Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 110 - Episode 11

Chapter 110 - Episode 11


Episode 11

"Kayla! That's her name! Her name is Kayla Oladipupo. She's planning on killing her father for taking her virginity and consistently raping her.

Segun doesn't seem like he has a choice. He hates his foster father and as a result, lost the will to stop her from executing her plans. He only wants his father alive because of the financial support he can render to his future.

He came to tell me because... because...."

"Because of what exactly?" Susan asked.

We were all seated in our living room. Susan, Ella, Romeo, Ope and myself. Yes, Ope and Romeo followed me to my house. We decided to have a prayer session concerning Segun and his sister.

"Yes! We need to know Segun's stand in this matter. Because the guy is our number one prayer point, not even his sister," Ella said.

"Yes! If he claims he got born again and has refused to forgive his father and unconsciously permitted his sister to kill their father. Then he's as good as an unsaved soul," Romeo said.

"That's it my brother!" Ope added.

"Infact, he's not born again. He's just a figure head church attendant. He's not saved at all," she spoke.

"Hold on! We're not here to confirm who is born again and who is not. We are here to raise an altar of intercession for him. And this is the conclusion of it all. You said Segun gave you guys his phone number, right?" Susan asked.


"Call him and put the phone on loud speaker. We need to get him on our team!" She said.

"What team?" Ella asked and gave Susan a questioning glare.

"The Jesus Slay Queens of course!" She replied grinning.

"Hello! There's a boy in the group! Don't turn me to a woman ooo. I don't want to ever become a woman at all. Not even in this life or the next life!" Romeo announced.

"Haaaaa! I shouted and gave him a funny stare.

"Yes oooo! It's the Jesus Slay Queens and king! One King and 4 queens. Can you imagine?"

"Hey! Calm down before we finish you!" Ella said with a playful frown.

"Yes! Kings are very expensive that's why they are scarce. But see women, they are everywhere on the street!" He said and Ope and Susan rushed to give him playful slaps on his back.

I picked up my phone and dialed Segun's number.

"Hello! Segun! This is Juliet Anderson!" I said.

"Oh! Juliet! How are you?"

"I'm fine! I have something really important to ask you!"

"Okay, I'm all ears!"

"Segun, the bible says that a house divided against itself cannot stand. If God manifest himself, you must chose who you must serve. Are you going to stand with God or stand with the devil?" I asked.

"I don't understand!"

"You need to understand! God wants you to forgive your father and want to save him from the hands of your sister. But as it is right now, you are not taking side with him. So I need you to take sides with God. Are you ready to surrender to his will?"

There was a brief silence.

"Juliet, get my sister to delay her plans to execute that monster. Once I'm able to finish my university education, I'll wave his goodbye. My sister can have her pound of flesh. That is what I want. Get my sister to delay her plans. That's what I want. So she can kill him once I am done getting what I want from that monster."

That was the response we got. We all stared at each other. Our faces reflecting our shock.

"Segun, are you born again?".

"Sure! I am sanctified and baptized in the Holy Ghost as well. Incase you don't know!"

"Hmmmmm! And you believe that this father of yours is beyond God's redemption."

"You can come and preach to him if you want. But we will kill him and I bet you, he will pay for all the pian he has caused my sister."

"Haaaaaa! Is this guy normal?" Susan asked.

"Shush!" Ella replied.

"Segun, why did you come to....." My mouth paused.

Why did you come to tell us if you wanted him to die? Was the question I had wanted to ask, but the Holy Ghost stopped me.


"Oh! Thank you so much for your honesty Segun. I am truly grateful! I'll get back to you when I'm ready!" I said and with that, ended the calls.

"That would be nice. I only need his money, not him. I want him to be alive a little bit more. So talk to my sister for me. Tell her to hold on with her revenge plans so I can at least figure out a way to get all the money I need from him."

I had to hang up as quickly as possible. This guy was getting me pissed off. How could he call himself a christian and desire the death of a fellow human being?


"Absolutely true. Giving your life to Jesus is not all. You need to make conscious effort to take your spiritual life serious and get closer to God. If you don't, transformation will not take place and you'll be as good as your old self."


"Daddy don't tease me in front of this people. In not ready for another Juliet has gone crazy episode. The one you did with Segun in class is enough."

I could hear daddy laughing within and a smile appeared on my lips.

"And why is she smiling?" Romeo asked.

"Oh my God! Was I smiling?" I asked.

"Of course," Susan affirmed.

"I'm sorry about that!"

"It's her boyfriend's handwork," Ope said.

"Thank you! Now let's get on with the intercessory prayers. We have lost so much time. Ope, are you sure you told your parents you would be coming here from school? I don't want anyone to start thinking something happened to you while coming back from school"

"Not only coming here, I'm spending the night here as well. I came with my nighties."

"Wow! What about me? Can I come too?" Romeo asked.

