Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 181 - Episode 82

Chapter 181 - Episode 82


Episode 82

© Ayo Omolayo

"What kind of man is he? Is this the kind of man that God wants to give to me? I don't understand if this is the one God wants to give to me oooo? If he's the one, please God, you have a lot to do. How will a man be so frightened like this?"

"Young lady calm down. He's been a baby boy. He'll come around soon, just be a good girl and focus on seeking the kingdom of God and its righteousness," Mummy replied with a grin. 

"I have been calling him and he is not picking my calls. At least as his mentor he's supposed to pick my call."

"Juliet, be calm! You're annoying sometimes, do you know that?"

My eyebrows raised at that statement. I looked at her not hiding the shock her words created in my heart.

"Why the look?"

"I'm surprised you said I'm an annoying person. That was the same thing daddy told me yesterday."

"Oh! That's interesting!"

"Mummy! I'm trying to be calm! Can you please help me out? I know he's seeing my calls and is refusing to pick it. Can you call him with your own number? There's no way he'll see your call and not pick."

"Why are you under so much pressure to hear from him? What do you want him to tell you that he hasn't said?"

"The dream! He didn't complete it."

"But you already know everything in that dream. What else do you want to know?"

"Mummy please! Please! My heart will never be at peace if I can't get across to him."

"Juliet I want to ask you a question and I need you to give me your most sincere answer. What if God said don't call Romeo until he calls you, will you obey?"

"Haaaaaaaa! He should not ask for something like that. I don't think I will be able to do it."

Mummy turned to look at me with pain in her eyes. For a few seconds none of us said anything to each other. We just looked at each other. I knew she had so many things to say but because I was in a hurry to leave, she wouldn't be able to.

"Juliet, you mean you will disobey god when he says don't call Romeo? Please repeat yourself let me hear you!"

"Ma! I'm so sorry, it's just that it will be difficult for me to do so."

"No madam, that's not what you said earlier. You said he should not ask for that because you wouldn't do it. I don't know if that's what I heard or am I the one speaking wrongly?"

"Mummy I'm sorry! It's just that I'm not mentally stable right now."

"I get it! Once Romeo calls you you will be stable mentally, am I correct?"

"Mummy please!"

"What happened to the Holy Ghost? He is no longer your best friend to keep you mentally stable. So you need the call of Romeo to help you mentally? The Holy Ghost is now in the backseat and Romeo is now in the front seat. If you don't hear his voice you won't be mentally stable."

"I'm sorry ma! I allowed my emotions to get the better part of me."

"Yes and you need to seriously take those emotions to God in prayers. The way your emotion is going is demonic. You better let go and let God if you want God to give you this man. The way you are fighting and agitating, I don't know how to describe it. The way you are so passionate for this man, he will keep running away from you.

I'm already guessing this run is from God. I was confused as to why he would leave suddenly without telling us. But I'm beginning to understand that God has a hand in it. Just look at the way you are turned upside down, just because he left. A man that is yet to make his intentions known to you. Just because God told you he's your man, you want to faint because he left.

Juliet you are seriously getting me annoyed. If I was told that I would get this highest level of misbehaviour from a spiritually minded person like you, I won't believe it.

For this misbehaviour, I hereby punish you by not calling Romeo, until he calls you. If you dare disobey me and call him, you are to report yourself to me. I will seriously deal with you for that. And if you will call him and hide it from me and I got to find out on my own, you will be in serious trouble.

Meanwhile for the next seven days you are not going to sleep. Once it's 12 a.m. till dawn, you will take this emotional heart to God for deliverance. You are seriously under attack but it's so obvious you are not aware. I don't know who is rushing you to get married. Is it because Susan and Ella and now married and you're the only one left?

I don't know why you're putting yourself under pressure, but mark my words. The more you want to get married, the more God will delay it. No wonder the guy run away from you. Now I believe God has a hand in it. You better remove this obsessive love for Romeo in your heart and focus on your relationship with God. When God sees how secure his position as number one is in your heart. He will be able to boldly vouch that you won't leave him tomorrow, when he gives you the man of your dreams.

This is the reason behind the delay for many single ladies. God has seen the kind of heart you carry. He knows if he gives you this man you are asking for no more quiet time. It's you and the man forever. Your altar of prayer, your personal bible study and your fasting life will be buried in marital bliss. You will even forget your covenant with God and be enjoying the loving arms of your husband. While the giver of the gift will be left to suffer jealousy.

Have you forgotten God is a jealous God? Once he discovers that man is becoming an idol that man will become an enemy of God. He will begin to do things that will make you to remember him once again. This is part of the reason why love relationship turns sour. Sometimes, God allows it in order to make the wife remember him.

This was the same thing Susan did when she got married. I never expected that level of carelessness from her. You have not sat down with Susan to hear her own side of the story. For 2 good years, Susan did something that made me angry. All in the name of she's a married woman.

I discipline her and her husband together. I did not look at their faces. I dealt with them mercilessly. Just because you want to get married your head is turning upside down. 

