Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 189 - Episode 90

Chapter 189 - Episode 90


Episode 90

© Ayo Omolayo

"Daddy I believe everything will go as God planned it. Many marriages that were ordained by God faced family battles. The devil used the families of the intending couples to cause delay and fight against the marriage. But in our case, God granted us something entirely different. We have a family that loves the Lord and ready to submit to his will.

So if there will be any form of delay, it will be a manipulation from the pit of Hell. As far as we are concerned, we are in love and this love is so deep. We have made so many principles to keep us pure in this relationship, because we understand our weaknesses.

So we are having a 1-month courtship. Romeo and I have known each other all our lives. There is no need to start a long courtship when we are seriously in love. I decided and we both decided it is better we hurry up than delay and allow the devil to take advantage."

"I understand, it's just that I felt it's too fast. I believe God will keep both of you and causes purposes to come to pass for the two of you. You have overcome one big battle I failed to overcome. The enemy kept repeating it in our lineage, but at last you overcame."

I took a glance at my Romeo sitting beside me and smiled at him. He return the smile and squeezed my hands.

"Daddy do you have any advice for the two of us? I'm not here to condemn that you didn't have a successful marriage but at least you have something to tell us as intending couples. In one week will soon be married. We need all the counsel we can get from those who have been there before us." I asked as I locked hands with my Romeo.

"Well, I wouldn't say there is nothing for me to advise the two of you. But both of you would agree with me in all sincerity that I didn't have the best of marriage. The one thing I would advise the two of you is learnt to look out for each other.

When I was about getting married my spiritual father gave us this principle that helped me to handle your mum's attitude. He said as married couples both of you must learn never to be angry at the same time.

This means once you notice your wife is angry, don't be angry at the same time. Both of you cannot be angry at the same time. Once your partner is angry, deny your anger for the sake of the other person. This is exactly what it looks like to look out for each other. The anger of a wife is fire. The anger of the man is petrol. When both of you are angry at the same time, it's petrol and fire meeting each other. I believe you know what will happen when those two friends are allowed to give themselves a hug. 

This is exactly what has bring many families and marriages down. It's natural for you to be angry, but when you notice your partner is angry, deliberately deny yourself from getting angry.

Once the husband is angry, it is the duty of the wife to calm her husband down. Your husband cannot be flaring up and at the same time you also want to flare up. And your wife cannot flare up and at the same time you want to flare up. The partner must be vigilant to ensure anger does not take over the home.

The reason why the scripture says, two are better than one. For when one partner falls the other will lift him up. When one person falls victim for the demon of anger, it is the duty of his partner to rescue him out of his angry state. Ensure for the safety of your home, both of you do not fall for anger at the same time.

Anger is a homewrecker. It has wrecked so many homes and is still in the business of wrecking it till date. Whether you are the most born again believer on earth, in marriage you will definitely get angry. Marriage is the place where your true Christianity is tested. Any married man who wants to claim he has the fruit of the spirit, should ask his wife. 

If his wife can say, indeed, my husband is a godly man, then that man is a godly man. So you need to have that at the back of your mind. It's a team effort. if one person is down the other person must lift up the partner. You must be strong for each other. It's a sacrifice you must be willing to pay. You are not just the wife of Mr Robert. You are his help mate. Your duty is to help him in his walk with God, in fulfilling his purpose and in living a righteous life.

That's the reason why God created copulation in marriage. Somehow the man may be under pressure due to his nature. It is he duty of the wife to sacrifice our body even when she's not convenient for her. This is what has made the devil to penetrate into many homes. When the wife is becoming selfish with so many excuses as to why she's not meeting with her duty. The devil takes advantage of that negligence to create a hole in the marriage.

And you see such wives at the end of the day complaining. Yes, a home is built by a wise woman and it is also destroyed by a foolish woman. If any home will be the best on earth it's solely the duty of the wife, primarily. So you must be ready to learn all it takes to make the marriage success. 

I believe you were here with me when your mum was around. You saw how all my efforts to make the marriage work, proved futile. Because it is solely the primary duty of the wife to make the home successful. 

I need both of you to understand each other. Learn each other's weaknesses and strength. Focus on helping each other to be a better version of themselves. Remember, nagging and complaining must not be introduced. As long as you watch out for each other, the Lord will continue to preserve both of you."

"Amen!" We both chorused.

"I'll be leaving right now I have a meeting at my office. See you guys soon!" He said as he stood up and walked out to the door.

I felt bells ringing in my head as it was obvious we were the only ones in the house with our hands locked together. My heart tried to tell me I was to spiritually sound to start romancing my man. But I knew the devil was seriously at it.

I was one of the most luckiest of God's children to have parents who would not fight against the marriage. What else would I be doing making God angry in this relationship.

