Chereads / Babayaga's Gaming Adventures / Chapter 1 - Prologue - One life's end is another's new beginning

Babayaga's Gaming Adventures

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Chapter 1 - Prologue - One life's end is another's new beginning


AN: Just a heads up, this is the first story I'm posting so if you find any mistakes please point them out. I'm writing this on my phone so I see there being a lot, but I'm getting there.

Anyways, on to the story!!!


*Step step step step step step step*

My usually quiet steps are like loud bells tolling my impending doom...only, it's not my doom that's coming.


The loud fumbling and what I assume is an attempt to run away comes from deeper into the alleyway that holds my payday.

"N-no, p-please, I-I-I have a family. Ple-" *BAM-BOOM*. The pleading of the filth in front of me is silenced with a swift jab and right hook to the things face. Causing it to drop along with some of its teeth.

"Sigh, I know you have a family-"

"FEN WHY-" *BAM-SQUELCH* The thing starts, but is immediately interrupted by my boot impacting it's face, forcing some of its teeth down its throat. The sight causing a grin to creep its way onto my face.

"WHY!?! HAHAHAHAHA!!! CAUSE THEY'RE THE ONES THAT WANT YOU DEAD DUMBASS!!!" I yell, with the widest smile I've had in a while plastered on my face.

"... ... ... no ... ... ... you're lying ... they'd never-" It mumbles out, barely able to pronounce the words properly until my phone invades his eyes and ears with the video I started playing.

"NO PLEASE! I PROMISE I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL DADDY! I PROMISE! *SMACK*" The phone spurts out along with a video of the thing infront of me TORTURING it's own daughter. It goes on for a while longer with different clips of it doing the same to the other daughter and two sons...then the last one, that contains both the worst of the clips and the person that hired me for the job.

The mother...and what a mess of things that have happened to her. Beaten, no fractures since all the bones that were fractured were surgically broken afterwards, heavy cut wounds all over her four limbs from both the surgeries and this things...'caring education'...and worst part of it all, the smile. It's not manic, not one bit of it, it's eyes are but it's smile...

It loving...I can tell in the eyes that, though they may be manic, there's a bit of clarity in there too. No, more of a cold calculation. "You know, I've seen my share of crazies in my time, but you have to take the cake for the single most insane FUCK-!" *SLAM*


"-I've ever met" I say, slaming my boot down into the point where the ribs start to merge on a person's chest...'what was that spot called again?' I think to myself as I continue pushing down onto the area before it's ribs start to- *creak creak...SNAP!*

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!—" *CRUNCH SNAP CRACK* "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" *SQUELCH CRUNCH SPURT* Comes the sound of the things ribs completely shattering and piercing into its lungs.

'Doesn't matter.' I conclude dismissively before I start-

"Hehehehehe...hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FUCK YOU, YOU PSYCHOTIC, FAMILY TORTURING, FUCK!!! I HOPE HELL HAS SOME PLACE NICE AND AGONIZING FOR YOU TO REST IN UNTIL I GET THERE, CAUSE ANYTHING THEY DO TO YOU WILL LOOK LIKE YOU'RE IN HEAVEN WITH THE MOST RELAXING MESSADGES BEING DONE ON YOU!!!" I scream with all the rage I can until I run out of breath. Once I finish my screaming I raise my foot and plunge it into it's face, caving it in.

*pant pant pant pant...slow inhale...slow exhale...*

"Fuck...I haven't been that pissed in a while...whatever..." I say, kind of regretting the fact I didn't take longer to torment the insane fuck. I drop the disposable phone with all the evidence of the things crimes onto it's face, it settling into the crevice of it's face perfectly and walk away.

"Let's see you all ignore all this much evidence."

[Time skip - One week later]

"Breaking news, earlier this week Joseph Fitzgerald, owner of multiple influential companies and industries, was found murdered in an alley in what was assumed to be a robbery by the Westwords gang may have been more than it seems after shocking evidence of Fitzgerald was found. The evidence in question shows him torturing his own family along with various other individuals that were murdered by him in his mansions basement, along with evidence of more such murders around the city. The current victim total is estimated to be nearing the triple digits and is still growing. In related news, this case has shown evidence of being conected to many of the other deaths of influential figures that where previously thought to not be. The biggest question being—"


"Who's next?"

[Time skip - the next day]

" hm hm...three left, and there all holed up in the homes..." I say as I look at the detective wannabe wall with photos of twenty people on it, and at least three smaller photos connected to each. All but three of them are crossed out. The three in question are the ones at the top, but the only one that matters is the one I'm staring at.

'Johnny "Scar Maker" Burns...take him down, and the other two are easy...but...' I think to myself as my hand unconscious moves to my heart.

'You know...I heard some old guy, Chinese I think, say that "Even a rat can be deadly when cornered"...*snort* I don't see any truth in that, do you...rat~~~?'