Juliet, you know me very well. If you miss behave and don't follow these instructions I'm giving you, I will cancel all your ministrations for this year. If you force yourself to go out for ministrations, I will lock the heavens against you. I'm your spiritual mum and I have the authority to do that. I can shut down your anointing and all your gifts of the spirit. if you know what is good for you, go and bury yourself in the place of prayer.

Juliet, the devil wants to cut your head off. The biggest luck you have is me. Imagine if I were like you, with the thousands of children in my care? Satan will seriously have a wonderful time wrecking thousands of lives. Look at how emotions is killing you?

Go in peace! It is well with your soul!"

I stood transfixed, floods of waters from my eyes wetting my shirt. Why am I like this? Why must these things keep happening to me?"

I stood there motionless and didn't realise mummy had returned to the house. My car was right at the garage and my stuffs were in the trunk.

I got into my car and turned on the ignition. For those of you who don't know I own a car and I can drive. It's one of the gifts I received on my 25th birthday. And I believe you know who gave it to me. My dad of course. 

It would be a 2 hours drive down to my daddy's house. I'm sorry I never told you guys, I live with my dad. I go to work from his place. The new clinic where I worked is closer to where he lives. I decided instead of renting an apartment for myself, why not live with him? 

Since it will be a long ride, I decided to connect my phone to my Bluetooth car stereo and listen to something to cool my emotions.

I drove out of the compound and headed for the street. I was playing one of Mercy Chinwo's songs when Segun's call interrupted. I was yet to speak with him ever since the day I was punished. Mummy had instructed me to end the relationship with him. 

Right now I wasn't feeling like anything anything. This drama Romeo was throwing at me is a sign of childishness. If he was going to be my spiritual head, he needs to prove it. I need a spiritual head that is a head indeed. His attitude was so unlikely and disgraceful.

"Why don't I keep Segun around till Romeo was man enough to come for me?"

Immediately this thought dropped in my heart, an alarm rang in my spirit. This was a suggestion from the pit of hell. I was giving room to the devil in my life and why? All because I wanted to get married at all cost. What's all this obsession about? Why all this pressure? If anyone told me I would be this desperate at the junction of getting married, I wouldn't believe it. 

I answered the call and listen to the speakers in my car. 



"How is the love of my life doing?" He asked.

I didn't know what answer to give or how to start the heartbreaking news. What do I tell him? 

"Are you there?"


"You told me you were going to call back once you were done with the prayers, but you didn't. What happened?"

"I'm sorry! I was supposed to, but something came up!"

"What came up?"


"Juliet! You're stammering. You only stammer when you're anxious or scared. Please take a deep breath!"

This was a husband material. He's sensitive enough to know my personality. I don't know what made God to say we're not meant for each other. This is exactly the kind of man I want. Not that man child they call Romeo. 


"Haaaaaaaa! Daddy, it hasn't gotten to that na! I was only expressing myself."


"Daddy! I'm sorry!"


"Chai! Daddy! You can be harsh sometimes!"


"Haaaaaaaa! So you want to burn your baby girl? Your beautiful baby girl oooo!"


"But you were threatening me with fire! You know your baby girl is too fragile and soft."


"Okay!" I said grinning. At least the tension was down. Daddy was back to his playful sef. Juliet, you can be so annoying, even daddy is pissed up with your attitude.


"Daddy! Are you sure? Maybe you're just saying it to cheer me up!"


"Oh! I'm sorry sir!"


"Baby! Are you there?"

"Yes I am!"

"So, can you tell me what happened?"

"Segun! We can't do this anymore!" 

"Do what?"

"This relationship has to end. It's over between us."

"Oh! That's serious! But why?"

"I don't know how to explain it but, I can't marry you. I'm sorry for making you feel we were building a future together. But trust me, it has nothing to do with you. This is a decision I have made for myself and I would love you to respect it."

"Juliet you have killed me!" He lamented.

To be Continued.......

This is a serious battle Satan introduces at the junction of marriage. Obsession to settle down. Many ladies get to this point and become obsessed to the point where they no longer take care of their spiritual lives.

They pour all their energy and time into building their relationship and put God at a corner. Everything about their spiritual lives and relationship with God dies. That relationship becomes an idol to the point that they can round up their prayer session to pick up phone calls from their fiancee. They can open their bibles to read and see a missed call from their boyfriend, they won't be able to concentrate anymore. Bible study will have to end instantly. 

The more you're obsessed with getting married, the more it's not going to happen. And when you discover God is not doing anything about it, you begin to rebel. You will begin to disobey God's instructions and console yourself with whatever excuses. You start doing things like satisfying your man with the excuse that he requested for it and there won't be a wedding if I don't comply. 

Obsession and desperation have pushed many Christian ladies into the hands of the wrong man. Time is going! If this man leaves, who will marry me? All my friends are getting married, I'm the only one left. 

Learn to follow God's principle. Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added to you. 

By the way, Juliet will finish somebody's son oooo! I so much love the way mummy Abayomi is dealing with Juliet's attitude! She seriously needs strong hand.