Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Taking Little Brother to Level Up (Third Update Completed, Seeking Monthly Tickets!)

Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Taking Little Brother to Level Up (Third Update Completed, Seeking Monthly Tickets!)

In The Other Shore, there are several types of pet settings, and demon pets can only be considered one of them. The prerequisite for having a demon pet is to have a magic treasure capable of capturing souls first. In addition to obtaining them from NPC gifts or task rewards, having a magic treasure capable of capturing souls also gives players a chance to capture weakened monsters and turn them into demon pets as their own.

However, magic treasures with soul-capturing capabilities are extremely rare, and even with them, the probability of successful capture is very low, similar to winning a prize with a two-dollar lottery ticket.

The player who got the Sea Elephant Demon Pet is called Sound of Sea Wind, but his appearance is completely at odds with his name, he has a full face of beard, broad nose, and wide features.

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