As my thoughts continue, my hands clench around the scar left over my heart.


"Talk." I say as I pick up my something-ish disposable phone that broke me out of my intrusive thoughts.

"Hello, Babayaga, correct?" Comes a very familiar voice with even more familiar sarcasm in it, making me grit my teeth. "What am I saying, of course you aren't, the rat I crushed could never be THEE Babayaga, right? Cause if it was then I'd have to eat my foot, and you know how much I hate having to do remember, right?" He says, as I walk to the window and pull the curtains open.


In a place forgotten by all but those in the know. A high stakes fighting ring that shows man vs man, man vs animal, animal vs animal, and a free-for-all where they let all the fighters and animals out after pumping them all full of a drug cocktail so dangerous that it won't matter if you'll still die. Tonight's fights are all named David and Goliath matches. And it's the last fight of the night, with the biggest difference in sizes...a body builder is going to tear apart a kid tonight, and people are going wild.

Shouts and cries of bets are called out to the collector by the truly desperate, because anyone who thinks betting everything on the same person everyone is betting on will bring them riches is truly desperate. It was looking like they'd have to call off the betting pool at this rate, until-

"A hundred on red!" Shouts a kid in the back of a betting rings crowd, making it go quiet. Everyone looking at him like he was some bug that just landed in their coffee.

"*snicker snicker...pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OK kid, that was funny, NOW BEAT IT!!!" Came the collectors voice, clearly not believing a kid as young as him could have that much money. As everyone started to turn back to place more bets something went flying at the collector.

*SMACK* "OW! WHAT THE-?!?!" Came the voice of the collector before it was cut off by what he saw on the ground next to him...a wad of cash ranging from one's to twenties. He glanced up at the kid who was just glaring at him.

"A hundred...on red..." the kid growled out, glare deepening.

The collector picked up the cash without breaking eye contact with the kid and passing it off the the guy next to him to count out the cash. Once it was confirmed he rubbed his eyes in exasperation. "...*sigh* alright kid, name or allyous?" He said, holding his clipboard up to write the kids name down.

The kid smirked and said, "Boogeyman"

The collector raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and sighing, "Alright kid, *cough* NEXT!" He said before moving on to the others here to bet on actually good bets.

As this was happening, a man was watching the interaction from a balcony above. The interior of the balcony looked like it was just teleported into the building from some five star hotels presidential suite.

*SNAP* "Count up the bets on blue and add them up at the end...then make one more bet...and an announcement..." said the man as a sadistic grin spread onto his face.

Five minutes later, the kid that just finished his betting could be seen sitting in the prep room that connects to the fighting right, putting on a very...unique outfit. One that consists of animal pelts of random road kill he found and a mask he made out of a deer skull carved to cover the top of his face and the bottom being covered by the deers broken jaw bone. His whole face being covered by a balaclava.

*BZZZZT* "Get ready David~~~, time to die in, three...two...NOW!!!" Came the smarmy voice of the announcer, and what everyone thought was 'Goliaths' dinner bell. As soon as the announcers voice ending the speaker buzzed again and the door in front of the kid opened...but it seems that someone wanted to make a scene, because as soon as it opened all the way he was grabbed.

Before he could do anything the person jerked him to his side and said, "Everyone! Everyone! Listen up, the boss has an announcement to make!" He shouted, causing everyone, even the near catatonic junkies to quiet down. Once they all were quiet and waiting he pulled out a slip of paper and spoke again. "His message is mostly directed towards the fighters, the message is, 'Fighters, too whomever the winner of the fight is, will be rewarded with an amount equivalent to both of the fighters total betting pools including any bet the fighters have made beforehand.

In consideration for this change in stakes, we will also raise them a bit by providing the fighters with weaponry of their choice.' Thats all for the bosses message." Shouted the announcer.

As the announcement came to an end two girls came out half naked with only rags covering one portion of their bodies. One girl had the rags around their waist and the other one had rags on her chest. Their bodies being proportioned in opposites and where clearly...used recently. Both carried a gold plate out with a tablet on each.

Once the girls reached them he took one of the tablets and seeing that it's already on with a long list of images and discriminations for weapons all over the world. Now, one may think that the kid would choose a sling to fight him a, he was going to make him fall hard, and it'll be up close and personal.

The kid could guess what the meat head would choose, something big and I'll have to go the same, descriptive route, of choice. He scrolls down the list and finds something that's close enought to what he uses. After making his choice, he was unsurprised to see that the meat head had already picked and gotten his weapon, a Japanese club that was bastardized with nails and screws. He held the weapon like a baseball bat and swung it like one too. Grinning like a lion that found a juicy little Bambi ripe for the taking.

