Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 354 - Chapter 353: Thousands of Water Lotuses, Heavenly Horse Repels Enemies

Chapter 354 - Chapter 353: Thousands of Water Lotuses, Heavenly Horse Repels Enemies

The sound of water roared, and within the sword light of Tian Shui, thousands of water blossoms bloomed, creating a reverse flow of the Milky Way.

With just a casual swing of his sword, Ye Rong's face changed dramatically, forcing him to retreat again and again, using his exquisite sword techniques to their fullest to resolve the attack and reduce the intensity of the water wave as much as possible.

When the Public Divine Book was used, although the ten-zhang-tall water figure had no lethal power to speak of, it greatly enhanced the power of Tian Shui's sword technique and flying swords by several times.

The White Parrot Sword Light moved left and right, trying its best to find the two flying swords hidden within the thousands of water blossoms, hoping to take advantage of their positions to damage their opponent's weapons.

As for the Star Moon Sword Light, they were intertwined and woven around the body, desperately protecting it.

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