Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 575 - Chapter 560: Such a Big Face

Chapter 575 - Chapter 560: Such a Big Face

Back in the virtual Cave Heaven of the Paradise of the Buddha, the sword fighting on the Swordplay Platform left a deep impression on Nameless about One Sword Withering and Prosperity's extraordinary swordsmanship skills.

Having recognized the person's identity, Nameless was able to accept the attack he had just received with a calm mindset.

With a flick of his sleeve, he removed a golden bracelet from his wrist, shook it vigorously in his hand, and reappeared hundreds of feet away.

"Wow, this treasure actually comes with such an escape technique, it's definitely a great treasure for running away. When I break into the enemy's camp and behead the boss of the opposing clan, I can use it to escape to the outside of the encirclement, which can't be summarized by just the word 'casual'..."

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