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ORDELL The Legend of the Primordials

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The path that new species travel is always hard and lonely, especially when you are the first. But if there are two first, the path to follow may not be so complicated. Accompany this duo/couple of primordial beings from an entire race on their journey through the cosmos And the follies of which their descendants have a lot to hear about.

Chapter 1 - Consciousness and Birth 1

In the middle of the universe called Laiox, a huge ocean of amethyst-colored cosmic energy was found, in whose epicenter a new creature was being created. The huge ocean that covers almost 2 large galaxies was slowly shrinking for an unknown amount of time until it was compressed into a small point, whose surface looks like a black and amethyst galaxy.

After having compressed it enough, one could see that its shape is similar to that of an egg, not to say that it is the same, only that it would be one of the most beautiful eggs that one could ever see, but unfortunately not for long, because after the compression was finished, it shot out towards a huge planet.

This phenomenon, although strange, only the truly powerful could feel something about it, since other beings would have died several times if they observed the phenomenon from beginning to end, that is how long the process of the birth of the most unique creatures of existence took.

However, as strange as the phenomenon was, it was also curious that the first thing that was formed were the eyes. Piercing eyes of an intense amethyst color with a vertical ice-blue pupil from which emanated an unimaginable pressure that felt capable of destroying everything he looked at. However, contrary to the pressure that was felt, from those eyes one could perceive a calm but very curious presence.


When I open my eyes, if you can call it opening when you open your eyes right after they were formed.

I see a mixture of spots? I don't know how to describe this thing I'm seeing for the first time, but I can see different spots scattered randomly and mixed together in some places. After a while I see how the spots begin to group together and slowly form what seems to be my body.

The first thing that forms since I'm conscious is my heart, which beats at a fairly calm but powerful rhythm. I must say that I find it quite fascinating to see how my body is forming, but at the same time I'm intrigued by the fact that I'm conscious and aware when I clearly know I shouldn't be, but well, it's not like I know why and it doesn't bother me either, because I'm quite hypnotized by this whole process.

When I went from one finished part to another and saw the whole process, I got an inspiration about this creation thing, although it's not the only thing I've gained, but you could say that it's the most important thing. I also notice that these spots must be more than they seem at first glance, since my body is almost finished and there is still more than half left, but at the moment there is no more movement on its part.


It has been a good amount of time since there has been movement from the spots again, and although it has reduced again it has not really been significant, but the changes are.

The most important thing is that I notice my body is stronger, and I am not sure if it is because I was not strong enough before or if I had to reach a certain threshold to be able to perceive that these spots that I now know are called colors are liquid and although I have nothing to buy it with I feel that they are too dense to be liquid.

My next discovery is regarding the colors, because as they are reduced (slowly I might add) I acquire information, and my conclusion although somewhat obvious is that the information, which I think is more appropriate to call knowledge, is supplied to me by this unusually dense liquid.


I think I've made a mistake about something.

I seem to be aware of time, a rather interesting concept in my opinion, but strangely enough it doesn't affect me, or to be more precise it doesn't affect me in the way it should, because although I am able to feel its passing, it is to my bewilderment in a distorted way, and additionally it doesn't affect me much physically but it does affect me spiritually.

Well, I feel that every certain amount of time I become stronger essentially but between those lapses there is a fairly long amount of time. And on the other hand in a significantly smaller amount of time I become stronger spiritually.

Among all these complicated things related to time, I have discovered something even more important, at least I feel that it is something fundamental.

And what is this so fundamental?


To go into a little more detail and be able to explain in more detail, I must say that I am unique but at the same time not, and this contradiction occurs because although I am the first and only of my Race? I am neither the first nor the only one of my species.


Once I realized that, my state of being as a whole became more powerful, especially my presence. It is as if I had unlocked something that was locking me up, and although it sounds strange because basically if I am locked up it is different, it is a feeling that my spirit gives me.

Now I am a little bit freer.

As for why I only say a little bit?, it is because I obviously feel that I am not completely free and there are other things that tie me down, I don't know where or what or who.

I am not going to lie to you, feeling this even before being born gives me an ominous feeling and generates a very strong emotion.

