Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 82 - Episode 84

Chapter 82 - Episode 84


Episode 84

I sat down beside Romeo as the class began. It was the last class for the day. We had a lot of activities going, but everything seemed to be normal. It was as if no one knew I was around. No one was interested in hearing the word of God from my lips and everyone was so occupied with whatever school activity that was taking their time.

I focused on my studies and during break, I went to see Ope, in company of Romeo. We spent time together and returned to our classes. We had a busy day and all we did was learning and learning. I decided to make out time to preach to the class. I cannot allow the fire of revival to die just like that.

So I began to whisper in prayers that God should give me an opportunity to minister to the class. I whispered in tongues and committed the class and the hearts of everyone that would hear what I had to say.

Soon, the teacher stopped and looked at the time.

"It's already 15 minutes to the closing time. Let's stop here! We would continue later. Have a nice day!" She spoke and the class responded.

Everyone kept their books and began packing their stuffs as they got ready to leave. I stood up immediately and seized the moment.

"Good afternoon everyone!" I greeted.

Only a few of them replied. I was not moved by it.

"I would love to share the word of God with everyone in the class. So please, pay attention as God's word comes your way".

Some hissed and turned to their friends to gist. Other giggled and whispered to one another. I was not ready to be stopped by any of their drama. I was completely ready to ignore them and go ahead with seizing the moment.

I began my sermon and it was completely obvious that no soul was hungry for God's word as I spoke. Everyone was busy doing one thing or the other while I preached. I was just forcing myself not to be discouraged by they negative attitude. I rounded up the sermon and made an altar call. Just as I expected, no one showed up. I went ahead to pray over the message and returned to my seat.

I felt like I had failed. I was just wondering what could be wrong this time. I have always spoken to the class and nothing seemed to have distracted them this much compared to now. Or was this because of the punishment I was given in class? Has someone spoken evil about me that much that listening to me was now an issue?

I decided to encourage myself with the fact that God's word is a seed and I must be ready to plant the seed with expectations ahead. Seeds don't grow immediately, they grow overtime. So I must be patient while expecting the seeds to germinate. I cannot rush the seeds to grow all because I was expecting the results immediately. I should be ready to wait and keep watering and expecting the word sown to have effect overtime.

That was what I told Romeo when he asked what happened to the message. It was clear something had gone wrong, but not to worry. Whatever had gone wrong would be recovered and resolved in my quiet time.

So I decided to let go of the feeling and focus. The bell rang and we all went out of the class. Everyone took their bags and books and went their separate ways. I made sure Ope was beside me as I left. Romeo was also in our company.

We walked together sharing with each other our experiences.

"I have been trying those things you taught me about and honestly, I have been getting some positive results," Romeo announced.

"What are you referring to?" Ope asked.

"Juliet gave me some instructions about how to handle addictions. I have been following them and they have really been helpful. It was a serious engagement. Now I discovered that the main reason why Christianity looks difficult is because many of us are yet to realize that our spiritual lives is very important and should be taken seriously.

I can't believe that I have never seen the importance of spirituality. Do you know what happened to me last night?" He asked smiling.

We both looked at him and were much more eager to hear what he had to say.

"I was referring to the struggle I'm facing in the place of prayer. I really struggle with what God wants me to do. Sometimes I wish it were easy. But it was obvious God will not change. Sometimes I wished he would, but it's obvious he won't. So I looked at myself and told myself that nothing will stop me. I toke myself that I was not ready to stop at nothing, but keep on pressing till I encounter the spirit of prayer.

Haaaa! I would struggle with sleep, yes! But I will keep praying until I have an encounter. A visitation from the spirit realm. So recently, I have been having this struggle with my prayers. It was seriously challenging that several options came to my mind. I was like, why am I wasting my time? Round up this prayer and go to bed.

But I had told myself that I would spend at least one hour in the place of prayer. So until one hour was completed, I go nowhere. So I continued praying until suddenly, my eyes were opened.

I saw a man in shiny white garment. Due to the blinding brightness of his countenance, I could not see his face. But his presence brought me an indescribable peace. He entered the room and held my shoulder.

It looked so real that I knew it was an encounter. I was always expecting an encounter in my prayer life. I didn't know it could happen so suddenly. He touched my shoulder and that was it. I began to pray aggressively and my prayers became fervent and powerful.

