Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 21 - Episode 22

Chapter 21 - Episode 22


#Episode 22

The prayers was still going on when Mummy Oladimeji called our attention.

"There is a cry for rescue in a dark territory! God has sent a warrior! There are people crying to God for help day in and day out. And God in answer to those people's prayers has sent a warrior".

I looked around and saw several people lost in prayers. Some were sweating heavily. The prayers were seriously hot and the atmosphere was charged.

I looked for Susan and found her on the floor speaking in tongues. Ella was nowhere around.

Who was she referring to?

"Many years back, I was so interested in joining mummy on her apostlic outreach. I was like an armour bearer to her. I followed her to all her ministrations. Went with her for evangelism and even went further to live in her home with her family.

We were almost like twin sisters. We did everything together and I always made sure I honoured and respected her.

You know something. Many of you chase away God's servants from us through our attitude. The moment they start being friendly to us, we start disrespecting them.

That's why many people think men of God are too boring and serious people. All they are skillful in doing is how to preach and pray, that's all. We don't know there's also a friend in our spiritual leaders.

Yes, there's a friend in them, but many of them are forced to lock it up. Why? Just the little friendship they shower on us is enough to earn a huge amount of disrespect in return. There's a friend in every spiritual leader. But our attitude towards them would either seal it or unveil it.

The reason why I'm saying this is because, mummy and I can play alot. I mean, we played like little children. Cracked jokes and spanked each other playfully. Yet, I never crossed my boundaries.

I always respected her and was ready to run errands for her, even when it was inconvenient for me. Sometimes, she would be the one to ask me to sit down, that I was doing too much.

She was a humble person. She is truly humble. I mean, as wealthy as she was, she could sit down with the less privileged and play and play with them. People I was felt it was disgusting to approach, she would condescend to their level.

Some people we ministered to do not even know how to speak good english. As they are talking you would hear things like. 'I came back from my uncle in the village tomorrow. I am is smiling! My daughter is a very happy!"

We were already laughing while she was saying it.

"Can you see you are all laughing?" She asked.

"But mummy would listen to all these grammatical blunders and nod her head to encourage them that she's following. Not a smile would appear on her lips, not to mention laughing scornfully.

For you to listen to that kind of english and resist the urge laugh because you are so desperate to win that soul, is humility.

Where was I before I went into explaining mummy's personality? Yes! I was talking about my eagerness to follow God under mummy. And remember what the bible says through the mouth of Apostle Paul, follow me, as I follow Christ!

I decided to take my mentorship program under her seriously. Soon, it didn't take more than a year, spiritual gifts began to manifest. I could lay hands on sick bodies and healing would take place.

I began to notice that every spiritual gift mummy had was beginning to manifest in my life. I could do almost everything she was doing, but I remained humble. I didn't allow the results I was getting to blind my eyes towards who I was supposed to respect.

One day, I told mummy playfully that I would be her successor. She laughed and that was where she gave this prophecy. All of you know this prophecy very well. But because of the person here who is not aware, I'm going to say it again.

Mummy said, ' You are my armour bearer, not my successor. You are called to assist me in the work God has given me and make it more easy for me'.

Then she went further to say, ' God has already shown me the future. What I'm carrying would be transferred to another in a double dimension. But the one who will carry it has not being born.

That's my successor. Her name is Juliet Anderson. She's the one God showed me."

For the first time in my life, I wished there was another person bearing the name Juliet Anderson. Because it was obvious I was the one they she was referring to.

Successor? Me? This disappointment of a human being! This must be the biggest mistake of the century. But what surprised me most is the way she was saying earlier that everyone of them knew about this prophecy.

Does that mean they already know me before I arrived?

I felt like crying on the spot. Soon, I discovered the my pictures were appearing on the television screens around.

"Ha! Who is doing this to me?" Please stop it."

The crowd cheered and applauded. Then mummy is Oladimeji asked the one question I dreaded most.

"Where is she?"

Haa! I will run out of this building ooo! I am not qualified for what these people are saying.

From nowhere, I saw Ella beside me, smiling excitedly.

"Ella please! You know I'm nothing but a mess. I have being a huge disappointment to you and to God."

"Everyone was once a disappointment too. But God didn't chose us because we were the best. He chosed us because he is God. He chosed us because he wants you to realize that it's not because of anything special about you that brought him to you. Rather, it was his mercy.

So get those feet moving," she said and gave me a slight kick on my ankles.

I moved forward with Ella beside me. Each step I took increased my fear. I didn't know this woman was a Prophetess. I was about to receive the most shocking revelations about my life.

Mummy Oladimeji looked at me for a few seconds and then shut her eyes.

"Juliet! There has been a question on your mind for a very long time. I want to answer that question for you. What is that question?

You keep asking yourself, why is God so tolerant with me? Why Is it that God is insisting I fulfill destiny? With the way I have been misbehaving, he should have abandoned me a long time ago. Why is he still doing everything in his power to pull me despite my stubbornness?

Do you want to know the answer?"

I shook my head in affirmation.

"Please ma! Tell me! I have been wondering why all this time. Please ma! I would love to know," I said, anxious in my spirit.

"Do you remember the day your father brought you to mummy to live with her, he was looking sad?" She asked.

"Haa! This woman was not there ooo! She is truly a Prophetess!" I said within me and nod my head in affirmation.

"Why do you think he was sad? Was it because he was going to be separated from you?"

"I don't think so, my dad and I had been separated so many times due to his occupation. But I know so well that my dad has been hiding something about his past from me. Please ma! If this is what I must know, don't join my father in hiding this information from me," I replied and went on my knees begging.

