Chereads / Hollow in a Magic World / Chapter 60 - Yin and Yang

Chapter 60 - Yin and Yang

Nameless POV:

I was led out of her room in a daze, thinking on everything that just happened. I started to regret my earlier hesitation and should have grabbed the book when I had the chance. Surely, she had to know what was coming next for her to not give him the book. Although now that I thought about it more, even if everything was completely true, I couldn't exactly just carry the book around. 

I joined the ranks of the other initiates who were eagerly waiting for their turn to the attunement crystal. I was all too familiar with the process on how the church members gained their light magic. It was well known that light magic was available to all. Wait.

I suddenly realize that I'm already attuned to the darkness element. Would I combust into flames if I tried to be attuned to the light element as well. Growing worried, I look around the room to find many clergy stationed at the exits. It was too much in a way that it wasn't obvious that they were there to stop me from escaping. 

With this many members and the Priestess herself, I wouldn't survive an engagement. If I fought here, my own organization would engage themselves in order to salvage the mission and I would no doubt die to them anyway. My only option was to follow through and possibly die to over attunement. What did I do to always have death as my only option?

Too bad for everyone else, I wasn't planning on dying. My turn for the attunement crystal approached quickly. Before placing my hand on the crystal, my gaze turns to the Priestess who returns it with a smile. She no doubt was interested in seeing what was to become of me. 

All too familiar with the process of attunement, I place my hand on the crystal and let my mana flow through it back into me. I can feel the aura as light began to envelop my body in an aura. My heartbeat began to quicken as I could feel the light magic entering my body. I could feel its warmth, welcoming and vibrant. But then, it touches the darkness magic already dwelling there. Sensing its counterpart, the dark magic revolts. It was as if a war was happening in my body.

The coldness of the dark magic would invade where the warmth would, trying to be the dominant magic. In return, the light magic remains unmoving, refusing to yield to the darkness. Where there was once relief, there is only pain throughout my body. Then without realizing it, I blank out. 

Various memories play through my head simultaneously on little screens but the biggest one of them is the one that I pay attention to. It was when I was being tortured constantly by the church, but towards the end, a day before Gerald saved me. 

My wrists and ankles were sore from the strain of the chains that bound me. Trays of food that were out of my reach had long since gone rotten. I remember that I had remained as still as I could, as any movement would cause waves of pain. 

After months of torture and isolation, my mind was next to nothing. I couldn't even remember what the sun looked like. I had just got due with another "saving" session. Even though I knew that no one was coming for me, I liked to keep hope that someone was, it kept me alive all those months. However, this time was different. That session broke me. I was contemplating taking my own life with the chains.

Fighting through the pain, I was able to wrap the chains around my neck and I pulled. Slowly, I could feel myself drifting away as I struggled to breathe. As I could feel myself getting weaker, fear began to grip me. Seconds away from passing out, I panicked and stopped. Panting from catching my breath, I cursed at myself for being a coward. But I began to think, is it cowardice to want to live? It was then on that I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to survive.

I come back to and find myself aflame from the intense internal struggle I was going through. Now that I've felt it, this was nothing compared to the pain that I felt with Lord Nidhogg's trial of sharing his blessing. Unable to hold back, I let out a scream, pulling both powers into focus. Instead of clashing each other, they now began to rotate evenly within me, calming the pain down tremendously. 

With everything within me settled down, I turn to find all eyes on me, a lot of them with shock. Pretty sure my cover was blown, I begin to tell Odin to open the portal. However, a voice interjects over mine.

"Behold the talent we have within our ranks. Let this be a signal of the good things to come." The Priestess shouts, drawing everyone's attention away from me.

I watch them look at each other before erupting in cheers. Seeing that they accepted her words, I quickly get off the podium, rushing to get out of their focus of the spotlight. Hearing their applauds and claps I realize the true meaning behind the title.

"And now, everyone will get their magical equipment, courtesy of the church of Luminous."

No sooner does she say this, then clergy boys roll out carts full of wands and staffs. My eyes grow wide as I realize that just like that, my mission is complete. This was the perfect opportunity and if I let this go, I would only be faced with death. 

"Odin, mangoes." If anyone else heard this, it wouldn't make sense to them. But to the always watching Odin, it was the code word to initiate the plan. Immediately, I can feel a shift in mana pressure outside the building. Apparently everyone else feels it as well as they begin to feel something is wrong.

