Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 104 - Episode 5

Chapter 104 - Episode 5


Episode 5

"Oya you people should sing na!" Mummy said all smiles.

"I have really missed everyone!" She added.

"Mummy is you that will sing ooo! We have truly missed your voice!"

"No oooo! My voice is cracked! Can't you see the way I'm coughing!" She said and coughed playfully.

We all burst into laughter.

"Mummy sing oooo!"

Mummy was sitting beside her husband on the sofa. Mummy Oladimeji and the younger lady were at the visitor's room upstairs. We were just having a good time together with mummy. Ope was still on the sofa we had laid her. Her hands had started moving gradually.

She was now sitting up and very soon, we are expecting her to rise up and walk. Well, we don't need mummy to do that one. I'm capable! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Daddy just pricked my conscience right now. He said I'm not capable oooo! It is him that makes it happen, not me. I just smiling anyhow.

"Mummy, how was the ministration?" I asked.

"Dear! We thank God for everything!

"See you people should allow my baby to rest! What's with all the questions?" Daddy said.

We protested.

"No oooo! She is our mummy oooo!" Susan argued.

"Calm down my friend! She's first my wife before your mummy. If you disturb her too much. I will carry her away and fly to Dubai for holidays. So don't dare me young lady."

"Ahhhhh! Our mummy just came back and you want to take her away from us? That's not fair!" Ella argued.

"Well, I'm not fair in complexion, am I? I'm dark!" He replied grinning.

I took a look at Ope, admiring her smile.

"Darling, I want to go upstairs and rest. Can you carry me?" Mummy said to her husband like a baby.

"Of course!" He said and stood up.

He carried her in his arms like a child.

"All of you, we are going upstairs. Nobody should come and disturb us or we would leave this house for you people!" He announced.

"But mummy! We are supposed to have bible study! I want to learn the mystery of raising dead bodies!" I said and there was laughter in the house.

"If I see your brake light, I will brake your legs!" Daddy warned playfully.

"Ahhhhh! But mummy, you know I have a lot of questions!

"Write them on a piece of paper. We will attend to it later." Daddy answered.

"Mummy! Raising the dead is very important. I want to learn it as quickly as possible."

"Juliet! I will soon throw my slippers at that your head ooo!" Daddy threatened.

I kept quiet and they both left.

Soon we all turned to Ope. I knew anyone who died and woke up again would have experienced something or seen something while they were gone. So I was eager for her to tell me about heaven. What would heaven look like?

"Ope Lazzy!" I called as I sat beside her.

"No that's not the right way to call the name. Olazzy would be the right word. Yes! Olazzy!" Ella said.

"Wow! I love that name! Olazzy!" I said smiling.

She smiled back.

"How are you feeling?" I asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I feel different. I feel like a piece of wood snatched out of fire!" She said.

I was still trying to process what she said when Ella spoke.

"I can't imagine a dead person could stink so bad. Ope, you needed to smell yourself. Your were terrible. Anyone who touched you would have to go and wash their hands immediately."

"Really?" She asked with popped out eyes.

"Yes!" Susan affirmed.

"Holy Ghost even used you as a bible study for me."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes oooo!"

"Please, can you share with me what he taught you?"

"He said that can I notice that Ope began to smell immediately she died? I replied him with a nod and he said. That's how we smell in the nostrils of the almighty when we die spiritually.

Remember spiritual death is when we commit sin."

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"We said that was exactly what happens when we commit sin and our spirit man dies. We begin to smell and the angels are forced to abandon us and leave us completely.

The only people who can come close to us and not be offended by our smell are the mortuary attendants. Satan and his agents. They are friends with offensive smell. Infact, offensive smell invites them to us.

It made me weep before God. I had to ask him to deal with every root of sin in me. I don't want to be an offensive odour in the nostrils of the almighty. I want to be a sweet smelling fragrance to him. I don't want to send him packing out of my life with my addictions to secret sin. I want to be pleasing in his sight."

"Wow! This is serious! So whenever we commit sin, we need to repent immediately so he can forgive us and wash us with his blood. Because, sin has the power to separate us from God. It's an offensive odour in his nostrils. Wow! I have learned something powerful today!" Ella said.

I wasn't left out either. I had learned something powerful. Sin must be avoided. I know I may not be so perfect. I might make mistake and slip. But I must not allow sin to have dominion over me.

