Behind her came (Marwa) saying: May I have a cup of cold water.
(Hope): sure.
(Marwa) drank a glass of water while she looked closely at (Amal) and then said: You are a special girl (Amal)?!
(Amal): Sorry! I do not understand what you mean ?!
(Marwa) put a glass of water after sip a little, she says: Don't worry, very soon you will know what I mean...
She came out for a bit, then stopped and said sarcastically: By the way, it is better to make a glass of cold lemonade for Mr. (Ali), it is clear that his nerves are damaged, he need to calm down, and lemon juice is the solution, and it is preferable that you make it yourself.
(Marwa) came out of the kitchen and (Amal) stood confused as to what she meant?!!
she made the juice and went upstairs in fear of the wrath of Mr. (Ali)..
She stood in front of the room to knock on the door, but found (Souad) walking out of the room...
(Souad): What are you doing here?!
(Amal): I made a glass of juice for Mr. (Ali) to calm his nerves.
(Souad): Good, he is very fanatical, I will go downstairs to finish my work.
She swallowed hard, knocking on the door twice to hear him say, "Go ahead."
(Amal) put the glass of juice on the table in front of him, where he was sitting with his hand on the forehead of his head, saying: here, Mr.( Ali).
(Ali): What is this?!
(Amal): A glass of lemonade, to calm your nerves.... Would you like something else?
He looked at the juice and sighed a little, then said: Thank you.
She turned to leave, but he stopped her, saying: What happened during my absence?!
(Amal): Not much. (Tollin) came back from her trip with her friends, but she used to go out every day. Mr. (Wael) is busy with work and Mr. (Tamer) has only been there for one day since you left.
(Ali): And (Adam)?!!
she was surprised by his question specifically about (Adam), and she said hesitantly: Nothing, did not go out of the house most of the time, as he was playing with (Fluffy).
(Ali): Who is this (Fluffy)?!
(Amal): A small dog we found together before, and (Adam) took care of it.
(Ali): You two found together?!! Your relationship seems to be good.
Automatically (Amal) said: (Adam) is a nice person and always plays with (Fluffy), and his relationship with the rest of the family is good?
Mr. (Ali) said nervously, "You can leave.... Thanks again for the juice."
she came out of his room while he pulled out a pack of cigars and lit one. He hadn't lit it for nearly five years?!!
(Walid) finished repairing a car as he works in a repair shop, his friend (Hossam) came carrying two cups of tea...
(Hossam): Have you finished work?! I made us tea
(Walid) sat next to his friend saying: Yes, it did not take much time.
(Hossam): You are the best car repair worker, you will be worthy of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
(Walid): This is what I aspire to...I think?!!
His friend felt distressed and said: What is wrong with you, man? Since your last meeting with Amal, have you been like this?
(Walid): I think I totally screwed things up with her.
(Hossam): What do you mean?! Wouldn't you confess your love to her?!
(Walid): She doesn't feel the same way about me, that's why I acted stupidly with her response?!
(Hossam): You ruined everything, even your friendship!
(Walid): I think so, there must be a way to improve things!
They heard a girl's voice coming from the door of the workshop saying: Hello?
They got up together to see who's coming, and (Walid) said, surprised: (Tollin), what are you doing here?!
(Tollin): Isn't this an auto repair shop?! So I'm here to fix my car!!!!!!
To Be continued.....
Enjoy ☺