"So, who was that girl?" Izuku and Bakugo sat in his room which was a bit cluttered. "I don't know her." He couldn't stop thinking about her hand on his person. He rotated his shoulders. "She helped me when I got ambushed by the ink."
He looked at Bakugo. He had something to say but didn't know what to start with. "She said she went to Genkai? Bakugo, do remember anything funny happening at UA?" He sat with his elbow in his knee. "Yes."
"Really? What about Nezu getting fired?"
"Yes," he replied bluntly again. "You knew?"
"That's why I left early…" he straightened in his bed. "A bunch of people left. And then Uraraka got attacked after school that day."
"She got attacked?"
"Some thugs pushed her into a car. You know she needs her phone to project onto people."
"Did she use her phone?" Izuku grimaced. "They did something to her and as far as I know she's still in the house. I don't her story but I know that I went out for a jog and my mother came down the street."
"Is she ok?"
"My parents are actually fine." he sat back in bed. "I've seen mom twice today. No--five times. To be honest, I don't know if she even called me."
"What do you mean?"
"She called the home phone and said she went to grans." he closed his eyes for minute. "At least I know that."
"My dad is in the hospital…"
"Or dead." he said. "What the--"
"What happened to that Kaachan shit? Your father is in the hospital and I heard heroes don't go to the clinic anymore after somebody died."
What could he say against that? "Where's your mom?"
It left Izuku's mouth a gap. "Dead…"
"I'm sorry…"
"Well, you didn't have a problem two minutes ago?"
"Well, sorry." What the fuck happened to their whole relationship? They used to be friends. They talked some in school after years. Izuku was always behind and even in school he was a grade higher. He kind of thought they were one in the same. "What do you know about steroids?" asked Izuku. Bakugo raised a brow. "Nothing."
"There were some in my house… IT had them."
"That's what we're calling it? I call it SLUDGE."
"And that woman?" The moment Izuku asked, he started thinking about his privates. "I don't know her."
"I actually applied to Genkai but I haven't gotten my test scores back. What are you doing away from UA?"
"Training. If I was honest with myself, I did better on my own then from some school,"
"You'll be a vigilante. That's illegal."
Bakugo stared at Izuku. "And?" As long as it got the job done, it didn't really matter what position he in. He wanted to be a hero. He didn't sign up to be tied with an agency.
Izuku stayed with Bakugo and his family after they got back. "I think you should go to the place with him in the morning." his mother suggested. "I don't want to." he said.
"Goddamn it, Bakugo! Go to the building with Izuku. They might rush grading and the two of you can't be vigilants."
"I'm not bailing your ass out of jail!" Mitsuki yelled. She threw a book at the back of his head as he sat on the couch. "I should make your ass go today!"
Due to his mother's demands, they went to the building in the morning. They walked in and Deku saw new faces and the same ones. It was one guy in the lobby doing the chicken dance and twerking. "What the hell!"
"Just go to the glass window." Izuku urged. A man approached Bakugo, "Do you have change?"
The man clapped his hands and coin started pouring out his palms. "Nevermind I found some."
"Will you sit the fuck down somewhere!"
Izuku approached the desk lady and knocked on the glass. "Sir, you have to wait in line!" this lady was different from the one he saw. He exhaled and stood in line with the rest of the heroes. Or potential because he didn't see the chicken man making it. He hear the front and it made him chuckle.
"Ok sir, what do you want?"
"I wanna change my hero name."
"That's 330 fee. What's wrong with the one you got?"
"I was drunk when I came up with it and my mother won't stop calling me cumdrop."
There were at least 17 people ahead and he waited patiently, while bakugo sat in a chair with a magazine Izuku heard a woman in front. "What do you need ma'am?"
"I came to ask how do you build your own agency?" she asked. That voice seemed familiar. Priestess? "You can't do that." replied the receptionist. "You have to apply to the ones listed. If you need a pamphlet, I can give you one."
"I think you lying because there was a hero that registered and made his own claim. I can't even get it at school."
"I'm sorry ma'am but to the best of my knowledge we don't have that kind of information."
"Can ask your supervisor?"
"No ma'am, we don't have one in this building." The woman grunted, thanked and walked out the building. Izuku caught her face and it was her. Priestess smiled walking by and exited. Bakugo got up and cut in line. "What did she want?"
"Get out of my way!" yelled a hero behind him. "Shut the fuck up!"
"She wants to build her own agency," he said. "Sounds villainness." said Bakugo. "Will you get your ass behind me!"
"Yell at me again!" he snapped. "I'll smack the shit outta you!"
When it came time for Izuku to get to the desk. He looked at the tanned woman with blue hair extensions and bright yellow makeup around her eyes. "What do you need sir?"
"I'm here about my application." he said. "It sound reach you three to five business days after you take the test. We don't do Early College which is early entrance for heroes applying. You can also go online www.WannaBeBusiness.net to check your scores. It should be noted you can call the building directly at the number, 4433--"
"Why are you talking so fast?" said Bakugo. "What's the website?"
She gawked at him through the window. "Do you know how to spell?"
"Yes, and I bet I could use blush better than you."
"Excuse me?"
"ENOUGH!" Izuku pushed Bakugo away. "What's the website?"
"WannaBe--" she sighed. "Wait…" she slid a car through the window. "Go there."