Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 167 - Episode 68

Chapter 167 - Episode 68


Episode 68

© Ayo Omolayo

I enter Mr Jonathan's office as I was told he was longing to see me. I didn't know what was about to happen would take me unawares. Immediately I stepped into the office I saw two elderly women, kneeling down as soon as they saw me.

 I was shocked. Why will these women you down for me? I took a look around and the faces I saw made me to know why. They were the parents of the bodyguards. I guess you all remember those guys that we are acting as bodyguard for that rapist.

"Please ma, have mercy on my son and set him free. My son came back from school and suddenly he could not talk. We asked and asked a lot of questions before he was able to communicate with us by writing on a sheet of paper. He told us that you are a popular woman of God on Broadway Academy. He said he offended you and when you got angry, you used your anointing to lock his tongue.

Please have mercy and loose our boys. Please don't be offended by whatever they did."

"That's the same thing that happened to my son. Suddenly he was dump and couldn't speak. Please woman of God, Have mercy on my son heal him." the other woman pleaded.

"Mummy please be on your feet. You cannot kneel down for me, you are my mother. Please sit down!" I begged.

They both sat down and watched me with serious expectation on their faces.

"Mummy I want you to understand that all was not well with your son. I was not aware they had sold their souls for money. It's so sad, but that's the truth about their situation. Did any of them tell you what really happened?"

"Yes they did and it's so disappointing. I was shocked beyond words. I can't believe my son would have anything to do with such wicked act. And it's painful to find out that the boy using them fled from the school. He no longer attends Broadway Academy."

I was surprised to find out. It made a sudden sadness overwhelm me. The guy had completed his assignment and left successfully. It's painful to realize all this, but what can we do? In everything, we would give God thanks. Thank God he's gone and these two boys will be receiving Jesus into their lives. That was something that we would always be grateful for. 

"It's alright ma. The bible clearly states that your sins will find you out. It is something that is completely inescapable. So don't bother yourself about trying to pursue him and get revenge. God has already designed the world in such a way that it would repay him without you initiating it.

That was how I we continued talking and I began to preach Jesus to the boys. Just as expected, they were ready to do anything to get out of their condition. I led them to Christ and prayed for tham, but their mouths didn't unlock. I was instructed to tell them the Lord will visit them in the night. With that, I dismissed them. 

As soon as the left I was about to leave when suddenly, the door opened and Mr Broadway came in. Fear almost gripped me but I resisted and that had no choice than to excuse me.


"Thank you! How are you doing today?"

I saw a hint of shock in his expression as I was not reacting the way he expected me to. He shook his head and took his seat beside me. 

"So in your wildest dream, the only place you could turn to your missionary ground was my Broadway Academy."

"Of course, if Broadway Academy was a fertile ground for fetching the destinies of young people, there is definitely the best place for recovering the destinies of young people. Or if you have another missionary ground to add to this one, I would gladly accept," I said grinning.

"Young lady! I have been patient enough with you and it's obvious you have no intentions of taking my warnings. So I just came to make you understand but your life will be terminated in 3 days time. For the meantime, ensure you do not break any of the instructions your maker gave you. Not a single instruction must be broken.

You know what I told you we are always at alert. Watching and waiting for his latest carelessness from your end. Once we have it, your head goes off. This time around there will be second chances. My question to you is how certain are you that you won't make any mistake for the next 3 days. You know yourself very well Juliet, you are not miss perfection. You are nothing but that little brat that upsets the Almighty so many times.

If not for the fact that the almighty has chosen to forgive and pardon you, you would have been dead meat. Several times you are even told him with your own mouth that you don't deserve him. There are times you are overwhelmed by how pardoning you have been towards you.

Because you know clearly that you are trash. God just had to manage your misbehaviour. He choose to pardon because it look like there was nobody around. Although there were others around, he choose you.

You are nothing but trash, a waste of divine investment. All because God had no replacement he just had to manage what you brought. Since there was nobody offering sacrifice it is added to accept yours. They usually say, half bread is better than none. that proverb is a pure description of your personality.

So I am asking you, are you sure you can handle three days without breaking one instruction given by God? Since you know yourself very well and you know you can't why not save your life? And if I told you I'm not interested in saving your life, then save Ope, Romeo, Segun, Mr Jonathan, Mr Adebayo, Mrs Okoro, Maria, Kayla. Save them please! Because one by one, they're going down. 

