Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 170 - Chapter 170: Bodhi Tree, Merit Fruits

Chapter 170 - Chapter 170: Bodhi Tree, Merit Fruits

"We've already killed nearly six or seven hundred Stone Dragon Beasts. When will this endless killing come to an end?"

Long leg sister Qianqian flicked her fingers, and the Pale Flame Fire suddenly spun, pulverizing the three Stone Dragon Beasts that were rushing towards them.

She was becoming impatient with this endless slaughter, unable to gain experience points and without any loot, it was easy for her to feel irritated.

"If only we could borrow Elder Sister's Diamond Vessel, we could travel thousands of miles in an instant, definitely reaching it before anyone else!"

"Look, there's a change over there, there's actually a lake!"

Ye Rong exclaimed, with the aid of the Fluorescent Meticulous Technique, he was able to observe the situation ahead earlier than Long leg Sister.

"Bodhi Tree, Merit Fruits!"

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