Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

∆ah sorry for scaring you child I am Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, nature and light∆.

Azazels eyes widened as he hurriedly bowed feeling scared, how wouldn't he, he was in the presence of a god after all.

"Im sorry misses goddess ma'am"

Azazel still wasn't used to interacting with people so he was a little awkward and stiff. Okay a lot akward and stiff.

∆ah you don't need to bow child, the reason i came here is to thank you for taking care of my garden, and as a thank you, you can wish of anything and i shall grant them to the best of my abilities.∆

The goddess judgingly stared at Azazel, waiting for what over the top request he would ask for, beauty, riches, land, property? Maybe people maybe.

The goddess has met a lot of humans in her life, and every single one of them, no matter who they are always asks for something ridiculous or something they could never achieve in their life and used this opportunity to get that.

So imagine the shock when she heard Azazel's response.

"Um thank you miss goddess ma'am, but I'm pretty happy with how my life is going right now, but thank you for the offer anyway" A small smile was plastered on his face as he again bowed repeatedly to the goddess.

Aphrodite although shocked was pleased with Azazel's good manners and decided to bless him even though he said he didn't want anything. She was about to when she noticed he still hasn't lifted his head, almost as if he was afraid of looking at her.

∆ah, you can raise your head now, you don't have to be so formal, let me see your face.∆

Azazel immediately turned rigid at her request and refused to raise his head afraid of her hating him when she sees his disfigured face.

"I am sorry but i cannot fulfill your request." Azazel still as polite as ever rejected in the most respectful way he could.

∆could i get yo know why?∆

"Because i am ugly and do not wish to taint your eyes with my ugliest"

She smiled and floated towards Azazel, gently taking his face in her hands. Azazel still kept his eyes on the ground scared to see the disgust on her face.

∆ah you silly child how can i judge you just because of the circumstance of your face. Never put yourself down and always remember everyone is beautiful in their own special way. And as long as you have a good character your beautiful even if you are disfigured, got that? And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ∆

Tears prickled at the edge of Azazel's eyes before he started bawling out his eyes. Noone has ever yold him something like that not even in his past life.

The goddess said nothing as he let out all his pent up grief, it was good as he needed to let out all his sorrows for him to be truly free.

When Azazel finished crying he became flustered as he just embarrassed himself in front of a goddess of all people.

Aphrodite only smiled as Azazel apologized profusely about touching her.

∆it is okay child, and here, i hope you this can help you on your way∆

Aphrodite said before gently kissing him on the forehead, Azazel fainted after she finished. He was now floated in front of aphrodite in a lying position, both his and her eyes glowing white.

Soon Azazel started changing starting from his head, down to his toes.

His hair changing from black to its natural color whitish blue, a very pale color of blue, just like his grandmother,his eyes big and doe like with one of his eyes a light forest green with specks of blue and gold, the other the same blue as the color of the sky with specks of green and gold. His hair growing longer and turning coily,reaching his waist, some were framing his chubby pale cheeks which has a permanent blush on them. Small barely noticeable freckles running across his cheeks and nose.

His body now has a hourglass figure but a big bigger at his hips and butt, his skin a pale creamy color with a natural flush , his hands small and soft, his legs long with fat on his thighs, he added a little height now 5'4 compared to his height before which was 5'1. A small golden tiara was placed gently on his head, his scent now turning to cocoa with a hint of caramel( sorry i don't really know scents that much.)

His lips become full and heart shaped with a pink tint to its natural red color, All in all Azazel looked cute and seductive enough to rile up and alpha.

Once felt satisfied enough she woke him up and left but not without a warning.

∆do not look at your appearance until the day of your exile, i shall send you a little gift on that day and here, use this products in this basket to take a bath, bye bye for now and oh one more thing, be the best queen this country has ever seen and don't let anyone put you down, do what you look. Toodooloo see you later∆

And with that Azazel was transported back into the garden.


So i finally updated how did you like this chapter? And dont forget.

Azazel: comment

ML 1: vote

ML 2: share

Other ML's: and please have patience with our author she's very lazy she wont post till you tell her too

Me: hey!!╥﹏╥

Me: bye for now and see you in the next chapter