Anxiety and fear.

I am aware that my being is something unique and that I am relatively powerful, but even so feeling this causes me dread and frustration.

I am aware that there is something above me that can do whatever it wants with me and I will not be able to resist.


Putting aside those bad moments, I realized that there are others who are the same as me but at the same time different.


It is the most accurate definition for the situation.

Or the most appropriate one that I can use.

On the one hand, these brothers (I will call them that for the moment), are the same as me in the sense that they are the first and only of their race, but they are neither the first nor the only of their species, since we are all of the same species. As for which species this specific one is, I don't know.

I think it is because I don't have that knowledge currently, but if I try to find out which species I belong to, I feel like a gray area in my head. Nothing simply comes to me, as if my mind were empty.

A little strange, really.

Anyway, we share this kind of contradictory nature.

And now comes the most important thing, although although we are different since we are not equal except for our primordial state, there is something that differentiates me even more from these brothers of mine. I am not complete, to be more specific, but I am only half of something else that I still don't know what it is.

I am a whole but at the same time I am a part.


And how did you come to this conclusion?

Well, it all started when I realized what I mentioned above.

At some point I had begun to perceive the presence of my fellow human beings, and not long after doing so I felt the presence of HER.

To be honest I still feel confused and a little lost.

When I was able to perceive her presence, I felt something deep within me, an emotion and a longing that I don't know how to describe, but I do know one thing for sure, and that is that in some way we are related more deeply than anything else in existence, I felt that she was the same as me and at the same time different, and that I complement her and in turn she complements me.

Alone we are something, but together we are something more.

That is approximately the way I could describe it.

But most importantly, I feel like if I'm with her, those ominous feelings mentioned earlier are less powerful.


I have recently been able to estimate that the distance between us is not that much, although I do not know with certainty how much the distance is, I know that it is not too far and I could reach her in a short time.

And even more important, what is left of this super dense amethyst colored liquid is ⅓ of what was left to consume, so I calculate that it will not be long before I leave here.

In other words, in a short time I will be born.

And my first action will be to go immediately in her direction.

I will serve as her company until she is born, I suppose, it is not as if I have anything else to do in the meantime.


I have to say that I'm getting a little impatient, because even though I know that I'm not far away from my birth, the desire to be with her makes me impatient and I feel that time is extremely slow, even for me, who knows that for existences like me the passage of time is a little distorted. Now, since I know that I can't do anything about it, I've regained a little of my previous calm and tranquility.

Although that doesn't mean that I've given up on this, I'm just looking more calmly for a way to get out of here in less time.


He recently found a way to get out earlier.

It turns out that there is still a large amount of this unusually dense liquid, which is saying a lot, since there is only ⅓ of what there was when my body was finishing halfway through its formation, I don't want to imagine how much there was originally if even with the very small amount left right now the space feels so congested.

I think I was right when I found out that it is unusually dense, although I think I still underestimated its density.

Anyway, the method I was talking about earlier is precisely related to the density of this liquid. Being as dense as it is, its absorption rate is equivalent, but that absorption rate is passive, since at no time have I tried to actively absorb it.

So the solution is very simple, I am going to set about the task of actively absorbing this liquid.

I had already planned this before, because apart from getting out earlier, the absorbent liquid provided me with new knowledge and completed me spiritually.

I feel that once I finish absorbing this liquid, something very big is going to happen in my soul, I'm not sure what it is yet, I just know that it will be very important.



Although I don't know how much time has passed, thanks to my great dedication I have shortened my time in this place, as I have been progressively reducing this liquid.

And among other things, by having more space available, I began to pay attention to something else that I had put aside for a long time.

My body.

Although I have always felt it, I have felt so comfortable doing nothing and have been more interested in the knowledge that this liquid provides me, that I really put my body aside after it finished forming. It is a little embarrassing but really in all the time I have been alive (which I must add, I still don't know how long it is), I have not moved even a little.

And now that I started to move it, it seems something new and strange at the same time. I really don't know what was going through my head before to not even pay attention to my own body that now that I do it seems something strange to me.

