Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 288 - Chapter 287: The Golden Rhinoceros Flying Sword, Tailor-Made

Chapter 288 - Chapter 287: The Golden Rhinoceros Flying Sword, Tailor-Made

Master Xunhua held the Vimoha Ruler in his hand. Even though the attributes of this Buddhist treasure had been briefly described in the Flying Sword Letter earlier, he was still a little anxious to witness it in person.

Just one look and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face. He clutched the Vimoha Ruler tightly with both hands, unwilling to let go.

The maximum level limit for all Buddhist sword techniques +5, and the power of Buddhist spells increased by 10% - these two attributes alone would be irresistible to any Buddhist Disciple. It was an opportunity they could not afford to miss.

Even some Eighth Rank Treasures might have stronger attributes, but they wouldn't be as fitting as this Vimoha Ruler.

Given that this treasure is specifically suited for Buddhist Disciples, its properties naturally need to be correspondingly enhanced. It should not be treated on par with ordinary treasures of the same rank.

"Sword Master, name your price. I want this Buddhist Treasure."

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