I don't know if that is what it means to have an encounter in the place of prayer, but that visitation changed my prayer life for good. I was struggling,but I remained determined to press on no matter the difficulty that stood in my way. I'm so happy! I've always thought I was going to continue struggling like this. I never knew that my consistency in the place of prayer was sending an invitation to the spirit that helps men to pray.

Finally, he came and he touched me and made me whole. It was awesome!" He said all smiles.

"Wow!" I said smiling too.

"Congratulations Robert! This is awesome. I can't believe you're had that kind of dramatic experience. You have seriously encouraged me. The way I'm always struggling in the place of prayer is making me feel like quiting. I was like, is this how I'm going to continue? That's what I was thinking. I thought this was all about it. Struggle, struggle and struggle. Fighting with tiredness, fighting with sleep, fighting with distraction, fighting with strange thoughts that makes one's mind to wander around. It made me feel, life was better off compared to when I took a decision to build my prayer life.

But now I understand better. Thank you for sharing this testimony dear brother. I will not stop praying until I have my own testimony to share. God must visit me in the place of prayers ooo!"

We all burst into laughter at the way she said it.

Everyone was smiling, but deep within me, I felt sad. I was wondering why I was still struggling like Ope. By now I ought to have mastered the art of praying. What am I still doing struggling?

I seriously needed some questions answered when I get home. This was something I was not going to let go of until I got the answer I need.

How could God allow Romeo who I got born again to grow so fast and leave me stranded struggling with how to pray? It must not continue like this.

I was still hanging on to that particular thought when Ope tapped me.


"What happened to you? Where did your mind travel to?" She asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry about that. What were you talking about?"

"I was asking you if it is possible for us to bring back the school fellowship. Ever since Angela left us, we have been inactive. Afterall, we have been fake all this while. So I believe the 3 of us. We can start a new breed of intercessors. True children of God. Not compromised by sin. And whoever will join us must renounce lesbianism and surrender her heart to Jesus sincerely.

What do you have to say about this?"

Everything in me wanted to say yes, but I was not feeling excited like they were all feeling. I had not gotten over my struggle with God over the breakthrough in the place of prayer. So I wanted to do something that will make them share in my sadness as well. What's wrong with me?

"Well! I'll pray about it and get back to you guys. We all know the school principal knows me very well. I believe if I start something that public, he would show up to shut it down. So, I don't really know the right answer to give. I would pray about it and get back to you guys."

I saw the effect those words had on the smiles on their faces. I felt happy that they were not happy as I wasn't as well.

What was wrong with me?


I felt the anger in those words and fear gripped me.

"Ope! I turned to her immediately.


"I believe that would be a wonderful idea!" I said smiling.

I felt like an angel as I saw those smiles coming back slowly till it took over her cheeks. Her dimple appeared and the next thing I received was a hug.

"Thank you Jesus!" I whispered within me.

Soon it was time for all of us to go our separate ways. We split and waved goodbye to each other.

I smiled at my brother and sister in Christ from the depth of my heart. I knew I was going to get all the answers I needed from God. This evening was going to be Rhema filled. First, Susan was going to teach me about the blessings of an intercessor. Then daddy said I need to see him urgently. We need to trash out some nonsense in my life.

I was seriously looking forward to getting home.

It's going to be Rhema filled.

I entered the house and met the TV switched on. I was like, who is watching the TV? They hardly touched the television in that house. Everyone was always too busy and occupied to have spare time for television.

The only thing was that, SpongeBob SquarePants was being chased by some villains. I giggled as I saw him jump through a window and landed into a bucket of cheese. All he had to do was act dead and hide very well. And the bad guys were touching the cheese one after the other to know which one was SpongeBob.

I took off my bag and sat down to watch.


"Just a few minutes more sir. I need to enjoy this movie.

To be continued....

Have you noticed distractions in your spiritual life?

Sometimes you're sitting down to read the bible and suddenly, NEPA brings light.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. You forget you were studying the bible and run along with everyone to watch movie. Sometimes you leave the bible to go and charge your phone, telling yourself you will come back to continue reading.

From plugging your phone to another activity and from that activity to another activity and by the end of the day, you close the bible and say 'Later.'

Whenever God is about to do a great work on your spiritual life, Satan will always show up to stop you.

So watch and pray. Don't give any room to the devil.

So who is ready for the next class? THE ROOT OF JEALOUSY.

Have you been a Christian and you're surprised by how much you find yourself struggling with jealousy?

That's what I will be sharing with you in the next episode. So come with your pen and jotter as we learn tomorrow.