Chereads / Faded Scales of a Hyacinth. / Chapter 12 - Walking through blankened memories.

Chapter 12 - Walking through blankened memories.

Through the forest, the two stepped softly, the bright-white blankets of snowfall crunching under their boots. The light bent softly through the canopy of bare branches above, making the ground underneath them glimmer.

Birds chirped loudly in the distance of the morning, filling the air with their song. The wind blew in harmony with the bird calls, as if to soothe their hearts so naturally. Mist had settled around them, although it wasn't quite thick enough to block out the sun.

As Aelem walked, she kept slipping upon the ice that had frozen against the path that had been cleared of snow by countless traveling boots.

"Here, take my hand," Omen spoke softly, "Lest you fall more."

Aelem took his hand in turn. It was soft, and warm, yet cold despite that. Rather, if she were to put it in terms that wouldn't confuse those around her, it was that his hand had an internal warmth that she could feel pulse outwards, and his skin had been bitten by the chill of the air. So, despite his hands being cold, they were worth it for their warmth.

"Why do you treat me different, when everyone treats me as such?" Aelem asked of him with curious eyes. "By all means, shouldn't you of all people demean me?"

"Do you even know why everyone chooses to despise you?" Omen asked of her. "Do you not know of the history behind Leviathans?

"There's more- besides me?" Aelem spoke with an expression of surprise. "Can I meet them?"

"They're all dead." Omen spoke bitterly in return as he shook his head. "I killed them."

The mood between them fell silent, and tense.

"That's why I treat you different." He continued. "I want you to be the first to live."

Aelem turned towards him in that moment, drawing his softened grey gaze away from the path ahead.

"I want you to live too." She spoke simply, an affirmation of her heart as she continued. "It would be sad if my spouse were to die, I think."

Omen grew visibly flustered before her, his face reddening as he looked away. To be so hot and blushed within the cold winter air was a wonder to himself.

"I hope it doesn't come to that, in reality…" He spoke under his breath as they walked.

"Do you think it will outbalance the things you've done, if you save me?"

"I don't think that matters." He began to smile once more. "My ulterior motives are nothing like that."

"Will you tell me what they are, then?"

"Maybe someday." He spoke simply in response.

They walked for a short time more, before coming to a crossing in the road.

"Am I your prisoner, or your lover?" Aelem asked of him.

'You are my ward, and I am your protector." He spoke simply in turn.

And as protector, he took the lead, and chose the left path in the forked road.

"A couple of decades ago… not too long ago that its still fresh in many's memories, and close enough to be told as a horrifying tale to young children, there was a man who was very prominent in Veran, who was revealed to have been a Leviathan." He started to speak.

Aelem simply listened to him as they walked.

"To win over the will of a Dragon, one must find their name. It has no true power over the Dragon. It's more like a test, the ability to prove yourself worthy of conquering its pride." He shook his head. "But, the man could do no such thing. So, he had to succumb to the will of the Dragon, and fulfill his role as a calamitous force."

"What was the result of that calamity?" She asked.

"Tens of thousands died. When a Leviathan gives into the Dragon's will, they turn into a dragon themselves- they seek to raze the world, until it is nothing but white ash in their wake."

Aelem's eyes widened as he spoke.

"So then… the reason why they all despise me… it's the possibility I won't succeed in overcoming the pride of a Dragon?"

"It is exactly like that. There is no certain ground for their hatred. It is unfounded, yet it is wholly understandable. There may be a chance you do not destroy the world, and so still you are human, but despite that, they would have you killed." Omen shook his head. "Does that anger you?"

"No, not particularly…" She started to speak. "Rather, its not them I'm angry at… although, then I realise I'm not particularly mad at the Dragon either. I would just like to live my life, and be a normal woman."

"And marriage is a part of that?" He asked of her.

"Is it not for every woman? Marriage, children, love…" She spoke softly, "Cooking, cleaning, sewing and mending clothes, and tending to the garden…"

"It's not quite like that for most women. It hasn't been like that for decades." Omen laughed in turn. "Factories, food establishments, and armories alike all hire women to their workforce. I've even heard of women becoming soldiers. Many times men will take a hand in doing household work, and participate in the raising of children. The idea of 'normal' for womanhood… I don't think its as stringent as your perception sees it to be."

He knelt down towards Aelem, as if his words held importance that needed to be spoken face-to-face.

"Marriage, love… normalcy is what you wish it to be. You don't need to abide by the template of what you consider to be a 'woman'. In my eyes, that's what you are already." He smiled.

Yet, as if she weren't listening, she took the opportunity to place his lips upon his. Of course, she had treasured every word he had said in that moment, for her heart had begun to flutter, and her cheeks grew soft and red.

It was as if alongside him, her candle wish came closer to becoming fulfilled with every passing second. He was the first to have treated her in the way she wanted to be perceived, and that made him a treasure in her eyes.