Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Entering the Golden Treasury Water Mansion Again

Chapter 124 - Chapter 124: Entering the Golden Treasury Water Mansion Again

"Oh right, take these two copies of 'Heavenly Craftsmanship True Solution'. They should raise your profession's level by two or three levels directly, so you won't have to painstakingly waste a lot of time later on for early level experiences."

Ye Rong thought about it before leaving, went through his Qiankun Bag, found these two books, and threw them to Party A and Party B.

These two True Solutions were his spoils from the chaotic battle with the players of the Tian Shui Department and could increase the level experience of life professions. Unfortunately, they were only useful for shipbuilding, mechanical, and earth and wood professions. Otherwise, he would have used them himself.

Reselling these items requires meeting players who know their value to sell them at a good price. The target audience is too small, making it hard to sell at a high price.

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