Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 140 - Episode 41

Chapter 140 - Episode 41


Episode 41

© Ayo Omolayo

"So like I was saying, every anointing on the head of a man, has a specific consecration that sustains it. Take Samson for an example. He was a man of God and was called into the deliverance ministry. By the grace of God, Samson was called to deliver God's people from the hands of their enemies. So this man of God had a covenant with God that as long as his hair was uncut, the power and anointing of the Holy Ghost will rest upon him.

Just like I earlier said, consecration is a specific demand God makes from you to deal with your weakness and cause his power to rest upon you. Just like he told Samson not to shave his hair. That's the reason why the enemy when they needed to destroy him, they had to look for the secret to his strength.

Listen and listen to me carefully, every great man of God you admire today has a secret that maintains his anointing. What you saw in the book of judges is still alive till date. Don't think the power will rest upon you without a specific demand from God over your life. That's a lie. 

There is something you must let go. Something that you love so dearly. Something that will pain you. Something that when you see others doing it, you'll be wondering what made God to say you shouldn't do it. Sometimes, you will feel like the Holy Ghost is oppressing you and dealing with you too harshly. No, he's preparing the way for you. So that tomorrow when you show up, you're too indomitable to your enemies.

Many believers have failed to realize that God is dealing with their weaknesses through that instruction. They feel that God is being unreasonable and too hard. They abandon their consecration and begin to experience all manner of failure in life. They don't know that it is the root cause.

So who is a spiritual Nazarite? A spiritual Nazarite is a person who has dedicated his life to God. This is a person who walked up to God and says, 'I want you to use me and I am ready to whatever you want me to.' This is a person who has willingly let go of all the things that matters most to him in order to follow God. 

Also, these are children of destiny. Children that were covenanted to God right from the womb and they have discovered and aligned themselves with the call of God upon their lives. 

So as a response to their sacrifice, God places a demand on them as a token of the covenant between the two of them. This is an unbreakable covenant. Once it is broken, it becomes a sin. I mean it is a sin to only you in particular. Every other person can do the same thing and get along with it, but if you dare touch it, you're tagged a sinner."

I raised my hand up. 

"Yes Juliet!"

"Mummy please help me understand. This consecration of a thing, is it God that places the demand? Or are we the ones to tell God that this is what we are going to offer to him?

My second question is, how do you know that God is placing a certain demand on something special in your life?"

"Good question. Now, your relationship with God is an interactive one. Both parties agree and move on to sign the papers. But in matters of consecration, God makes the demand. You have no choice than to oblige or be like a Jonah in the belly of a whale.

The more you choose to disobey God's word, the more life becomes the belly of a whale for you. You'll live a frustrated life. You'll beg and beg, but each time you tell God you want to be serious with him, he'll point at the consecration. He'll tell you to go back to that consecration and start all over. 

It is then left for you to let go of that thing that is so precious to you, in order to fulfill purpose and get the anointing. 

Now listen to this. The anointing may or may not suddenly come upon you as you keep that consecration, but it definitely will. The reason why it wouldn't come on you suddenly is because, some believers are still babes in the spirit. So as they build themselves spiritually, they grow to a level when the heavenly hosts can say our boy has come of age. So most times when God makes a demand from you and you're expecting it to activate a certain dimension of power that you're yearning for and you don't see it manifesting, don't be discouraged. Continue, till the power comes upon you. 

But some people experience the supernatural instantly, because they were already matured, or God granted it to them from a season in the spirit realm. I need to explain this seasonal anointing so most of you don't go about wondering why God suddenly stopped working with you mightily. 

This is a power that rests upon a believer due to a window that was opened in the spirit. So you begin to see young people in the faith, exhibiting power and you're shocked. But that window would not be opened forever. 

If that young believer is wise, he needs to go and seek the face of God and ask him what consecration can maintain this dimension of power. If not, that flow of grace will suddenly cease and it would look as if God has stopped working."

"Jesus is Lord!" I exclaimed.

"Now let me use myself for an example. I have the anointing of teaching. I know I have it and I don't struggle to teach people God's word. Even if I didn't prepare a topic, you can tap me from my bed and I'll get up and begin a beautiful bible class, effortlessly.

