Eldar and Charlemagne had obviously walked in on something as Jarron and his father looked at a document spread across Jarron's desk. Jarron called out, "Wait a second." Eldar continued forward to get Charlemagne into a chair. He looked at Jarron, "What are you looking at? Looked like a legal document."
Jarron told him, "Not your concern."
Eldar fired back, "If this is something I delivered, it is my concern. What is the harm here? You know where I am if you want to kill me. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes right out of the Academy is what you need."
Jarron smiled at Eldar's father, "Alright Eldar, let's see what you make of this but we will not tell you what we are looking for."
Eldar nodded and looked it over, "First glance it is a trade agreement, and/or defense agreement. Hard to say without taking the time to read the whole thing which will take a couple of hours. Who wrote it? An Elven scribe or a Human?"
Heliar called out, "Elven."
Eldar sighed, "It is not a bad copy of the original."
Jarron looked perplexed, "No, this is an original. That has yet to be signed."
Eldar frowned, "I doubt that."
Heliar looked at Eldar, "Why?"
Eldar explained, "As part of my coursework we had to look over magical copies of original documents to have an understanding of Elven politics." They nodded. "Well unless the standards have dropped at the royal palace this cannot be an original."
Jarron asked, "Why?"
Eldar turned the document and pointed out the characters drawn on the first line, "Look at the 7th character it has a small hair-like, 'j' at the bottom of the character."
Jarron shrugged, "Why does that not make it an original in your opinion? A stray hair on a brush of mark with a quill would not stop it from being an original."
Eldar smirked, "I would agree if you said a human wrote it, but no royal court scribe would let that imperfection out of the palace and that is not the only one..." He pointed out several other 'j's'.
"Before you ask me why again. I will point out these '/' and '\' on these other characters and the reverse 'j's' on these characters. On some characters, the threads are not even in the same location on the character or the same direction in case of the reversal. They are also extremely precise in shape meaning they were deliberate.
Either a novice scribe was assigned to this or someone altered it. Now, the paperwork for a Knight or a Diplomat might have those as they get them out quickly, especially if they are in the military. They keep blanks and just fill in the names, awards, and such are accomplishments will have masters work them only.
But NOT treaties or trade agreements. Not likely altered as the composite of the ink appears to be a match to the characters. The exact formula for the ink is never used twice on royal documents that need to stand the test of time.
They are made in batches for a particular task and if they run out of ink too soon the entire final document is begun again with a new and slightly larger ink pool. Elven scribes are nothing but anal and elven politicians will wait until the document is a masterpiece in design.
Even if it is simply the annual letter to the students, we got every year at the Academy as part of our history. The letter arrived days or weeks after the beginning of the year just to ensure it was perfect before it went out. That is why royal scribes spend a hundred or more years as an apprentice."
Jarron looked at Heliar then back at Eldar after he got a nod, "We believe a coded message is in the document."
Eldar looked at the back of each page and points out a small symbol in the bottom corner.
He smirked, "When a Master scribe approves a page for a document, he puts his sigil in the bottom corner of the document, and only one master scribe is assigned to that document. All of these pages are assigned to the same master scribe.
You could try and guess all of the meaning or if they denote a placement order or a substitution for a different character. Your best place to start is with this Master Scribe. He can tell you every apprentice who works under him. If you have other originals and they are from the same master scribe, then you have your suspect pool.
All in the Royal Palace and who incorporated that code. As the document was supposed to have been intercepted the target of the message recipient is not likely at the other end, but instead destined to this Lord Barimus who spoke to our mercenaries. How did I do?"
Charlemagne sat in the back and watched as those 2 exchanged glances before she piped in, "I told you he is always looking for the things out of place around him."
Jarron looked at her and nodded, "Best lead we have at the moment."
Eldar looked at Jarron, "I would like to have a conversation with my father in private that had more than 50 words. Before he has to take care of some other matter. This would be our second conversation in 50 years. I would appreciate you not giving Charlemagne a hard time in my absence. She has had a long and tiring night..."
Charlemagne rolled her eyes and buried her face in her hands. "Father if you are willing to take a walk with me?"
Jarron chuckled, "The apple does not fall far from the tree I see."
Heliar nodded, "Too long between talks?"
Eldar responded, "No. The first one was at my graduation."
Eldar walked out the door as his father followed, "You can thank Charlemagne when we get back. If she had refused to talk with me last night concerning the questions I had about you, we would not be talking today. Nothing 'secret' except to me, apparently.
I am still in the dark about your organization here. Other than a general perception that it answers to nobody and helps many. Let me start by asking, 'Do you know of my current circumstances?'"
Heliar shook his head, "Got here about 30 minutes ago been looking over that document. Jaron stated I would get a full briefing when I got here but we have not had it yet."
Eldar nodded, "Let me redirect your priorities for an hour and we can see if we can build upon that first if you are agreeable."
Heliar simply nodded, "It would be a starting point."
