Sora opened her eyes and to her surprise she saw the trio peering down on her with predatory eyes
She heard their whispers on how they want to keep her locked up forever
Feeling scared,Sora devised up a plan to run away
She has teleportation device magic so she can easily teleport back home if she could trace he scent back and as someone who's wolf side is more prominent,it will be easier for her to do so
Sora started out her plan when the trio had gone to work
She finally found the track of her scent which was traced back to her house
The trio realized what she was doing and before they could reach her,she teleported back with absolute concentration leaving the trio is dismay
Sora teleported home right in the face of her mother and the next thing she knew she was being hugged by he mom and her best friend jenny
Tears and sobbing filled the room but the person with the loudest sob was Sora
Sora cried telling her mom and friend that she doesn't want to die,that she doesn't want to stay with them and her mum and sister kept on coaxing her that it's okay that they'll do everything they can but then sora dropped the bomb that they married her and took her virginity away
This made jenny and Sora's mum more furious,they promised to protect her and send he for therapy to which Sora agreed to because she needed it
The family sat together and ate Brunch happily because of their reunion together
Sora's heart was not at ease because she knew that the trio would still come for her
Feeling tired they all decided to retire to their room for the night but just to be safe ,Sora and Jenny shared a room together
Jenny held Sora in a soft hug as the both cuddled each other feeling safe and happy in each other's embrace as Sora's mum had already deviced a plan getting help from her old friend,so that they could go and live in Germany with his gang at least Sora thought it was her mum's friend but in reality it was her Dad
Sora's mum would do anything for her daughter because she loves her and she still kept In touch with her husband as the only reason she didn't leave with him was because of his gang and their child was still small so they made an agreement about when she reaches 16 years of age and right now she's 18 so their going tomorrow
Jenny cares for Sora and planned on confessing because she knows sora like her too and she would stop at nothing to protect her even if it means embracing death