Chereads / Running From The Alpha King / Chapter 31 - Kisses

Chapter 31 - Kisses

Bella's Pov

"Fuck! Give us a minute guys"I tell my friends as Hunter closes up to me.

"You sure? Because he looks pissed" Jonathan whisphers in my ears.

"Yeah I'm sure, I can handle this.Thanks guys"I say.

Samantha gives me a kiss on the cheek, Jonathan and Lucas give a kiss on forehead before they left me to the beast.

"Alpha king" I say giving him the respect

"Did you see the show?"I ask trying to push his buttons more.,Why am I doing this? Why didn't I just shut my damn mouth?

He narrows his eyes at me.,"Now I can see why we say we don't need your help",Seriously? Are you trying to get choked? Do you want him to attempt to kill you,because,that's where your leading yourself to

"I asks my team to come here to train your pup's not for you to send them to coma"

"Okay drama queen.I barely touched her"I lied.

His jaw clenches and if I didn't think that was sexy as hell.He doesn't say anything but glare into my soul.

I in return give him a sweet smile.I know ifl was a dude,I could definitely have a sudden black eye or be 6foot under.

"Look I don't know what happened ok."I lie again and also tell the truth.

"Maybe she hurt my ego or pissed me off in my pass life"I joke.

"There is something about you that's not right, have we met before ."he says.

Which subtract my smile.I almost choke on my saliva.,"I have no clue what you mean Alpha king but it has been lovely talking to you",I attempt walking away from him but I sensethat he was about to grab my arm.

I quickly dodge him, I look at him and he gives me a strange he's trying to figure me out .

Don't hurt your head pretty boy.,"Right! Germ freak"he tuts,I nod.,"Except you let people hug you and kiss you, you also get into fights.All of this require people touching you or you touching,them. lots of germs",I swallow a gulp.

I mean what am I suppose to respond to that, he walks closer to me.

He leans down so he's in my face,his eyes never leaving mine.I gulp and he notices this which I could let from his growing smirk.,"Maybe you just have a problem touching me"

For a second,I stop breathing.Just for a second as I progress what he just said in my brain.I took a step back and glare up at him.Damn he's tall and still super hot.

Why does he have to be so hot for?,"When you see red trust me the last thing,you would care is about germs"I split out.

He smirk turns into a smile,"and allowing Lucas, Jonathan and samantha to hug you"

Shut up shut up shut up.,-no seriously.Please do-

"Well as I said before.Lovely seeing you" He took a step back and allows me to walk staring at me atually my backside, that perv!,good thing you done your squats.

I really need to stay away from him.

I decided to take the twins to meet with Paige.

Anyways that's why we are here in our favourite diner place and why she has been staring at me for the past 10minutes not saying anything, maybe I should have just ease her into it.

I think I shove it in way to hard and fast,got the woman feeling dizzy.

"seriously stop saying that"-my wolf snickers

"Mama why she staring at you like that?"Paloma asks

"Why her one eye blinking so fast?"my son says Paige's right eye was twitching, I'm having a hard time keeping it together.

"Paige say something,anything please",Paige doesn't say anything for another minute,before she shakes her head and clears herthroat.

"I'm fine"she repeats this for one minute.,"Jee we got it,you're fineeee"my son snaps,

"Herold!","But mama I think this lady is" he tries to defend himself

"This lady is your Aunty",This makes him sit straighter and frowns.,"But I already got an Aunty"he replies.

"You are allowed to have more than one","So I got two"he pulls out his index and thumb to show me how much aunties he got.

"Yeah baby,Aunty paige is my best friend,"But I thought Aunty Samantha was your best friend"

"She is too, Aunty Paige and I knew each other from way back ","That's a loooonnng time"he replies.

"But mummy if she was your friend ,how comes we didn't see her untilnow?"my daughter asks

"Because mummy had to move away"I answer.

"Why?"she asks, shit what do I say to that? Paige my best friend,my sister,my soulmate and an angel saved me by saying"how about we get milk shake",To which my children reply with a cheer.

I send her a grateful smile and she blows me a kiss before standing up. Paige knows the way to get into a child's heart is by buying them sugary drinks.I couldn't tellbher much about what happened becausethe twins were with us but I told her some, broken details but Paige was smart enough to put it all together

When she asked who the father of my babies were .I just answered with Alpha.She choked.This lead to the twins chuckling and me slapping her back.

I made sure we spent the day together, after milk shake we went to the park.Then we had dinner at a lovely kid friendly restaurant.

It was great,minus the tantrums the twins pulled.This told me that they were tired since the missed their nap time.I called it a day promising Paige that illd call her.

We didn't really speak about hunter.

She loves the twins and I'm glad because they love her too.It might have been because,she brought them lots and lots of toys.

She's buying their love and she doesn't care.At the end of the night,the twins kissed her on the cheeks and muttered "bye Aunty Paige".

She might have had tears in her eyes but she quickly told me that something went in hereyes.