Eldar stared at him, "Well, let me start by saying there are a couple of things you cannot oversee or control at a distance in my life. If you try, I will fight you to the death if necessary. Do not confuse determination with arrogance just with me claiming a portion of my own life. Now before you respond to that statement let me tell you what those things are.
First, I am marrying Charlemagne and second, she is having my daughter as confirmed by our traveling priest, aka Doc. Please accept those as a foregone conclusion and either support us in our efforts or stay out of my way in the matter."
Heliar looked at Eldar, "If those are the two things you are willing to fight for right now, I have been in your shoes and I would choose to support you."
Eldar nodded, "Then I expect no repercussions on Charlemagne regarding what happened. Should it have happened? Was it against the rules? As I understand her entry into your organization had similar circumstances with your, or should I say our cousin her first husband. This is all about give-and-take so feel free to chime in."
Heliar smiled, "You are correct on all accounts, Charlemagne is a fine lady."
Eldar held up his hand, "Both Charlemagne and Jarron said you would like to kill her for this situation. You could understand my concern for her welfare?"
Heliar smiled, "They are both correct that I can be somewhat of a hardass. If I had heard it from either of them first, I probably would have raised hell with both of them. As I know where you stand, I have no issue. I am proud of that stance. I wish at times your mother would have been more relenting in that regard."
Eldar nodded, "Good lead into the next conversation. Mother led me to believe you 2 had a yearlong affair and then left her for an arranged marriage. Something else that I found out was not true. A conversation between Charlemagne and her deceased husband. I put her on the spot to share with me. We have an agreement going forward.
Open and honest communication, not even the omission of information between us. She said you spent 5 years together and my mother was adamant in her refusal to marry you because of the family impact. Is that complete and correct?"
He nodded again and smiled, "Accurate, oversimplified but accurate enough."
Eldar paused in the conversation then resumed after the awkward silence, "Give-and-take remember. You may have been keeping tabs on my life from afar but that does not mean I know you."
Heliar stopped to think about that, "I have never really stopped to try and summarize my life before. Much has existed supporting different personifications to different people. Being a diplomat. I would have to put some time into that question."
Eldar looked at him and smiled, "I know I am young. I know very little about the world at large as to how everything works outside of books. Grand Master Yetto tried to instill in me to always know myself. I am a son, who knows little about his father. I am part of a great elven family that wants nothing to do with me.
I grew up in an Elven society that was barely tolerant of me. They only were because of my family name. Not my mixed Wood-Elf heritage. I am skilled with a blade and spells, but I am not indestructible. I am always on my guard because I have never had anyone at my back until recently.
I have been given a great weapon that has helped in combat and armor to help protect me from injury. They were of little comfort when being mauled by a grizzly. The comfort came from following rule number two. Surround yourself with people who have complementary skill sets.
Which is why I love Charlemagne and like her team. In case you are wondering, rule one was 'Never travel the road alone, if at all possible.' I felt like that was the case after my mother died. Until Grand Master Yetto started to guide me. Almost 18 years being adrift. Now you have a good summary of me. Did I become the Elf you expected?"
Heliar stopped in his tracks, "No, you became the Elf I always wanted to be. You became much more than me instead of being forced into the role my family wanted me to play. My options were fewer. In some cases that will be true for your half-brothers. They are going to be expected to fill roles and given very little leeway in shaping their paths."
Eldar nodded, "Thank you for that. I have never spoken with my half-brothers. I know the eldest was not selected by Grand Master Yetto as his next apprentice. I observed the selection but I stayed in the shadows. He came up short in his ability with his swordsmanship. I did not know if you knew that yet or not. His heart did not seem to be in it."
He shook his head, "No probably had more to do with his mother's wishes. Her disdain for the Grand Master Being a Half-Elf and a cousin. She knew that and she is not fond of you either, which you knew already.
I am sure if he was brought before another master who is a Moon or High-Elf he would improve if his mother wished it. She wants him to be a pure Archmage, to hell with what the Academy states his aptitudes are geared toward."
Eldar looked at him, "If I had known, I would have addressed them all to try and get them to look at the Grand Master, not the Elf or Half-Elf behind it. I know Grand Master Yetto made a small fortune on wagers he placed on me. I found that out after I got here.
Let's talk about the future. First, I know where I want to get married but I have not talked to Charlemagne about it yet. I know I like traveling with her, but nobody has spoken to me about joining your organization as of yet.
I have no idea what role that would be if any. I do not assume to know others' intent. I can make reasonably calculated decisions. I guess I would like to know why you wanted me here? I would not be here if you had forbidden them."
Heliar looked back at Eldar, "You are pretty straight to the target kind of guy, aren't you?"
Eldar shook his head, "No I am not. I am always studying my surroundings and potential adversaries."
Heliar looked at Eldar, "Is that how you see me, as a potential adversary?"
Eldar shook his head yet again, "No. I have no idea of how to think of you. Not to be disrespectful but you said you did not know how to summarize yourself. At this point, you are a surrounding.