I remembered when daddy taught me that sin is not powerful because it's powerful. It's powerful because we allow it to dominate us. If we resist it, it's power over us will die. But he went further to say, resisting sin is a consistent and daily effort. You keep doing it everyday.

Daddy! I need your help! Romans 6:12. Says, let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Meaning for sin to be in charge of my life, it's because I obey it. I can disobey it and it will fight to force me. That's where grace comes in. I keep saying no until it looses it's grip and righteousness takes over me.

I turned to Ope and asked.

"Ope, you said you feel like a branch snatched out of fire. Why fire? I was thinking you would tell us of how you went to heaven and who you saw in heaven."

Ope shook her head. I saw how thick her eyes were with tears.

"I wish I could tell you I went to heaven. But I'm sorry I didn't. Juliet, don't ever wish in your life to go to hell. That place is not a place for a human being. I saw pain! I saw unbearable agony! It was..... ahhhhhhhhhhh!" She broke into tears.

I quickly took her in my arms and patted her on the back.

"It is well. Please be calm!" I said to her.

"Juliet! I was having the urge to masturbate for a while. It usually comes and goes. I rebuked it, I resisted it and did all I could to send the demon away. But the thought usually clouds my head occasionally.

I remembered the scripture that says casting down imaginations and every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God.

But, I decided to ignore that scripture and enjoy the images that were playing in my mind. So I was watching a mind pornography. I was using my head to watch porn videos.

I felt terrible, but I consoled myself with the thought that no matter what happened, as long as I don't watch porn on my phone, I'm not guilty.

Then that scripture in Matthew 5:28. But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

I knew I was guilty, but I kept enjoying the pleasures of sin. I stopped fighting the thoughts.

And God in his mercy started telling me to open up to my mentor. But I said you were too busy with God's work and taking over the school for Jesus. I also said you would be so disappointed in me that you might hate me and never want to have anything to do with me.

I kept struggling with the urge as it was getting stronger day after day. I was dying in silence. But I kept telling myself that I will discipline myself. That I can handle it. That was how that faithful night, the urge grew so powerful that I concluded the only way to have my peace was to satisfy myself.

That was how I masturbated. Immediately I did it. I felt dirty. I felt like a disgrace to God. He delivered me and here I was betraying him. Early the next day, I picked up my phone to confess to my mentor. But immediately I heard your voice, I just lost the courage to do so.

I faked my excitement. I acted as if I was happy, but deep down I was sad. When I told my parents I was coming to visit you and they all agreed to come with me, I was so excited. I was just looking for something to take me out of my depression.

So coming to your place to play and gist with you was an escape from my depression. But I never knew the enemy had a bigger plan.

They were so fast and took me unawares. I didn't know it would be the end for me. 5 minutes pleasure in my room was more than enough to sink me in hell forever and forever and ever and ever.

I always blamed the devil for every bad thing I do. But in the realm of the dead. I discovered how the demons seriously blamed us for all the episodes where we yielded to their deceptions. They kept telling us they never forced us to sin. We chosed to satisfy our flesh instead of our maker. We chosed to be selfish instead of pleasing our maker. We chosed to allow the devil to smile, instead of our maker.

We were faced with a choice and we chosed what we saw as the best. And every decision we make has consequences. No one can escape the consequences in the spirit realm except they repent.

But when we die, no more mercy. You need to see how dead people pray for mercy everyday. You need to see how they beg God for one more chance. That's the chance we who are alive are busy wasting away.

We keep living as if we own ourselves. We keep living as if there's no God we would be accountable to for the things we do."

The entire room was cold. Everyone was just putting on one moody face. It was seriously a call for sobriety. It was a time to reflect on how we have been living our lives.

"So you mean you went to hell? You mean you were burnt by that fire that never quenches as mentioned in the scriptures?" I asked.

"I almost did! But God heard some people's prayers."

To be continued...

I believe God spoke to you in this episode. This is a call to repentance.

You cannot hide it from God. Covering sin has never been a blessing to anyone.

He that covers his sin shall not experience prosperity. But he that confesses that sin and repents from it, shall receive mercy from God.

Where will you spend your eternity?

Where will you be when the trumpet shall sound?

What would become of you if Jesus comes right now as you read this message?

I believe God is talking to you dear reader.