Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 136 - Episode 37

Chapter 136 - Episode 37


Episode 37

How we arrived at midnight that day, I don't understand. Mummy said we were going to pray from 12 midnight till 12 midday how come it's 12am right now? When did we get carried away? Wait a second does that mean we had just spent 24 hours praying?

I was overwhelmed. But what surprised me the most was that, I thought we had only prayed for 3 hours. I didn't know we has spent longer than we bargained. The truth of it was that, each of us left the building. We prayed to a point where we were no longer in the room. So let me say that we got carried away with the spiritual realms we visited and it made us completely unconscious of the time.

We all retired to our rooms as it felt as if we should die. Susan, Ope and I laid down on the bed trying to take a nap and recover our strength. We had gotten to the most rigorous part of the fasting, where hunger was intense.

I laid on the bed with my eyes opened. I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep. I just had to lay my back on the bed and pass out. I seriously needed to pass out.

"You won't believe what I saw," Ope said.

"That's wonderful! Wait until I share with you what I saw. You'll be shocked to the core," Susan replied.

"Girls, how come no one asked me what I saw? You won't believe the creatures I met in my vision," I said.

"Wow!" Ope exclaimed.

"Susan, can you tell us what you saw?" I asked.

"Yes, tell us!"

"I saw a man kneeling down in the place of prayers and this was his prayer point. Lord send us another one! Send us another one. Another one that will silence the mockery of the devil. Another one that would end the reign of darkness in this territory.

I saw the prison house too. But it wasn't teenagers I saw there. They were all female adults.

I saw a warrior marching in to the prison house to set them free. But the demon knocked her down and took off her armour. He dragged her into a cage and locked her in.

Soon, I saw the man praying again. Lord send another one and in no time, I saw another female warrior marching into the prison house.

She fought bravely, but lost and the demon did the same thing he did to the first warrior to her.

I was scared to find out that as soon as the man was asking God to send another one, I was the one they beckoned on to go and put on the armour.

I was like, those before me lost the battle. How am I going to win where they all lost? That was how daddy answered me.

'This is a battle for righteousness. This is a school where immorality thrives among the staffs. Everyone of those warriors you saw fighting and ending up getting conquered are my messengers, sent to win that territory for me. But they ended up compromising their faith and the enemy made sure they don't escape.

Susan, this is your first and most toughest assignment on earth. This is your revenge mission. I will do greater things through you, but I want you to know that when that time comes, don't fail me like others did. Because on that mission, I have placed a treasure you must not miss it your will fulfill your destiny.'

'Are you saying this is a glimpse of my future?'

'Exactly. This is your revenge mission.'

I was like, I don't understand, why would I want to revenge when vengeance belongs to God?

'You will understand when that time comes. For now, I want you to focus on your intercessory assignment. I have alot for Ella and Juliet to accomplish right now. But they will never be successful at it, if you fail in your duty post. I want you to be the prayer engine that powers their mission. I want you to pray like there's no tomorrow.

I will use you mightily, but as an intercessor first, before I expand your responsibilities and cause your fame to spread across nations of the world.

I was like, daddy was keeping me at the back seat. Everyone would be on the battlefield, while I would be behind the scene praying for them. I want to be a minister also. Can't God give me both? I promise to pray always and also minister like Juliet did in her school and Ella. Why was God being partial by anointing Juliet and Ella with power and gave them great assignment? While I was kept in the house to be praying for them?

That's when daddy told me the most amazing thing. He told me that my assignment was coming late, because it was a big one. It was an assignment that needs years of preparation. Besides, I have already taught you about the blessings of an intercessor, so don't allow jealousy into your heart."

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"Susan's Revenge!" Ope said grinning.

"Yeah! I really wonder what I'm going to be revenging when that time comes oooo. This assignment is so strange to me, but I trust the giver of the assignment sha!"

We all burst into laughter.

"You people are trying ooo. Younmean you guys still have strength to laugh," she said.

"Yes oooo!" I replied.

"So Juliet, daddy is calling you to the office of an intercessor, pending when he would announce you to the world?" Ope asked.

"Yes! I believe he has a big plan and he doesn't want to rush me into it. He wants me to take my time to build capacity in the spirit. He sias that when I begin to rise, if my capacity is not well built, it would be easy fei the enemy to bring me down. He said that he's tired of seeing great men of gos rise today and fall tomorrow.

It's not because of lack of God's grace and anointing. It was all lack of adequate spiritual preparation. He wants us to go deeper in our walk with him, before we go out to work for him."

"Hmmmmmmm! This is interesting! But wait ooo, come to think of it, were you jealous of Juliet and how God used her in the prophetic?" Ope asked.

Susan was silent for a while, before she answered.

"To be sincere, as a human being, it got to me. Negative thoughts were flooding my heart. How could God by pass you and use her mightily? You came to this house before Juliet. You were under mentorship before her arrival. How did she overtake you and started hitting spiritual heights so fast?

