing cave with the bushes. 

[You've found a secret cave! A auto save will be made to save your progress!]

Walking through the cave, when Henry saw a notification indicating his progress was saved automatically, he was delight after all, when he found out the system was real and he could revive like in the game he tried to open the game menu but no matter what he did, nothing like the game menu appeared. But by the looks of it, it seems he could still make auto saves. 

Having confirmed this fact, he walked deeper inside the cave as he found a human skeleton at the end. The skeleton's clothes were already worn out with nothing else on him. Taking off it's worn out clothes, Henry laid it on the floor as he used the DP accumulated inside his body to activate his second trait. Although it was awkward at first but as he supplied more DP to his trait a bust of spiritual energy came off his body entering the skeleton. 

"now, I just need to wait until, he wakes up" Henry said, Looking at the skeleton as he waited several hours passed by as the DP he transferred inside the skeleton slowly condensed into a ego which used the skeleton as it's vessel. 

By the time the ego finished forming, the skeleton was nowhere to be seen with it's body taking the form of a woman. 

"Hmm... So, you're the Legendary explorer and herbalist of the ancient empire, ." Henry said, Looking at the distorted black figure in the shape of a woman. 

In the game, she was a skeleton that could be used by player who chooses necromancer as their class in the early and mid game but as it was but a human's skeleton it could only grow so-so but now that the only thing limiting her was gone, Henry was sure! He could revive the Legendary human from the ancient times. 

With this new unique powers, it was definitely possible after all, the boss monster nightmare lord also had a ancient human as his subordinate. 

Examining the body of his newly created... 

"Uh.. What were they called again? Was it Blakens? Well, whatever I'll just call you Aeryn, it means to Cornish for 'adventurous'" Henry said, Looking at the female figure, for a second he thought her eyes glowed but he dismissed it as him just being tired. 

Having obtained the Legendary skeleton, Aeryn as his subordinate, he finally decided he could rest peacefully while having Aeryn stand guard. After having not slept for so long, he was really tired both mentally and spiritually. As soon he closed his eyes he fell asleep. 



"Haa~ uha.. Its feels so refreshing!" Henry said, gazing at Aeryn through the corner of his eyes. After getting his much needed rest, Henry went outside to see it was already way past evening with darkness once again enveloping the land.

Strolling back to Zoron village, Henry looked around for any guards before crawling through the broken fence, Aeryn too followed suit, Quietly arriving behind the beggers den, Henry looked inside to see if everyone was still alive and sure enough a few oldies were gone but that didn't stop Henry as he was planning to eracate them anyways. 

Quietly entering the place, Henry once again absorbed all of their DP, which was more bitter then before but as there was still sometime before sunrise, he decided to explore the village for an hour before returning back to the cave.

With his DP replenished, he transferred some of it to Aeryn as she stood guard while he sleep ending the third day.