Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 187 - Episode 88

Chapter 187 - Episode 88


Episode 88

© Ayo Omolayo

Finally, Robert stood up to announce he was leaving.

"Wow! Thank you so much for coming dear. You really made this occasion colourful. I love the way you dressed up with a matching attire like that of Juliet. God bless you!" Mummy said.


I sat down all smiles, hiding my face from him. He walked towards the door, opened it and was about stepping out.

"See this woman oooo! Aren't you supposed to walk your man down to his car?"

"Oh!" I exclaimed pretending to be ignorant. 

"You mean you don't want to escort your husband?" Susan asked. 

"I want to oooo!" I said smiling as I stood up and rushed to join him at the door. I raised my flowing gown a bit to ease my steps as I hurried. 

He waited for me outside, pretending to be going through something on his phone. 

"I apologize for coming late. I wasn't sure if I was going to come when I heard what you guys were planning. It was daddy that insisted I come and make it a birthday to remember."

I was smiling already.

"This was indeed a birthday to remember. I am so glad! I never knew you were this romantic!" I said as we walked to the garage. 

"Haaaaaaaa! Woman of God! Can you hear yourself? You're talking about romance here ooooo! I will report you to your mentor!"

"It's wrong for you to report me to my mentor, so I'm safe!" I replied grinning.

He smiled and took my hand in his. I felt like resisting him. The Romeo I knew, would apologize if his arm mistakenly brushes mine. Now he was holding my wrist like I was his possession. 

Immediately, I knew the devil was at it again. He was trying to fill my heart with pride. Everywhere, people respected me as a woman of God, but it was in marriage, my true character will be tested. Mummy always taught us that your spouse will be the one to truly confirm to the world if you're a true child of God. 

You may put on the best of character in public, but you cannot continue your pretense in secret. If there's any character flaws in you marriage will expose everything. But one of the ways in which you overcome this character flaws is submitting to the dictates and instructions of the spirit.

Learn to resist the devil often. Unconsciously, you begin to build a new you as the Spirit of God continues to direct your path. So whenever your old self is trying to take the wheel, push him off and allow the Holy Ghost to sit there.

Instantly, the idea of what to do came. I locked hands with him and squeezed it gently. His reacted to the act. He was shocked to find me relaxed with him. 

"Romeo! I feel like I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other day. I was not supposed to cry in front of you and make you feel bad."

"It's alright! You don't need to apologize. I was the one at fault and I'm ready to accept the blame. How would I propose to this great woman of God without a ring? It's unfair?"

"I deserve it oooo! It's fair!" I answered grinning.

"You're not serious!" He replied smiling. 

"Honestly, I love the surprise you gave me today. But please, try and make me have a hint on what's coming, so I won't be completely swept off my feet by emotions."

"I love surprise a lot and in this relationship you'll be getting more of it."

"Wow! God seriously gave me the best!" I said inwardly.

"Thank you so much!" You really made my day. This was the best birthday ever!"

"You're welcome!" He said smiling and looking into my eyes. I beamed with smiles and tried to avoid looking back into his. For a few minutes, he held his gaze and didn't look elsewhere.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? Don't forget you're looking at your mentor? You're supposed to be here for mentorship classes," I teased when I couldn't bear the butterflies his gaze was causing to fly in my stomach.

Is this what falling in love was like?

"It's those smiles of yours! I love it when you smile! Your smile is beautiful and out of this world!" He said in a gentle voice that caused my insides to melt. 

He took my two hands in his and stepped closer. My legs could no longer carry me as my insides sent different powerful currents that made my heart beat faster than normal.

"Most of the times when I think about you. I always imagine you putting on these smiles. Your beauty is incomplete without them. I would seriously love to spend the rest of my life watching you smile at me."

My goodness! This guy was willing to finish me today. Father I shall not fall! 

"Romeo! My heart is not strong! Thank God we are not in a secluded place! Chai! Jesus!"

"What are you thinking woman of God? Where is your mind travelling to? Ewoooo! Abeg oooo!" He said and released my hands while I laughed so hard.

"You are the one to be blamed. You are responsible oooo! You're corrupting an innocent sister. You are looking for trouble and you don't want to take responsibility for it. You are here busy setting me on fire and you are claiming you're innocent."

"You know I'm a troublemaker. If the flames I am setting you on burn your skin, I will see a more beautiful Juliet than the one I am seeing. The glory of the sun cannot make your skin black, neither can the ray of sunlight turn you into a dark person. Because you are gold! You can never be burnt into ashes by flames. Flames only make you sparkle!"

"Haaaaaaaa! My goodness! When did you become a poet?"

"Today! You're a priceless treasure! If the flames of my love were to born your whole being, you would become a sparkling treasure. Shining gold, that no man would be able to take their eyes from."

"Please stop! Stop abeg!" I shouted pushing him away. I was feeling currents of emotions flowing. I screamed stop, but I wanted him to continue. What kind of contradiction is this?

"Let me leave you for now. When can I come and pay you a visit?"

"Don't come near my house! Don't even try it! You this temptation. You want to kill me before my time but God will not allow you." I said and he bursts into laughter.

"I mean what I'm saying and I'm not joking. If you can finish me like this in a public place, you'll kill me in secret."

"I can't believe you call yourself a woman of God! You're supposed to be spiritually strong!"

" I am a woman of God with flesh and blood. Stop it jor!"

"Come on! Be in the spirit!"

