When I had gotten home my mum made a lot of bad comments about me to my father and that made me sit for hours listening to a Man desperate for the best.
Unlike my siblings which had already finished with their education I had to face all of this on my own without the help of anyone.And I mean anyone.
My mum just happened to sit by my dad pointing accusing fingers at me.
I tried to explain ro her that it was a rivalry work that took place between twi classroom.I even tries to make it look as a stage play but unfortunately for me my headteacher had already blown my mother's mind towards me.
What could I have done ?
Monday 9:00pm
That night I could not sleep after a while of brooding on all that I had been scolded on. Although I later on realised that it was for the best and that they only did it for my own benefit.
Wednesday 10:00am
When I got to school on Wednesday the whole school just looked afe in pity like I was someone that had just been out of surgery and honestly thatade everything complicated for me.
Michelle and Elon were the only ones whole welcomed me with a cuddle to show that they actually cared about me.
When I got to Biology class we were told to pick partners ro do a quick work of disection on a slyly alive frog 🐸.
Then Mischief came to face.
I immediately thought of dumping the frog one of rivals head .
But before then I chose the only person that truly understood my person and that was
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