Chereads / Short Adventures of Elora and Iris / Chapter 5 - The Adventure of Portal Knights

Chapter 5 - The Adventure of Portal Knights

Two young girls set down their controllers for the night after a few hours of playing one of their favorite games, portal knights. The game featured character creation, leveling, crafting, and doing Quests for the various NPC's in the game.

"That was fun! I almost finished making a castle!" Iris exclaimed.

"I think the crops I planted will be finished when we play next!" Elora exclaimed as they went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Long into the night the two girls were awoken by a strange sound under their beds.

"Sister! Are you awake?" Iris asked as she got out of bed quietly.

"Yeah, what's that?" Elora asked as she also got out of bed.

Underneath their soft beds was a glowing blue portal in the floor. They both looked at one another and gulped, scared but excited at the aspect of another adventure. They crawled underneath the bed and fell into the portal.

"Ow! My head really hurts." Iris whined.

"Me too!" Elora groaned as they got up, realizing they were on a glowing stone platform in the middle of a forest. It was at this time floating menus appeared in front of them asking them to choose their class.

"It's portal knights! I'm going to pick druid! I want to be a slime!" Iris laughed excitedly as she chose her class and got a few starter items.

"I'm going to pick mage like Yaya's character!" Elora exclaimed and held a wand after making her choice. They both played around with the items they had before Elora realized something. "We need materials! Won't monsters show up now?" She asked and looked around the forest. She got out her Starter axe and began chopping down trees that disappeared into her inventory after cutting them.

"I'll find plants for potions." Iris said and began harvesting wheat, berries, and cotton around the nearby clearing in the forest.

The two worked hard to make a small base for themselves, a house was built before long and a small farm was made outside the house.

"Phew! I'm tired, did you make the beds yet?" Iris asked as Elora worked on making something on the workbench.

"Not yet but I just made the drafting table. We can make beds, doors, windows, all kinds of stuff now!" She said happily as she placed the worktable inside the large house.

They gathered more wood before the night ended and made beds, a door and fences around their farm.

Both girls felt exhausted and went to the beds with a smile. That was fun!" Elora said with a smile.

"Should we explore tommorow?" Iris asked while yawning.

"Of course!" Elora grinned and they both fell asleep fast, excited for the next day's adventure in this new world.

-day 2-

Both girls woke up early and made berries on the campfire for food. They used tree fruits to squeeze out water and filled cups to drink.

After the breakfast they checked their newly made armor and readied themselves to go exploring.

They started walking north with the compass Elora had made. In the game a compass would point to another portal if it was used. All Elora had to do was push the button at the top and a small magical square appeared around the compass to show if they were close or not.

"Sister a slime!" Iris shouted and readed the small scythe she started with. Elora got out her wand and the two attacked the orange slices that blocked their path. After squishing the last one Elora looked down at her boots and frowned.

"That was gross." She laughed while the two girls picked up the pieces of portal blocks the slimes dropped. "Do you remember how many portal blocks we normally need?" Elora asked. Iris thought for a moment then answered.

"Six I think?" She sounded unsure.

The two continued through the woods. Collecting resources and slaying slimes as they used the compass to guide them.

"I'm tired!" Iris groaned as she defeated two more slimes.

"I think we leveled up twice. Should we go back for now?" Elora suggested as the sun began to set. Both girls used the teleprompter maps in their inventories and appeared back at the stone slab they woke up on. They stretched and went into their house after eating more of the berries they gathered.

"Do you think we will find a portal back home?" Iris asked when they both layed down for the night.

"I'm sure we will." Elora smiled after looking at her levels. "I got a new spell!" She said happily. "I think I'lI try it tommorow." She yawned and put her head on the pillow.

-to be continued-