CHAP. 6.—And it came to pass, after the children of men had increased in those days,
beautiful and comely daughters were born to them. 2. And the angels, the sons of the
heavens, saw and lusted after them, and said one to another: "Behold, we will choose for
ourselves wives from among the children of men, and will beget for ourselves children." 3.
And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said to them: "I fear that perhaps ye will not be willing
to do this deed, and I alone shall suffer for this great sin." 4. Then all answered him and said:
"We all will swear an oath, and bind ourselves mutually by a curse, that we will not give up
this plan, but will make this plan a deed." 5. Then they all swore together, and bound
themselves mutually by a curse; and together they were two hundred. 6. And they descended
on Ardîs, which is the summit of Mount Hermon; and they called it Mount Hermon, because
they had sworn on it and bound themselves mutually by a curse. 7. And these are the names
of their leaders: Semjâzâ, who was their leader, Urâkibarâmêêl, Akibêêl, Tâmiêl, Râmuêl,
Dânêl, Ezêqêêl, Sarâqujâl, Asâêl, Armers, Batraal, Anânî, Zaqêbê, Samsâvêêl, Sartaêl, Turêl,
Jomjâêl, Arâzjâl. 8. These are the leaders of the two hundred angels, and the others all were
with them.
CHAP. 7.—And they took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and
they began to go in to them, and mixed with them, and taught them charms and
conjurations, and made them acquainted with the cutting of roots and of woods. 2. And they
became pregnant and brought forth great giants whose stature was three thousand ells. 3.
These devoured all the acquisitions of mankind till men were unable to sustain themselves.
4. And the giants turned themselves against mankind in order to devour them. 5. And they
began to sin against the birds and the beasts, and against the creeping things, and the fish,
and devoured their flesh among themselves, and drank the blood thereof. 6. Then the earth
complained of the unjust ones.
CHAP. 8.—And Azâzêl taught mankind to make swords and knives and shields and coats
of mail, and taught them to see what was behind them, and their works of art: bracelets and
ornaments, and the use of rouge, and the beautifying of the eye-brows, and the dearest and
choicest stones and all coloring substances and the metals of the earth. 2. And there was
great wickedness and much fornication, and they sinned, and all their ways were corrupt. 3.
Amêzârâk taught all the conjurers and root-cutters, Armârôs the loosening of conjurations,
Baraq'âl the astrologers, Kôkâbêl the signs, and Temêl taught astrology, and Asrâdêl taught
the course of the moon. 4. And in the destruction of mankind, they cried aloud, and their
voices reached heaven.
CHAP. 9.—Then Michael and Gabriel and Surjân and Urjân looked down from heaven
and saw the great amount of blood which had been spilled on the earth, and all the
wickedness which had been committed over the earth. 2. And they said to one another:
"The emptied earth re-echoes the sound of their [i.e. mankind's] cries up to the gates of
heaven. 3. And now to you, O ye holy ones of heaven, cry the souls of men, saying: 'Secure
us judgment before the Most High.' 4. And they spoke to their Lord, to the King: 'O Lord
of lords, God of gods, King of kings, the throne of thy majesty is among all the generations
of the world, and thy name, holy and glorious, among all the generations of the world. Thou
art blessed and praised! 5. Thou hast made all things and all power is with thee, all things
are open before thee and uncovered, and thou seest all things and nothing can hide itself
from thee. 6. See then what Azâzêl has done, how he has taught all wickedness on earth and
has revealed the secrets of the world which were prepared in the heavens. 7. And Semjâzâ
to whom thou hast given the power to be chief of his associates has made known
conjurations. 8. And they have gone together to the daughters of men and have slept with
them, with those women, and have defiled themselves, and have revealed to them these sins.
9. And the women have brought forth giants, and thereby the whole earth has been filled
with blood and wickedness. 10. And now, behold, the souls which have died cry and lament
to the gates of heaven, and their groans ascend, and they are not able to escape from the
wickedness which is committed on the earth. 11. And thou knowest everything before it
comes to pass, and thou knowest this and their circumstances, and yet thou dost not speak
to us. What shall we therefore do in regard to this?"
CHAP. 10.—Then the Most High, the Great and Holy One, spoke and sent Arsjalâljûr
to the son of Lamech, and said to him: 2. "Tell him in my name: 'Hide thyself!' and reveal
to him the end which is to come. For the whole earth will be destroyed, and the water of the
deluge is about to come over the whole earth, and what is upon it will be destroyed. 3. And
now instruct him that he may escape and his seed remain on the whole earth." 4. And again
the Lord spoke to Rufael: "Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and put him in the darkness; make an
opening in the desert, which is in Dudâêl, and put him there. 5. And lay upon him rough and
pointed rocks, and cover him with darkness that he may remain there forever, and cover his
face that he may not see the light! 6. And on the great day of judgment he will be cast into
the fire. 7. And heal the earth which the angels have defiled, and announce the healing of
the earth that I will heal it, and that not all the sons of men shall be destroyed through the
mystery of all the things which the watchers have spoken and have taught their sons. 8. And
the whole earth was defiled through the example of the deeds of Azâzêl; to him ascribe all the
sins." 9. And God said to Gabriel: "Go against the bastards and those cast off and against the
children of fornication, and destroy the children of fornication and the children of the
watchers from among men; lead them out, and let them loose that they may destroy each
other by murder; for their days shall not be long. 10. And they will all supplicate thee, but
their fathers will secure nothing for them, although they expect an everlasting life, and that
each one of them will live five hundred years." 11. And God said to Michael: "Announce to
Semjâzâ and to the others who are with him, who have bound themselves to women, to be
destroyed with them in all their contamination. 12. When all their sons shall have slain one
another, and they shall have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them under the
hills of the earth for seventy generations, till the day of their judgment and of their end, till
the last judgment has been passed for all eternity. 13. And in those days they will be led to
the abyss of fire, in torture and in prison they will be locked for all eternity, 14. And then he
will burn, and be destroyed; they will be burned together from now on to the end of all
generations. 15. And destroy all souls of lust and the children of the watchers, because they
have oppressed mankind. 16. Destroy all oppression from the face of the earth, and all
wicked deeds shall cease, and the plant of justice and righteousness shall appear, and deeds
will become a blessing: justice and righteousness will be planted in joy forever. 17. Then all
the just will bend the knee, and they will remain alive till they beget a thousand children, and
they will complete all the days of their youth and their sabbath in peace. 18. And in those
days the whole earth will be worked in justice, and will all be planted with trees, and will be
full of blessings. 19. And all the trees of desire will be planted on it, and vines will be planted
on it; the vine planted on it will bear fruit in abundance. And of all the seed sown on it one
measure will bear ten thousand, and one measure of olives will make ten presses of oil. 20.
And cleanse thou the earth of all oppression and all injustice and all sin and all wickedness
and all uncleanness which are produced on the earth: eradicate them from the earth. 21.
And all the children of men shall become just, and all the nations shall worship me as God,
and bless and all will worship me. 22. And the earth will be cleansed of all corruption and
all sin and all punishment and all torment, and I will never again send a flood upon it, from
generation to generation, to eternity."
CHAP. 11.—"And in those days I will open the store-rooms of blessings which are in
heaven, in order to bring them down upon the earth, upon the deeds and labor of the
children of men. 2. Peace and rectitude will become associates in all the days of the world,and in all the generations of the world."