Something I have to observe until I can make an informed opinion on if you are an adversary or an ally. I know if you surround yourself with people like Charlemagne, her team, and Grand Master Yetto then I know you are on the right path to being an ally."
Heliar chuckled, "Talking with you is like playing chess. You have to be two steps ahead."
Eldar nodded, "Talking with you is like trying to define the enigma of life, you are many different things to many different people at some point you need to come back to knowing who you are, to yourself. Then, you will find the key to getting to know me much better as we can play on the same field."
Heliar looked at Eldar, "You have given me several things to think about, you have an interesting approach to life."
Eldar smiled at him, "Grand Master Yetto's approaches, I have just applied them. He is the closest thing I have had to a father for the last 30 years. Why don't we go back inside and see where we stand?"
Heliar felt the sting of that last comment. The words of Jarron from the night before echoed in his head about spending more time with his children.
He slipped Eldar another piece of paper, "The last command word for that sword. Try it on an open rocky field. It is a once-a-week ability. It will sap all of your highest-level spells in the process of activating it but it can be devastating to a horde of enemies. Think wall of fire that rolls away from you into the masses. You have to have your sword active to use it; the more powerful your highest-level spells the more you have to lose but the greater swath of destruction. You could spend a decade trying to master."
Eldar looked back at him, "Then I will do it in 4 years."
Heliar laughed, "I bet you just might!"
They moved back toward the building and stepped inside. In Jarron's office, things were quiet. Eldar walked up to the front of his desk, "Have you decided on what you want to ask of me? Also, are you willing to answer my questions or concerns?"
Jarron looks at Eldar, "You are pretty direct."
Heliar laughed, "No he is not, he is sizing you up!"
Eldar smiled, "The same thing I did with Charlemagne when I first met her and her crew. Always assessing my surroundings."
Jarron looked at Heliar for a response and he finally gave one, "Make him an offer. We would be fools to let him go. Especially me again."
Jarron looked at Eldar, "Have you heard of the Saatorixx Knights?"
Eldar thought for a second, "No... wait, yes! Saatorixx was the name assigned to the first dragon era of the 6th Age, an Ancient Silver Dragon. His Knights existed over 7,000 years ago to try and keep evil in check and the world in balance to avoid large conflicts and keep them small and localized when conflict occurs.
They did a lot of damage control and preemptive strikes when a situation seemed to be getting too dangerous. To work to ensure the Dragon War's treaties were upheld. They died out or ended over 6,700 years ago. No exact date is known. They just disappeared with the Council of Nine coming into existence at that time or shortly after, a Dragon political drama from what I know."
Jarron glared at Eldar, "How did you know that?"
Eldar responded, "I tend to remember things I read, I believe my mother had a book on them when I was a child. When you do not have many friends, you can find solace in a book. I retain facts and concepts not always the exact phrasing as was the case here. I have improved on that over time. I would have to find the book to confirm if that was the case. We are talking over 60 years ago."
Heliar chuckled, "Don't look at me. I didn't feed him the answers to these questions. I could see his mother having such a book. You got everything except that last part it was resurrected about 800 years ago by a small group of Silver Dragon's trying to take up that mantle again."
Eldar looked at them, "Is that who you are? You are asking me to join the Saatorixx Knights?" Jarron nodded. "What openings are available to me?"
Jarron asked, "What kind of work do you want to do?"
Eldar looked back at Charlemagne, "I would like to work with Charlemagne when you pull her from the field, I go with her or at the very least I am kept close to home. I would like at least half of the money Grand Master Yetto sent from wagers he placed at the academy on my progress. The money is to establish a home, plan a wedding, and buy a wedding ring befitting a beautiful lady who owns my heart.
Also, to set aside money for our child should something happen to either or both of us. I have not discussed this with Charlemagne as this is something I want to do for us. I would like to be consulted when a problem like that document you had earlier should arise.
Where another set of eyes and applying my background in research to aid this organization. If there is a command position in her team available and my skills are suited to it then I would like to be considered on my merit and not on my family name, or age impacting the decision. How doable is that?"
Jarron looked to Charlemagne, "Thoughts? Ideas on the status of your team?"
Charlemagne looked at him as she shifted uncomfortably, "Standing is a bit difficult at the moment. Thank you, gentlemen, for letting me sit..." Jarron snickered. "The team is ready to go back into the field to complete the current assignment. My current second is Hunter, who only took the job until we could find someone to fill it. He took my position as I took my late husband's position. He hates being in a command position. We have an open position and yet I know we need to reform those other 2 lost teams if I had to guess."
Jarron sighed, "I cannot pull you from the field when we pull Charlemagne. We are struggling with filling out teams. We can work to keep you in close and frequent proximity. When that occurs, you would take over her team until she returns or steps down full time.
If you are available when a problem like this one arises, we will not hesitate to have you take a look at the issue. If Charlemagne and you buy a business like a pub or a store. Something that can be used as an asset. The Knights could make her a stay-at-home paid operative if she so desires."