"Young man, one of the rules of sexual purity is never trust yourself. You would never believe what you are capable of doing. The Juliet I know has disappointed me several times, so I'm not going to risk trusting her. If she can do things that I was shocked to see her doing, then I believe she would do the abominable."

"I always thought you were firefighter woman of God! See the way you're so weak! You're not ashamed of yourself!"

"Brother, leave me alone. It's not your weakness. Allow me to enjoy my weakness."

" Why are you thinking like this?"

"That is my principle. If you are going to see me, we would need to hang out. As for visiting me in my house, don't try it. I won't let you come in if I find out you are the one knocking. I hope you you are not angry with this decision? You're now my spiritual head and whatever I want to do, I must receive your permission!"

"Haaaaaaaa! Please, I can't be angry at you for making sure a wise decision. After all, you are the mentor and I am the mentee. Whatever decision you make is fine by me."

"No, that would not exist between us any longer. I have made a decision to become your wife and that also means to be under your spiritual leadership. To love and support you in fulfilling your purpose and also watch you become what God wants you to become. 

And I've decided to allow you help me to become all of what God wants me to be. To push me into surrendering when God wants me to. To encourage me to yield to the Holy Ghost when my emotions want to take advantage of me. 

So it's not just going to be me being in the seat of power. You are now the one in charge and you are going to lead us as the Holy Ghost directs."

"But I have to admit I still have a lot to learn. Please feel free to always teach me whenever you see me going the wrong way. I am always ready to hear whatever you have to say. I believe I will become a better leader with you not just as my guide, but defender.

God has a big plan for us. He knows we would make a perfect team for him. He knows our strengths and weaknesses and decided to bring us together. I strongly believe God would do a lot through us."

I could already feel the presence of God in our midst. I didn't know what exactly to say, so all I did was smile.

"What you said is absolutely correct. One of the rules in sexual purity is, never trust yourself. We must avoid being in secluded places all in the name of nothing will happen. We must be conscious in our meetings and hang outs. To ensure we do not spoil the testimony God is creating through our lives.

There is no strong man when it comes to immorality. That's what I learned from the Holy Spirit. There's no strong man that can withstand the spirit of immorality. Only a coward can defeat immorality.

Strongmen stay there and wait to resist the temptation to fornicate. But the weak man runs out of the scene and preserves the glory of God upon his head. 

It is absolutely normal for you to say you are weak. Honestly, I respect that. We are going to maintain that rule in this relationship. No meetings in my house or in yours. If at all you have to visit me, you must not come alone. And if at all you come alone, you won't be allowed to step in. 

Whatever we would discuss together would be outside the house. If any of us breaks this rule, it is the responsibility of the other person to ensure the rule is kept. 

There are so many sons and daughters of God who entered into relationship and began to defile themselves. We are not going to be part of those who breaks God's heart in the name of dating."

"I have a question."

"My mentor wants to ask a question! Go ahead!" He replied which made me smile and playfully hit him on his shoulder.

"You are the leader here, so you are the one to decide most of the rules in this relationship. Will there be hugs in this relationship? Like when we see each other, can we give ourselves a hug?"

"It is normal to hug people. But to me, hugging you is abnormal. I already have feelings for you, so whenever I'm hugging you, it's going to be more than a hug. It is more easier to hug somebody I have no feelings for, than to hug somebody I'm in love with.

So I would really love it if we don't practice it. Because I have discovered something myself. What makes it sometimes difficult to resist whenever the opportunity to commit sin takes place, is because of the little exposures the couple have been going through in the relationship.

It never starts with pecking, deep kissing, romance and foreplay? It usually starts from an Innocent hug. The more you have it the more you're hungry for more. It's from those hugs that people would want to be pecked, want to smoosh, want to caress and everything. 

To be on the safer side, it's not a must to express our feelings by hugging. After we get married, we can hug all the hugs we want to hug. But for now, let's keep our garments pure."

"Wow! This relationship is going to be funny. But I'm going to stick to the rules my husband has given. I know Satan will fight this relationship, but he has failed."

"Juliet, please don't get me wrong. It's not that there is anything wrong with hugging. Is just that I don't trust myself enough to handle hugging you and not want more from you. I know by the time I start putting your chest on my chest, I will be hungry for more. I would start longing to caress your body and explore it. This is how most Christians miss it in maintaining purity.

I don't want to start something I won't be able to finish. Please, if you feel you can help me whenever I'm lost, I can permit that."

"Not at all! I understand your weakness and I'm ready to help you with it. If it means sacrificing the pleasure of hugging you, I am ready to do that. 

I've noticed something that made many ladies fall into immorality. When you love a guy and that guy's touching you, it's hard to tell him to stop. You would not want to hurt his feelings by stopping him from enjoying your body. Many ladies fell into the act, just because they wanted their man to be happy.

I can't blame ladies for giving men their bodies. Is hard to say no when you love someone. It's hard to say stop, when you love a guy and you see him touching you.

Romeo, I also don't trust myself to stop you when you start touching me ungodly. If these boundaries you are setting will keep us pure, then I'm ready to oblige."

To be Continued.....

I believe God spoke to you in this episode. This episode is meant to caution a lot of believers in relationships. Maintain purity! 

I beg each and everyone of you. Stop trusting yourself! Nothing will happen, has made a lot of things to happen. I went to see my friend and I don't know how it happened. 

Please be on the safer side. One thing that keeps people sexually pure is setting boundaries. You don't resist sexual sin, you set boundaries and run from it. 

Please I am not here to say hugging is a sin. But if you notice whenever you engage in it, you both lose control, you need to stop it.