Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 199 - Episode 100

Chapter 199 - Episode 100


Episode 100

© Ayo Omolayo

Today is a very special day which has led to so many preparations. It is my husband's birthday and we were all getting ready to give him the blast of his life. We began to decorate the house as early as we could before he wakes up. I already planned with the kids how we would wake up early and give him a surprise in the bedroom.

The preparation was still going on when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Tina said and ran off. 

"Mummy a lady said she's here to see you. She said she is the CEO of Kolapo production company." She announced.

It's been a while since I heard from Aunty Rhema. That lady had a mind of her own and I didn't want to start something I can't finish. I gave her my contact and told her to stay in touch, but it's obvious she had so many things on my mind. And one of the rules of mentorship was never to start a mentorship without the mentee's consent.

When a person has not given his or her consent for spiritual up bringing, it is wrong to make assumptions. I was glad she was never interested in having my taking responsibility for her spiritual upkeep. I knew she was stubbornness personified and was secretly happy she wanted to grow on her own. 

Hearing she showed up at my doorstep, sent a lot of unsaid messages to my spirit. I heard God when he told me he was giving me the responsibility of watching over her. By the humble grace of God, I have been doing that in the place of prayer. It seems like you wanted more. It seems like he wants me to deal with this stubborn, proud and annoying personality.

I followed my daughter to the door and met her standing there.

"Good morning ma!" she said and bent her knees slightly.

"Good morning and how are you?"

"I'm fine, but I'm not fine! I was unable to sleep throughout the night that's why I'm here. 

I'm sorry! I'm supposed to come inside the house before I start! I'm sorry about my bossy attitude!"

I looked at her for a second with no clue of what she was saying. It was natural for somebody to go straight to the point in a conversation. 

"Come in!" I said and in a few seconds, we are both sitting in the living room.

"I won't lie to you I never gave Jesus my life. Yes, I said the sinner's prayer and everything, but I was still in charge. One thing I have always feared in life is having a boss over me."

"Do you plan on getting married?"

She looked at me for a second trying to get the clue to my question.

"I asked because it's obvious you can't be married if you are always scared of having a boss. Like it or not, your husband will be a leader in that home and you must be ready to give him the respect he deserves."

"Ma! I have been trying my best. Love has been our guide in my relationship. I kept my promise to God. My boyfriend and I agreed on no more sleeping with each other, till we get married.

But that's the only thing I was able to do for God. Every other thing about my life remained how it had always been. I was scared to let my friends know I am a Christian. It was difficult for me to introduce myself to them as a child of God. When they discovered was withdrawn and cutting down the time I spent with them, they thought something was wrong.

In order to give them the impression I was still the girl they knew, I started compromising my stand. I started visiting places I'm not supposed to visit as a child of God. Soon, I started drinking and clubbing. 

What you said was true. My younger sister has taken walk with Jesus to the next level. She has seriously grown in Christ and on fire for God. I have been wasting my time in sin and iniquity.

What really brought me here was the dream I had."

She began to narrate her dream to me and I was shocked by what she said. God revealed her mission to her in that dream and it was obvious she was wasting away in sin. After listening to all she had to say, I interpreted the meaning of the dream to her. I told her what it entails and what would go wrong if that dream was not attended to.

"The word of God said that the earnest expectation of creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. There is a generation that is awaiting your manifestation full-stop failure to manifest will be destruction on their part. If you choose to play with your destiny and relationship with God, you are killing a generation.

The more you delay and jeopardize the instructions God give to you, the more a generation is suffering from it.

Do you know about Joseph in the Bible?"

"Yes I do!"

"Do you remember everything that happened to him?"

"Yes. I remember how he was oppressed by his elder brothers. They hated him for no reason. Just because he was the favourite son of their father, they wanted to kill him. They almost did, but somehow, they ended up changing their mind and selling him as a slave. 

The favourite son of the Father became a slave in a strange land. As if that was not enough the wife of the man lied against him when you refuse to sleep with her. And the innocent Joseph was imprisoned for a crime he did not commit.

But God helped him and give him the ability to interpret dreams. This anointing led to his miraculous release, when Pharaoh was in need of an interpreter."

"Good! What would have happened if Joseph slept with that woman?"

"I don't know, but I believe the prison was a connection to the palace. He was able to meet with his divine helper in the prison. So it's obvious God needed him to be in the prison. And it's obvious he needed to say no to his Master's wife to get himself into trouble."

"You're such an intelligent student. Now a lot of people would say, I want to save my life and I will sleep with the lady. It narrows down to that statement in the Bible, he that will save his life will lose it.