But when you call me to heal the sick, I begin to fidget and panic, why? The anointing to minister in that dimension is missing. But when I grew up spiritually to that rank and I am called upon to minister healing to this who are sick, I do it with all boldness. Immediately I make a decree, healing is manifesting everywhere. 

Now, how can you know if you're operating with a seasonal anointing?"

"Yes ma! I was about to ask that question, because someone is telling me that the prophetic manifestation that happened in Broadway Academy was a spiritual window," I said. 


"Thank God you know and if you relax, that window will close and you'll be wondering why God stopped working with you in the prophetic?"

"Please ma! Help me oooo! Jesus!" I said in a panic stricken voice.

"Calm down na!" Mummy said grinning and everyone chuckled.

"Yes ma!"

"You will know you're operating under a seasonal anointing when you don't know how it happened but it happened. People are calling you to duplicate what you just did in another meeting and you're begging them to allow you escape. They told you they were blessed by your ministration and they want that flow of power in their next meeting, but you're begging them that you yourself are equally shocked by what happened.

That's a believer operating under seasonal anointing. You do it once, you do it twice, you do it a third time and you begin to imagine that you own it. You relax and think that you have gotten anointing. But it will shock you when that manifestation of God's grace will suddenly leave. 

All you will remember is, there was a time when we were in church, I use to prophesy. There was time when I was small, I use to see visions. But now, that ability is no more. I try all I can, but I cannot do those things again. I don't know how I lost that gift of the spirit.

I'm just telling you how you lost it. There's something called mastery in the spirit. Mastery is the art of learning the basic formulas, or should I say the A,B,C of unlocking certain possibilities in God effortlessly.

There are some grown believers, they know what to do to get everyone slain in the anointing and screaming in the Holy Ghost. You that doesn't have mastery in that area, you'll be shocked when you see people screaming under the power in your meeting. And sometimes, when you want that thing to repeat itself in another meeting, it won't. You'll be wondering why it's like that. I'm just telling you the reason. 

There are some manifestation of the power of God that you just saw happening. You don't know how it happened and how to make it happen next time. That's the seasonal window. Once you fail to gain mastery over it, it will shut down when the season is completed and all the flow of the supernatural will end."

I put my hand up.

"Yes dear!"

"How can I gain mastery over a particular move of the supernatural? What are the steps to gaining mastery?"

"The truth is this, everyone has their own unique pattern God choses for them, so the best answer to that question is, go and ask God. He will be the one to teach you how to unlock the God given potentials in you. He knows the right buttons to press and get you ready for the supernatural.

Is that okay?"

"Yes ma!"

Now, how do you know when God is making a certain demand from you? Number one, when you begin to feel guilty over certain things you normally do before. What do I mean by this?

There are certain things that you do and you feel okay with them. But as you begin to walk with God, suddenly you start discovering that whenever you engage in those activities, you lose your peace and begin to feel guilty. You see others doing it and try to get along with them, but you're the only one who feels like you're doing something wrong.

You try to ignore the feeling, but it keeps getting at you. Then you start doing the next thing most people do. You begin to ask other people if it is a sin. For example, someone will walk up to you and ask, 'Is watching Korean movies a sin? Is it a sin to watch movies?'

That person is under the spiritual demand of God. And you who doesn't know what really prompted that question will answer him that it's not a sin to watch movies. That person will be so happy and continue watching movies, but the guilt and unrest is still there. Everyone is watching movie in the house, but once he sits down to join them, he begins to feel like he's commiting sin. 

He'll go back and tell God to forgive him still wondering why he always feel uneasy whenever he watches movies. 

For some girls it's hugging the opposite gender. Not that hugging a boy as a girl is a bad thing. They have been doing it since they got born again. But suddenly, after hugging a guy, they start feeling uneasy and guilty. 

Such people will come and meet you to ask, 'Is hugging a sin?'

This is a the sign that God is calling you to consecration. 

Then number two is....."

To be continued...

I believe God spoke to you in this episode. I use to dream dreams before. I use to have revelations before and whatever I say comes to pass. I use to prophesy before.

But suddenly it stopped happening to me. What could be the reason.

This episode has just opened your eyes. 

Come with your pen and jotter tomorrow. This is not just a story for entertainment. It will will change your spiritual life forever. 

I'm already praying in the spirit right now. I don't know about you.

Lord, let windows of supernatural possibilities be opened unto me in the name of Jesus.

Can you make that your prayer point?