The clergy men immediately change their moods, going on edge. I look at the Priestess whose eyes are on me, her smile weary. While the clergy boys begin to scatter to their positions, she slips away, heading upstairs. 

The doors burst open, and I recognize my fellow members of the Midnight Covenant knights as they rush in. Unprepared for a sudden attack, the clergy men look around for guidance, but don't find the Priestess. Knowing they have little choice, they line up, ready to defend. 

The knights and clergy men clash, colliding together with a clang. However, the attackers are more prepared and easily tear through the ranks of the clergy who are only wearing robes. Within the minute, the entire room is now owned by us. The initiates who were just moments before happy and looking forward to their future with the church, were now at the mercy of the Midnight Covenant. 

I can feel him before he even enters. Our monster of a second in command. Gerald walks through the door, wearing his brilliant black suit with our insignia inscribed on his shoulder. The members make the initiates get on their knees as he inspects all of them. 

"Search the building for the rest of the church members. Secure the magical equipment immediately." He orders and no one wastes any time following it. He turns to me, and I bow to him in respect. I've seen that with a single word that he could kill me.

"Good work, Nameless. I can try to put a good word in for you with Lord Nidhogg, however, don't get comfortable. Until you can unlock your full potential, I'm afraid you're on borrowed time."

I nod my head in understanding. "I should report that we should make our way to the Priestess' office at our earliest convenience. I haven't confirmed it yet, but apparently she has a book of secrets against the church that we should definitely investigate before she destroys it." 

He contemplates for a second. He turns to his assistant. "Make sure everything runs smoothly in my absence. No one is to escape." He turns back to me. "This is indeed something we will have to investigate. Take me to her."

We travel up the stairs back towards her office. The fear that was once there the first time was absent this time. With Lord Gerald here, there was nothing to fear but him. We get to her office, and I open the door for him, to find the blonde clergy standing next to her with hatred in his eyes, while the Priestess had her back to us, staring out the window. 

"I knew you were trash!" Unable to contain himself, the blonde clergy shouts, pulling his dagger as he runs towards me. I place my hand on my weapon, prepared to deal with him but Lord Gerald raises his hand.

The clergy boy erupts into black flames, falling to the ground screaming in pain. The Priestess turns ignoring Gerald and looking at me. 

"I'm no idiot to know where this is going. I have accepted my fate, and I do not intend on going back on my word. However, the book was promised to you and you alone. Should anyone but you try to take it, I'll do everything possible to stop them." She addresses. 

Unsure of what to do, I refrain from taking action. "Very well. It matters not who takes the book, so long as it in our control." Gerald says.

She places the book on the table and steps to the side. As Gerald stands back, I go forward carefully, my eyes locked on to the book. Without hesitation, I open the book, unable to keep myself from learning its secrets. But as I start reading, emotions well up inside me. 

Page after page describes the atrocious methods they performed on those with the darkness element in an attempt to turn them to the light element. Each page filled with failures, but I knew they were innocent people who just were aligned with the dark element. Then, I pause on the longest log. A test subject who managed to survive their experiments and torture for months. Me. 

My breathing grows faster as I realize her intentions. Clutching the book, I fall to the ground on my knees as tears well up in my eyes from the sudden memories that I was getting. As I clutched the book, I could feel power within it. 

From the advice of my other Fullbrings, I knew that we could draw on the souls of objects around us. I struggled to comprehend the concept of it as I couldn't understand how souls could reside in mere objects. What do you mean this chair has a soul? But from the book, I could feel it. Calling to me. Accepting it's call, it's as if the world was opened to me. As I looked around, I could see different colors in every object. I was blind to this, but now, I could see every soul everywhere. 

General POV:

Gerald watched as the Nameless finally unlocked his potential. He looked towards the Priestess and wondered if this was her plan all along. Seeing his gaze, she finally turned to address Gerald.

"Well, let's get this over with. Make my death quick as I would for you." She says.

Gerald narrows his eyes studying her. Maybe Lord Nidhogg wouldn't mind him making this decision, as it was apparent that she had a useful ability that would serve the Midnight Covenant well.

"No. Come with us." Gerald says turning, daring her to refuse. 

She raises an eyebrow. This man was powerful. Powerful enough to see that she was going to die probably within a year or two. Yet, he didn't kill her and was making plans for her. She followed, interested to see what was to come.