I tried to get up immediately, but Romeo held me back. 

"I want to tell you something!" He said.

"Young man! We are breaking one of the rules in this relationship. We're not supposed to be alone right now. Let's go outside and you get to say all the things you want to say."

"Madam! Your mind is imagining things. Can't you control yourself for once? Why must you always be scared we would betray God?"

"Okay I understand. Just tell me what you want to say."

"About my mother. I think we need her blessing as well."

I sighed. 

"But you barely know this woman!"

"I know! But it's time to bring the family back together."

"She's married to another man. She's got kids for another person. What do you want her to do for you? She's nothing but a liability. We have the opportunity to move on and get settled. She'll slow us down. Don't bring her into the picture. She has never been in the picture all this while. She doesn't deserve to be part of it now."

"Do your deserve to be part of God's picture? When have you ever deserved anything before God allows you to have it?"

Those were the exact words he needed to silence me. I was happy we're moving with so much speed. I never expected him to bring this delay into the equation.

My family and that of Romeo were almost alike. His dad and his mum were divorced and his mum had moved on with her life. His dad was left alone with the two boys. For those of you who remember the story very well. Romeo had a step brother whom we took a lot of time to guess the exact age. 

We called him his younger brother and he said no. We called him is older brother and he said no. He revealed to us, they were both the same age and not twins when we insisted they were twin brothers. 

His dad had met a random couple who had an accident and before the passed out, they handed their injured child to him. The father appeared in the house with a strange child and forced his mum to accept him as his son. That was how things went sour in the relationship. Robert's mum was not ready to accept this new responsibility. And instead of being the best mum in the world, she became the wicked stepmother.

When there was an episode of her maltreating the boy, Robert's father was ready to end the marriage. That was how they went their separate ways and Robert's dad was able to raise this young man into an engineer.

I can't believe he wants this woman back into his life. But as the wife what can I do? The Bible have already stated that the wife should submit herself to her husband. I can only say yes and be pleading with God to help me change his heart.

Left to myself I would never have wanted this woman back. She's an evil person and we don't know what intention she will bring with herself to this marriage. She might even hate me and have so many things to say about the marriage. She might end up scattering everything.

"Robert, I would not really advise you to start a journey you might not be able to finish. God has already given us all the resources and all the approvals we need. You don't need to start looking for externalities. Let's move on with what we have and trust God to give us all the blessings you need."

"Juliet have you noticed there is no mother figure in this family? I know Mummy is there to bless you but you cannot have a biological mother and bypass her. Since she's the only biological figure we have, we need her blessing. There's a blessing that can only come from her that Mummy will never be able to give you. I don't know what exactly it is but we need all the blessing we can get. 

Also, my conscience is not permitting me to get married without receiving a blessing." 

"Since you have made up your mind to do this, I'll give you all the support I can."

"Thank you so much!" He said that his face lit up with a smile and before we knew he hugged me. 

I wanted to resist but I decided to relax and savour the moment.

My phone started ringing and we had to loosen out of our grip. I took my phone from the table and check the caller's ID. It was mummy calling.

"Hello ma!"

"Hi! Have you forgotten about the ministration I told you?"

"No I haven't!"

"You know we'll be leaving in 30 minutes time. I told you you are going along with me, didn't I?"

"Yes ma'am I remember!"

"So what are you doing?"

"I was at home when Romeo came visiting."

"So because he came you forgot about your commitment to the work of God?"

"No ma!"

"And hope your dad is there with the two of you?"

"Actually he was but he left for a meeting at his office."

"Meaning both of you are alone right now?"

"Yes ma!"

"And you are already hugging each other?"

"Ma! It wasn't intentional!"

"Before I count to three, will you get out of that house?"

"Yes ma!"

"This is the first time both of you are in the house together and you're already hugging each other. What nonsense!"

"I'm sorry ma! We're sorry ma!"

"Get out of the house before you start apologizing to me. The two of you should do that right now."

To be Continued....

This is one of the biggest instruction for married couples. One of the biggest instruction that will safeguard a relationship. 

One of the things that destroyed many relationships is the issue of anger. The husband and the wife cannot be angry at the same time, else they burn down their home.

It's a team effort to making marriage work. Both parties must be willing to see this succeed. The devil is still in the business of destroying godly homes. He is not planning on repenting anytime soon.

It is normal for you to be angry but you must learn to avoid sin. And just as the fatherly advice was given, learn to let go of your hurts when your partner is angry.

He can't be venting out his frustrations and you doing the same thing at the same time. This has led to many couples saying hurtful things to their partners that even after reconciliation it was difficult to repair the damage.

I believe this is a message for someone.