If Joseph had decided to save himself from trouble and disobeyed God or slept with that woman. He would have ended up failing his generation. No wonder the devil is ready to keep some people in masturbation in order to stop them from meeting their generation.

Satan is ready to keep some people on the bed of laziness. He's ready to keep some people on the bed of slumber and sleep, so as to prevent them from reaching their destiny. Some people's destiny will never meet them on the altar of slumber. Your destiny can never arrive at your level of spiritual sluggishness.

As long as you cannot rise up from that altar of laziness and build intimacy with the holy ghost in the realm of the spirit, forget about your destiny. 

This is the reason why Satan is contending seriously. He's fighting tooth and nail to ensure nobody can rise in a place of prayer. He's fighting with the last of his strength to ensure believers are lazy in spiritual matters.

So I want to ask you are you ready to face your destiny and pursue it till it manifest?"

She went down on her knees and began to cry.

"I don't want to fail my generation. I don't want to be the Joseph that will cause thousands of people to die of starvation. As long as the bread is in my hands, I will feed my generation.

I also want you to mentor me. I want you to guide me as I push you my destiny. I want you to help me in this quest to my manifestation. Please, don't say no. I know I can be stubborn at times but I am ready to change. Please help me!"

That was how my journey with aunty Rhema began. And I believe you know the whole story.

I gave her instructions and told her to keep in touch. I prayed for her and made some declarations on her before sending her away. 

"What are these decorations for?" My Romeo asked.

"You're not supposed to wake up until we were done with the decorations!" I replied.

"Yes so go back to bed!" Tina 

"How do you expect me to go back to bed after seeing these pretty decorations? It's no longer a surprise. By the way I'll act surprised when you present the cake" He said grinning.

"You have spoilt our surprise and you must pay for that!" I said 

"It's not my fault that you had a visitor who helped me to find out the surprise you were arranging. By the way, I tasted a little bit of the cake you were decorating in the kitchen. It was delicious! I felt like devouring it, but I decided to slow down and be patient. After all the patient dog will end up eating the fattest bone!"

"My goodness! You're such a foodie. I can't believe you touched that cake. You never waited for the birthday song. You have already started eating the cake."

"But it's my cake!" He replied grinning. 

"And so! You are going to pay for it!"

"Mummy! Stop making a big deal out of it. It's that is cake and we both ate from it in the kitchen. I caught daddy while he was eating and he bribed me by handing me over a piece of it. I'm surprised he didn't add my name to the list when he was reporting."

"My goodness! So now it's you and your son, versus me and my daughter?"

"Haaaaaaaa! No oooo! For it is written a house divided against itself cannot stand. Please don't share us into groups! 

"We must ooooo! You started it and you are going to end it."

"My sweet Juliana! My one and only J.T. Juliet Thompson."

I burst into laughter. 

"Everyday, you always have a new nickname for me. Which one is J.T.?"

"Mummy, it means Joseph and Tina," my son answered.

"Will you keep quiet? Who told you the acronym belongs to you?" I threatened playfully.

"Mummy! It does ooooo!"

"Well, Roberto, it's obvious your children have stolen the nickname you gave me. You have to look for another."

"Am I raising thieves in this house? Who gave them the audacity to steal my Juliana's name?"

We all burst into laughter. 

"Alright, let's sing for daddy!" I said as I brought the incomplete cake to to the dinning room."

"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you!

How old are you now?"

"Wait! wait! wait!" Joseph interupted.

"What is it?" I asked.

"How old are you dad?"

We all burst into laughter. 

"You this boy! You're not serious!" I said admist laughter.

"I'm plus one today!"

"That's not your age! We want to know how old you are!"

"You'll pay money to know that one!" He answered grinning.

"Alright! Can we hear the vote of thanks?" I asked.

"I want to say a big thanks to everyone!"

My phone started ringing interrupting, the vote of thanks. I had to pick the call when I found out it was Susan's husband calling.

"Susan's bobo! How are you? Are you calling to wish my Roberto happy birthday?"

"Susan was involved in a motor accident. She was badly injured and rushed to the hospital unconscious." he broke the news.

"Jesus! Is she alive?"

The call ended.


I want to say a big thanks to your love and support. The journey has not been easy. This story started last year and it took me the whole year to complete it. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. Thank you so much for your comments. 

We are seriously working to put this book in hard copy. Feel free to support as we are being constrained financially.

Account Number: 2096060441

Account Name: Omolayo Ayo

Bank: UBA

If you have been blessed by this story, please say word of prayer for me in the comment section. Ghost readers, please sacrifice today for bro Ayo.

Thank you so much! I love you all!
