Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 44 - Chapter 44: Split-tooth Pig Demon (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation!)

Chapter 44 - Chapter 44: Split-tooth Pig Demon (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation!)

Ye Rong had now set his sights on a new type of monster, the Split-Tooth Pig Demon.

This Pig Demon had a rough hide and thick flesh, an extremely long life value, a fat waist and plump legs, and could already walk upright. It had a magic spell that could blow sand and move rocks.

The Split-Tooth Pig Demon would drop hair bristles and pig teeth as materials. Two hundred hair bristles could be exchanged for 10 sect contribution points with Ji Deng, while a hundred pig teeth could be exchanged for twenty taels of patterned silver.

While collecting large quantities of materials didn't appeal to Ye Rong, the extremely low drop rate of fine iron fragments from the Split-Tooth Pig Demon did. After gathering twenty pieces, he could go to Tian Canzi inside the mountain gate of Qingcheng Mountain and complete a part of a chain mission.

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