"Come where? Romeo, if I see you near my house again, you'll fast for 21 days as punishment."

We all burst into laughter.

"Mama, I have told you several times. My name is Robert, not Romeo. The way you're calling me Romeo and your name is Juliet, you'll land me in trouble oooo! Everyone in school are asking me if we are dating. They have already made alot of assumptions about you!"

"Assumptions will never cease to exist. The name got stuck to my mouth. So you'll manage it like that, Mr Romeo!"

"Open that mouth let me pour in liquid fire!" Ella said and we all burst into laughter.

"So can we start the prayers?" I asked as I was beginning to feel the prayer rush in my spirit already.

"Excuse me, who are we praying for?" Ella asked.

We all looked at her like someone who had gone crazy.

"Wonders shall never end! What kind of a question is that for goodness sake?" I asked.

"I know why I'm asking ooo! Because the last time I checked, Segun wants his foster father to die. And Kayla is just about to carry out that mission,while all he has to do is to watch and eat popcorn.

So if I'm correct, who do we pray for?"

"That's true oooo!" Ope said.

"To me, it's Kayla that needs the touch of God," Susan replied.

"And what about Segun?" I asked.

"Look for one dustbin somewhere and dump that guy. He's an unserious christian. That guy doesn't even look as if he's born again to me. How can he claim to be born again and hate a fellow human being. Remember, the bible says that if we say we love God who we have not seen before and hate a fellow human being, we are nothing but liars," Susan affirmed.

"Look, I sense a strange presence here." Romeo said and stood up.

"While we were listening to to Segun on the phone, I noticed a dark cloud infiltrating this place. A demonic presence. I began to ask God what it meant and just now he gave me the answer. It is the demon of confusion and disagreement.

Have you all realized that we have been wasting time talking? And we are yet to arrive at a conclusion?"

"Jesus!" Ope whispered.

"Segun is a funny personality. I have been wondering, why would this guy come to us if he wanted his father to die? I thought he wanted our help in saving his father's life. But he only wants this and that, bla, bla, bla.

I was beginning to ask the Holy Spirit that what is the guy's problem? The Lord told me that he has a weakness of talkativeness and that he exploited that weakness to make him voice out his sister's plans. He said that he allowed Segun to speak out, so he can intervene in his family and stop his sister from carrying out her evil plans.

This secret was revealed to us and all we can do is to sit around and argue who is a serious and unserious christian!"

"That was exactly what daddy told me also! This is a confirmation!" I said and stood up.

I held hands with him and took Ope's hand as well. She was already speaking in tongues.

Ella and Susan didn't waste a second, as they joined us. We all stood in a circle and just began blasting in tongues. Nobody gave us prayer point and nobody was leading the prayers.

"Lord we chase out of our premises, every spirit of disunity! We pursue every spirit that fights against oneness among your children. We come against every power that wants to discourage us from standing in the gap for the people you died for!" Ella prayed.

"Lord we ask that you would give us the loving heart of the father. The father of love that loves the underserving. That heart that loves unconditionally. Let that heart be in us as we kneel down to pray for the lost. May we pray them to Christ out of love and not criticize them." Susan prayed.

"Daddy we pray for Kayla! She's hurt so badly. She has lost so much and she has allowed demons to feed her spirit with lies. They have made her to believe that the only way to be free to to spill blood. They have convinced her agreeing with them that the only way to live is to embrace bitterness and unforgiveness.

Lord, I pray you whisper your peace to her soul. Let the loving voice of the Holy Ghost begin to speak to her. Let your loving voice begin to penetrate her stony heart. Melt every Stony heart of hers and let that heart she's carrying become a heart of flesh." Ope prayed.

"Daddy! I commit Segun into the our hands. That guy is a stray son of yours. He has lost his way. He gave his life to you and in a jiffy collected it back. Lord that guy needs to be arrested by the heavenly police. Go ahead and arrest him. Arrest him and make sure he serves you for the rest of his life." Romeo prayed.

Me, I was just blasting in tongues, because I didn't know what exactly to pray about. Tongues helps us to pray the right prayers without our knowledge of what we are praying.

So, the Jesus Slay Queens are in the battlefield.

To be continued...

Sometimes we often get distracted by the attitude of those we are praying for. It is so discouraging to find people who we are interceeding for talking to us anyhow and treating us badly.

This is one of Satan's strategies to shut our mouths and nurse bitterness towards them so we can stop praying for them.

But I believe you won't fall for that trick anymore.

Today we are going to type an intercessory prayer point in the comment section.

We are going to interceed for as many that has lost touch with God, suffering in secret sins and addiction.

Let's do this this for the body of Christ. As many all over the world that need the touch of God. Type and prayer that the spirit drops in your heart.

Ghost readers, please sacrifice today for God and these souls. I know you are special people and you all hold a special place in my heart.

Please sacrifice today and type in your prayers. Let the hand of god move all over and rescue the lost today.

Go ahead!