With the microphone in front of my face, I started reading the novel "[Miracle]" again. The story took me into a world full of mystery, magic, and adventure. When you read, I felt like I was really part of the story, as if I were… a god looking out for his servants.
When I was immersed in the story, I felt so connected to the characters. I could feel their emotions, understand their struggles, and even feel the wonder and danger they experienced. This is an amazing experience, and I feel so alive when I am in this fictional world.
Suddenly, my computer screen flashed, and a message appeared:
[Incoming Message]
I was shocked and immediately clicked on the message. The message seemed to come from Elera.
[Elera]: Alan, there's a problem with this story. I need your help immediately. Can you bring Kratia to this place?
[Elera]: Share Images
Without hesitation, I answered:
[Alan]: Sure, Elera. I will come as soon as possible.
「 Kratia are you free? 」said Alan, speaking to the fictional character.
I paused from my work of cleaning the painting and tried to understand the voice that came into my mind. This voice... the voice that told me to save Elerona, if that voice called, it meant this was something serious.
Yes, I'm here.
I looked at the painting while waiting for the voice to reply to my heart
「Exit the castle and head towards the fragile road in the south direction」the voice said quickly. His request made me even more curious and confused about what was going on.
I immediately obeyed the voice's instructions, exited the castle, and walked towards the fragile road in the south. This place is very dirty, dirtier than anything I've ever seen before. The sky was overcast, and the wind was blowing cold.
I continued along the fragile path, looking for any clue or sign of what I should do. Along the way, I saw several people walking hastily, as if they were in a state of panic. They all looked anxious and worried, as if something very serious was going on.
Some of them spoke in whispers, while others remained silent and walked at a fast pace. Most of them looked dull and full of dust, as if they had been here for a long time.
I tried to approach one of them and ask about the situation. He was an old-looking man with a long beard, and his eyes were full of worry. When I approached him, he looked at me suspiciously?
"What's going on here?" I asked softly.
The man was silent for a moment before finally answering in a trembling voice, "You don't know yet? These are difficult times for us. The king has lost control, the last time he was caught stealing money for his people."
The man's words made me even more confused, "What? How could the king do something like that?"
The man shook his head sadly. "The king has changed. He no longer has the interests of his people in mind. Everything he does is for his own benefit. Our people are suffering because of his corrupt government."
"Is there anything we can do to help?"
The man looked at me with hope in his eyes. "We need help—"
"Why are you staying here!" a woman's voice suddenly shouted at me and that man
I turned to the screaming voice and found it was the maid who tried to kill Elera.
I prepared to use my fighting stance, "What are you here?"
Her face became irritated, "He was the one who told me to take you," she answered while pointing her finger at the sky.
I looked up at the sky after he pointed her finger up.
She sighed, "The sound, S-O-U-N-D that came to mind."
The maid shook her head. "I'm just carrying out orders. There's no telling me who's behind that voice. But if you don't want to help, I'll take you back."
I thought for a moment. Although I don't know anything about the situation, it seems like there is a serious problem in this kingdom. I might be able to help.
"Okay, I'll come along. But please tell me more details about what happened here."
The maid nodded. "I'll explain while we're on our way. Now, we have to leave before it's too late."
I followed the maid, still full of questions about what would happen next.
The two of us started walking away from the crowd of people who looked panicked and worried. While walking, the maid explained more about the situation in this kingdom.
"In the past, this kingdom was a prosperous and peaceful place. However, some time ago, our king, King Arion, changed into a different figure. He began to ignore his people and preferred to live in luxury in his palace. He even took the kingdom's treasures to himself, leaving our people in poverty."
I listened to the story with concern. "Then, what caused this change in the king?"
The maid shook her head. "It's a mystery. No one knows for sure. But what is clear, this kingdom needs help. Many people are suffering, and we must find a way to get the king back on the right track."
We continued walking towards a destination I didn't know about. The voice in my mind, which seemed to be calling me, gave me directions as to the direction we should take.
We stopped in front of a warehouse that looked old and rundown. The wood is wet from years of exposure to harsh weather. The maid opened the door of the underground warehouse carefully, and we went inside.
When I stepped into the warehouse, I felt as if we had entered a different world. Inside, there was a dim lamp that illuminated the room with soft light. I saw shelves filled with various types of books and rolls of paper. It seems like this place is a secret library hidden underground.
The maid explained, "This is a safe place to talk. A voice in my mind says that you are someone who can help us get this kingdom back on track."
I was honored to hear that, even though I still felt confused about what was really going on and how I could help. "What should we do next?"
The maid looked at me seriously. "We must find a way to return our king to the right path. That is your duty, Kratia."
"Eh!? Why me?"
"Sigh… because you foiled my plan."
I thought about the maid's words. Why was I chosen to carry out the task to save Elerona? I felt a bit guilty for thwarting his plans earlier. However, my thoughts then turned to Elerona. The screen told me to save her, and I couldn't ignore that order, and I felt like I had a responsibility to protect her.
After a moment of contemplation, I nodded to the maid. "Okay, let's make an alliance to make everything equal."
The maid smiled with satisfaction and stretched out her hand. I grabbed it, and we shook hands as a sign of agreement. With this alliance, we both have the same goal: save the kingdom and return the king to the right track.
[Alliance has been Created: Prophets]
That was the thing that appeared in front of me, and it was so controversial how I could be considered a 'Prophets' was so strange, then I looked at it.
"You can see the screen too, right?" she asked
I was a little surprised but replied, "Y-Yes…"
"By the way, I haven't told you my name," he said as he withdrew his hand from the shake, "Marlin."
"Marlin," I repeated. "I'm Kratia."
Marlin nodded.
"Well, Kratia, we have a lot of work to do. First, we need to find a way to get the king back on track. Then, we have to uncover what's really going on behind all this."
Instantly, the warehouse door opened, and a large, muscular man entered the room. Marlin immediately recognized who the man was and greeted him, "Lancey, you came just on time."
The man named Lancey nodded while looking at me with a sharp gaze. "Who's he?"
I saw the man from his hair to his shoes. He was a very eccentric person. His clothes were all very bright, yellow.
Marlin answered, "He is Kratia, someone who has a big influence in the changes that are coming. He is also part of our alliance, Prophets."
Lancey nodded in understanding, although remaining wary. "Okay, what's our plan?"
Marlin smiled sharply. "Our first plan is to get the king back on track. We need information about what's really going on behind all this. The king might have answers, and I know a place where he might be."
I listened carefully, starting to feel involved in this mission. I want to know more about this kingdom and what we can do to save it.
While they were talking about the information they would use, a voice suddenly emerged from their minds:
「 Kratia! There is a demon race that is about to attack! 」
「Marlin! There is a demon race that is about to attack! 」
「 Lancey! There is a demon race that is about to attack! 」
I saw them fall down and cover their ringing ears because suddenly the sound appeared.
"Tch, Gods are really troublesome," said Lancey annoyed but he walked towards the exit
I who saw this were confused, because only they felt their ears hurt when that voice emerged from their minds, and also why did Lancey call the voice that appeared 'gods'?
Marlin patted my shoulder, "Come on, we have to 'Leveling' before fighting the next one."
"Levelling?" I tilted my head.
"Uh… Em… I don't know, but god's told me that.
"Sigh… that's the voice that appears in your mind."
"Ah... why is that voice called a god?"
"…Um, I don't know if Lancey said, come on quickly, we have to leveling."
Then Marlin climbed the stairs and headed up out of this narrow basement.
< Chapter 9 > To Be Continued.