Why would God chose to anoint her and pass you by? Don't you think it's partiality? Gos was only wasting your time. He kept you here just to waste your time. All the praying, praying, praying, amounted to nothing. Up till now, you're still struggling to heal ordinary headache. While someone that just started yesterday, has become a national prophet.

But I remembered what mummy taught us about the human mind. You're not a thinker, you're only a listener and there are only two spirits responsible for whispering thoughts into the heart of a man.

So I had to detect who was giving me those thoughts. Instantly, I knew I was listening to the voice of Lucifer. So I began to reply him with the word of God. I know the plans I have towards you says the Lord, plans for peace and not of evil. To give you your expected end.

That was how I broke out of the grip of the devil. Satan was ready to poison my mind against my sister in Christ, but thank God I was not ignorant of his devices. Ignorance is a disease. Ignorance is a killer.

Before I met mummy, I would have concluded it was me thinking, but I never knew it was sthe devil fueling the spirit of jealousy against my destiny. He was giving me thoughts and making me feel I was the one thinking them. Immediately I realized his trick, he fled in defeat. All the negative thoughts disappeared."

"Wow! Satan is a loser!" I said and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Amen!" She replied and flashed a smile at me.

"So Susan, can you tell us what are the blessings of an intercessor?" Ope asked.

"Jesus is Lord!" I whispered, but it was heard in the room.

"What happened?"

"Can you believe that Susan once promised to teach me this and we all forgot about it?" I asked.


"Yeah! That's true! How come?"

"Call me a genius baby girl!" Ope said.

"You are a blessing in disguise!" I replied and slapped her cheek mildly.

She blushed and grinned cheerfully.

"Thank you!"

"So can we move on to learning the blessings that follows an intercessor?" I asked.

"There are three blessing that follows an intercessor. Number one is, intercession is a seed. What does that mean?"

"Wait, let me get my pen and jotter, I said as I dragged myself out of the bed.

I was so weak that everyone who looked at me could tell that I wasn't qualified to write in my weak state.

"Why not use your phone to record what I will say and write them out in your quiet time journal when you're strong?" Susan suggested.

"That's a good idea," I replied and picked my phone from the study table. I switched it on and waited for the booting process to complete.

As soon as it was completed, 2 text messages popped up on my phone. One from Mr Adebayo and another from the strange number that claimed to be Kayla.

I opened the one from Mr Adebayo.

"Juliet! Where are you? I'm waiting for you. Please come out before I go back to my vomit. Hurry up!"

I closed it and opened the one from Kayla.

"Congratulations Juliet. I have to say, your God is really alive and working. I don't know how you managed to see through me. I guess those prophetic eyes of yours are seriously working for you. I had planned to kidnap you and the guys who would be kidnapping you were going to rape you.

I wanted you to feel my pain for just one day. I wanted you to know how impossible it is for me to forgive that monster. Perhaps you don't understand what it feels like when your virginity is taken away without your consent. I decided experience would do a better explanation.

So I planned it out. It was me all along baby girl. You're so lucky! Just thank your Jesus. You wouldn't have been able to forgive your kidnapers just as I can't forgive my father.

Well I just felt like I should let you know, so you don't go about accusing an innocent man. He doesn't even know I sent such messages to you, because immediately I sent them, I deleted them from his phone.

About the cash, I have once done a transaction for him on his phone, so he gave me the password to his banking app. That's how I was able to transfer that money to you. He's too stupid to realize that money left his account, because I also deleted the debit alert notification.

I don't know what is making me confess to you, but I just felt like you need to know how dangerous a person I have become. Stay away from Segun! Stay away from my Dad and of course, stay away from me.

A word is enough for the wise."

I almost wanted to collapse.

To be Continued.....

I believe you guys already have prayer point? Kayla has seriously handed her heart to the devil and he has taken over her mind completely.

That's how sin works. The more you resist the Holy Ghost, the more you go deeper and deeper into sin.

How many of you also learnt something from how Susan defeated the spirit of jealousy?

Don't play with your thoughts, they will end up becoming your actions. People who masturbate do not masturbate immediately, it starts in their head first.

Proverbs 4:23. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

That's how Satan was whispering negative thoughts into her mind and she was supposedly concluding that she's the one thinking.

How many times has the devil made you listen to his advice? Stop greeting that woman, she's evil. Stop greeting her, she's supposed to apologize to you first before you forgive her. And you conclude you were the one thinking and you followed the counsel of Lucifer.

You can see what Satan has done to the heart of Kayla. Look at how he's giving her demonic inspiration on how to commit atrocities.

Can you go ahead and tell God, Lord help me to guard my heart diligently. Help me to cast down every imagination that must not be allowed to stay in my heart.

Can you make that your prayer point? Please pray for yourself ooo. Me I'm doing that already.

If you cannot pray, I wonder if Jesus will come and do it for you.

Some of you lust has finished your heart. Every time you see a boy, it's how to kiss him that comes to your mind. Whenever you see a girl, your eyes keep following her backside.

And you think you're the one thinking it. Satan is seriously feeding your mind and you're busy swallowing it.

Go ahead and cry to God.