You won't be able to survive what phones are launching out against you. They will be so much death. You have not seen this kind of calamity before. You would weep until your eyes fall out. And when you are done, you will pack your things and get out of here.

So is my message clear or are you so stupid that you cannot understand?"

All he said didn't frighten me, but what struck me the most was when he spoke about my relationship with God and my inability to obey God completely. This was a weak point I was not willing to have anyone have access to. God gave me so many instructions and I have been giving so many excuses as to why I cannot follow them.

And right now it's completely obvious the enemy has gained access to that and would use that to their advantage. This is what I hate so much. Does it has to be this way?

How do I survive this kind of attack?

I bowed my head and sighed deeply.

"Daddy, I cannot be intimidated no matter what. I refuse to accept the lies of the devil. Yes it is true that I have not been able to completely 100% follow of all the instructions. But this is one thing I know. He will give his Angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways and in their hands will they bear me up let's and dash my foot against a stone."

I looked up at the man sitting beside me and smiled.

"You're smiling?"

"Of course I am because he who sits in heaven laughs, so I laugh. And do you know why I laugh?"

"Because your brain is dull of hearing."

"Nope, it's because I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above principalities and powers."

"So despite all what I told you yet you are not taking my instructions?"

"Why should I take instruction for me in the first place? Who is he that saith a thing and it cometh to pass when the Lord has not commanded it?

Who are you to tell me what will happen to me when I have a God who knows the end from the beginning? What useless audacity is that?"

"I am giving you your last opportunity. If you don't..."

"Shut up! Listen to me Mr Broadway. I want you to do something for me."

"What's that?"

"Touch me!" I said and held out my palm. 

Immediately I stretched my palm towards him, he moved back.

"Why are you taken aback? It's a simple request just touch me!"

"Why will I want to touch you? You are nothing but trash!"

"I said touch me I mean no harm."

"I can't touch you!"

"Fine, if you don't want to touch me, then I will touch you!" I said and made to place my palm on his head. 

He moved swiftly and stood up from the seat.

"Oga, na small girl you dey fear like this?"

"Juliet stop being improper. You're not supposed to be touching me."


"Because there is fire in your palms. If you touch me with that fire you will kill me. Why do you want to kill me before my time? My masters in the underworld told me I have two more years to live. That fire in your palms will speed up the process."

"Wait a second, so I am talking to a walking corpse? How can somebody who is about to die save somebody who is living?

Oh my goodness! Where is this error coming from? So you are almost stepping into your grave and here you are doing good Samaritan?

Mr Broadway, if you love yourself you should need down and allow me to deliver you. Because it's obvious you're the one that is seriously to be rescued."

"How did I end up telling you all these?"

"Cause for this reason the son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Try to destroy everything God has told me through your lies, but right before your eyes god turned everything around. You have the next 3 days to come to me for deliverance. If you don't I wonder how you'll be able to follow body instructions given to you by your secret masters."

He banged the table angrily. 

"Hat is wrong with you? Why can't you just let me be?"

"Let these innocent ones go and I'll let you go!" 

"That's wonderful! I'll be back for you!" He said and made for the door, but I blocked him. 

"You're wrong mister. You've entered my trap!"

"Trap? How?" 

"Fire of God, fall upon him!" I decreed. 

Suddenly, the power of God picked him up and flung him at the desk, smashing all the books and even the monitor as well.

He screamed so loud that everyone waiting for us outside had to rush in. 

"Yes Lord! Thank you Jesus!"

"Stop this right now!" He shouted, but it wasn't his voice I was hearing, but the voice of many people speaking at once.

"Wow! Is this legion?" 

To be Continued.....

I so much love the way Juliet is intimidating these people. 

This is a lesson for everyone of us.

I was reading something online one day when I saw a post by one of my friends. He said let me define lie to you. A lie is not just falsehood or deception. But a lie is whatever you see happening that is not written in the word of God concerning you. 

A lie is whatever the devil is telling you contrary to the word of God. And immediately you find out something in your life is not in line with the word of God, you've gotten a prayer point. 

Pray until your joy is full. Pray until you turn things around. 

I believe this message is for someone.

Stop believing the lies of the devil. Stop agreeing with the facts the devil presents at your face. 

I want to be on fire for Jesus. Here comes the devil telling you that you'll definitely fall again. You always fall again, no matter how determined you are to rise. 

You tell him that he's a liar, stop nodding your head in affirmation to his argument.

Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 

Verse 25. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.