As I said before, I could always feel it even while it was forming, but I guess I wasn't really interested in it because it wasn't until now that I started noticing what my physical structure is like.

And my conclusion is that I am similar to a lower life form called a cat.

I'll make a summary of how I came to my conclusion.

First of all, I think I'm quadrupedal, since I can feel 4 legs, and although they are quite flexible like my body, my body is oriented in such a way that in order to walk I need all 4 legs.

Apart from that I have a long tail, and I must say that it is quite fluffy and soft. Speaking of soft things, on my legs I have some kind of very soft pads.

I have fur all over my body and it is quite long and dense, but it is very soft and padded, as for the color itself I don't know, since due to the amount of amethyst color in this place it is very difficult for me to distinguish anything else apart from that.

I know it may sound very narcissistic, but I'm really pleased with the shape of my body so far.

And as for the other characteristics of my body and my features, everything seems to indicate that I am something similar to the lower life form that I am aware of called cats.

I really have no problem with being something like that, since as far as I know, my species does not have a unique form per se, and later on we can even transform into all things in existence, apparently the form we are born with is only the one we have the most affinity with, and since it is not fixed we can transform into something we like more later on.

As far as shape is concerned, we really do not have a limitation, on the other hand and this does seem strange to me considering our great diversity in terms of physique, we cannot change gender, that is fixed.

But it is not as if it bothers me either, you cannot have everything you assume.

Although there is another species that is the opposite of ours, since they can change gender at will, but for them to be able to transform into other things it is very complicated, the only way is by resorting to illusion.

In that sense, I prefer the versatility of transformation of my species.


Apparently I have night vision, and how do I know that?

Well, it turns out that it recently finished absorbing this liquid energy, and what its absence left behind is total darkness. There is not a single particle of light, but I see without any problem, one could even say that I see much better.

I must also say that I feel comfortable and everything in this dark environment, without exaggeration it is as if I was born for the darkness.

And I am black, if I could finally discover my color.

Well, since it has already finished absorbing the liquid energy, I am preparing to leave.


At this moment I find myself lost.

Not to say that the truth is that I find myself somewhat dissatisfied.

I previously mentioned that I vaguely felt that once I absorbed all the liquid energy something big was going to happen more specifically related to my soul, but since it didn't happen immediately I simply dismissed it as not being time yet and decided to focus my energies on getting out of here first and then I would wait to see what happened.

But just when I was going to try, I got dizzy.

Something opened up inside me, to be more precise, inside my soul.

A space inside it, which can perfectly be called a small world.

And the best thing and a big part of my previous dissatisfaction is that I can design it however I want.

If I had known about this place before, I wouldn't be so bored while waiting for who knows how long.

And my soul, or rather the soul of all beings like me (my brothers and others) is too special and large, so until I have a body that is strong enough and temper my soul until it is powerful enough to withstand its own great size without collapsing, this place called the Soul World will not be accessible.

Anyway, I can investigate this world in more detail and later, the important thing is to first get out of the place where I am.


Once I left the soul world, I was left wondering how exactly to get out of here.

From what I know, it's just pushing my body through the walls of this place, but even with my night vision, since this space is absolute darkness, I have no idea where these damn walls are, so I'm going to leave it to luck and push in a random direction.


I must say that I shouldn't have thought about it that much, since once I tried to push, something rang as soon as I stretched, so I just applied more force to be able to break the walls.

But the first thing I saw was an intense light and I almost went blind. (Not really. But it did bother my eyes a lot.)

Once I had gotten used to the intense light, I was speechless.

An egg.

It came out of an egg.

I know that I don't really have parents since I'm the first of my kind, and even taking into account the great versatility of my species in transformation, being my birth form a cat, I expected my birthplace to be different. Well to be honest I don't know what I expected and I never inquired or thought about it because I wanted to be surprised, but I never imagined that I would be an egg.

I guess in the end I was surprised, just in a way that I didn't expect.

Well since I've come out of what seems to be an egg, it's time to stop thinking about this too much and go to the place where I feel the presence of my sister, who by chance is on this same planet, I imagined she would be on another planet.

Just in case I'll also take this egg to analyze it later.