Everyone in the hall were listening with rapt attention.

"Juliet! This information will shock you so badly, are you sure you are ready to know?" She asked.

"Yes! I am ready," I answered in a jiffy.

"Your father was God's will in marriage for mummy Abayomi."

I was like, come again. I didn't get the message and first. God's will in marriage?

That's when realization hit me. Haaa! Mummy Abayomi and my father were supposed to be married? Oh my God! So that's why my father was sad. Each time he saw mummy, he saw the treasure he had lost.

So I was supposed to be mummy's biological daughter. Haa! This is unbelievable!

"Juliet! Your father did not believe God. Although he proposed to mummy, he came back later and broke the engagement.

We prayed and prayed to God to touch his heart. But God told us to leave him alone that he had rejected him. He said he was bringing someone else to take his place. He said this was not the first time he has to struggle with your father to obey him. That your father had a strong will. He mentioned several occasions where he gave your father instructions and he disobeyed.

He said he cannot always struggle with him everyday. He was looking for a yielded vessel. A heart that is submissive to his will.

That was how brother Abayomi came and replaced your father," she replied.

I was almost landing on the ground when she screamed to the ushers to grab me.

Why would my Dad do something like that?

Mummy Oladimeji walked up to meet me were I was in the floor crying.

"Juliet! Out of frustration, your dad went and picked the wrong woman and that was the end of his destiny. Wrong marriage is as good as waving your destiny bye bye.

Today as I'm talking to you, your parents are divorced. Am I correct?"

"Yes ma!" I said admist tears.

She bent down and touched my back.

"Your father made a vow never to remarry again and then he made another vow, because you were a product of God's mercy to him.

He told God to transfer his assignment on earth to you. And because of that, your father spends 3 hours praying for your destiny everyday.

He knows he missed his destiny, but he doesn't want you to miss yours."

"Jesus!!!!!" I screamed.

Everyone in the hall grew silent.

"Juliet! Are you aware that if a man who is addicted to smoking gives birth to a child, that child would grow up to copy the ways of his father, except there a divine intervention. Am I correct?"

"Yes ma!" I answered admist tears.

"That's the reason why you are as stubborn as your father. Your stubbornness is part of what you inherited by carrying his blood."

"Haaaa! Lord show me mercy!" I wailed, rolling on the floor.

"The powers that stopped your father from fulfilling his destiny are using the same weapon and the same demons that defeated him, to fight against you. They believe that if they could stop your father, them they can stop you."

"Jesus! Please! I don't want to carry my father's blood anymore. I want your blood. Please remove that stubborn spirit I inherited from my father!" I cried.

"For everyone in the house, we are going to cry to God tonight. This night is a night of liberation.

Many of you grew you and suddenly found yourselves masturbating. You don't know that when your father or mother was a young man, he masturbates. And even though he repented. He did not pray for God to deliver his generation from the consequences of his past sin.

When David sinned against God, his children were not there. Did David repent?"

"Yes!" They all chorused.

"But when the punishment for the sin was about to manifest. They all paid dearly for it. Absalom, Amnon, and even the innocent little Tamar was raped by the spirit of immorality that possessed David's children.

That's why I am begging everyone of you. Even if you want to sin, please consider your unborn children. Those spirits that pushed you into sin will be waiting for them to show up. Many masturbators today are suffering from the past immoral sins of their parents.

You are going to cry out today. Abraham went to Egypt and Pharoah saw his beautiful wife Sarah. He asked him, 'who is this woman?' Abraham lied and said Sarah was his sister.

That spirit of lie went to wait for Isaac. Isaac travelled to the land of the Philistines in Genesis 26 from verse 6 to 13. The Philistines asked him about his beautiful Rebecca. He lied to them that she was his sister.

That spirit of lie went to wait for his unborn children. Jacob dressed himself as Esau and Isaac asked him. 'The body is the body of Esau but the voice is the voice of Jacob. Are you you truly my son Esau?'

Jacob said, 'Yes'. That spirit of lie went to wait for his unborn children. The children of Jacob sold their brother Joseph, killed a goat and rubbed it's blood of the coat of many colours and came home to their father lamenting.

'We saw this coat on the road while we were coming. It looks like the coat of your son Joseph. It seems a wild animal has killed him.' Lie!

Till today, if you're an Israelite by blood, one of your biggest addiction is telling lies. That spirit was a spirit their fathers failed to conquer. And it has spread to the children.

Some families their own is not masturbation. Some is anger! Hot temper. Your father is a very angry man. And you yourself, you are beginning to discover you have anger in you.

Some is stealing. You just can't help it. Even what you don't need, you steal it. Others is stubbornness. That thing they said you should not do. That's what is sweeting you to do.

You're going to cry to God! Father! Every sinful habit that has generated from my family bloodline to me. Be uprooted in the name of Jesus!"

Let's roar in prayers!"

To be continued.....

Please don't read this episode and walk away. Some of you would be needing fasting to break this generational yoke.

Every sin is represented by a spirit. The spirit of lie that immorality that made your mum lust after boys as a young girl and sneak out of the house to visit her boyfriend is still present to rubbish your destiny.

Today that same spirit is attacking you her daughter. Even after she has repented. And now she's the one preaching to you to stop chasing boys around.

You don't understand. It's a spiritual thing! Cry for help! Cry to God! He can break that linage of sin and end it with you.

I will not transfer sin to my unborn children! My children will not meet my unfinished battles! Go ahead and pray!