When I appeared in the next room, I had been fully expecting to be hit with a large wave of energy.
I was expecting to be completely suppressed by what was in this room since I thought there would be a S Ranked Monster here.
However, that didn't seem to be the case.
When I appeared in the room, I couldn't help feeling that it was a bit dim.
It was as if there was something that was covering the light that was coming from above.
When I looked up, I found that there was indeed something that was covering this light.
It was the foliage from a bunch of trees.
Then when I took the time to look around, I found that I was completely surrounded by the trees that the foliage came from. I found that I was in the center of what seemed to be a forest.
I was no longer in the same room that I had been in previously.
But the problem was…where was the enemy that I had to fight?