They take a few steps away from each other as their weapons come out, and what a pair of weapons they where. Duel wakizashi's that have their cross guards removed, and shown with a red gleam as the lights reflected off the black metal of the Japanese style daggers. The pattern of wild animals leading up the black handle to the blade that ends with a human shaped silhouette.

The boy shakes his head as he snaps out of the ensnaring effect the blades seem to had on him and looked up. The meat head is smacking his head and snarling like an animal...'Did they say start?' The boy asked himself and is answered with the meat head rushing towards him. 'Ah! So it did start-" *BAMBPFF SCREECH* Came the noise of the club as it hit the ground where the boy was standing a moment ago.

As he come out of a roll he lookes up to see the meat head bring the club back in a way that'd look perfect in a major baseball league.

'But we're not playing baseball...are we?' The boy thought confidently.


"GAAAAAHHHHH!" Came the overly high pitched sound of the meat heads scream as the boy dodged back and launched forward, plunging the left dagger into his foot. Once it's in deep he launches from his crouched position straight into a body slam on his knee, bending it the opposite direction. Lastly, the boy jumped up to his chest and plunged the last dagger into his shoulder. Using it to pull up to his face, driving his knee into the meat heads nose.

The boy could feel the bone in it shoot away from his knee and move backwards. Though he don't stick around see it's effectiveness as he brought his other leg up and drop kick off him, taking the dagger still embedded in the mans shelder with him. The boy hits the ground but shoots up to his feet...only to see the meat head fall with a loud thud that reverberates loudly in the silent fight pit. It isn't silent for long as the boy pounces on his corpse and stab into his chest, throat, and face.

*huff tweet, huff tweet, huff tweet...*

'What's up with the...? Oh, right the "distraction"...guess I can use that to bring them all back...right?' The boy thinks to himself as he positions his mouth over the masks little surprise, inhale...and-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Came the blood curdling sound of a scream that comes from the mask, bringing life back to the crowd and a rage filled glare from the boss.

[Time skip - thirty minutes later]

The kid could be seen walking away from the building with a duffle bag filled too bursting, and hope evident in his steps. 'Now I can finally get out of this place for good and start somewhere else...I'll survive, I swear mom-' *BAM* *THUD*

The last thing the kid saw before falling unconscious was a guy dressed like some kind of mobster, cigar and all.


"GAH! Pfft- *cough cough cough, huff huff huff* what the...hell happen-"


"DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU FUCKED WITH MY REPUTATION RAT!?! MY MONEY!?! MY GIRL!?!?!" Shouted the man the kid saw before he passed out. He shouted and punched the kid for a while. The kid was all to phased by the beatings due to his experiences. But the man did something that brought the kid out of his daze. He pulled a knife from...mid-air? The kid didn't have time to think before his torment truly began...

End his reason for living, to change, slightly...

[Flashback end]

"Window, left, building with the flag half way up. Top Floor, far right window." I say as I sit infront of my prized position.


"Why so surprised Johnny, never thought you'd see this rat again?" I say as I grin at him from my building. Showing off the heads of his 'personal clean up crew' and my belt anti-tank rifle loaded with explosive rounds. One other magazine of 'special' rounds I got from a 'friend' if that doesn't work.

"Hehe...heheHAHAHAHAHA!!! OK RAT!!! LETS SEE IT!!! SHOW THE HUNTER HOW DEADLY A RAT CAN BE!" Johnny shouts as he stands and spreads his arms open, becoming him to try.


Came the bark of the rifle in my hands. Bullets whizzing towards my target, and...impacting...?


Came the noises that I could I looked throught the sight I see a...shimmering wall? The sight of which makes my spine crawl, making me look at the magazine that's in my lap now due to the rounds being fired.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! COME ON!!! IM WAITING, RAT!!! WHERE IS IT!?!? WHERE'S ALL THAT DEADLIENESS THAT EVEN A RAT CAN HAVE!?!?!? I DON'T-!?!" Came the voice of Johnny through the phone before he notices I stopped firing and loading something new. The 'special' rounds...bullets that are dunked into holy water before being blessed by a priest. The rounds are engraved with holy iconography, the first three reading as...

The Father...

The Son...

The Holy Spirit...

The last three read...

The First: Adam...

The Second: Eve...

Your End: Michael...

As I pull the belt out of the gun and plunge the magazine into its place I can see Johnny's eyes widen in realization of what's inside my gun.

"W-wait, kid, we can-" He tries to plead but the newly ominous thrumb of my rifle barks in response to his hollow attempts.

"The Father- *thrumb BOOM!* The Son- *thrumb BOOM!* and, The Holy Spirit- *thrumb BOOM!*" I say, as instructed by my 'friend', and watch as the first round impacts the wall, holding its position on the wall as the second does the same right next it. As the third impacts, a bright light envelopes the three that then spreads over the wall and shatters it, along with the glass.

"*exhale- deep inhale* The First: Adam- *thrumb BOOM!" I say continuing my assault on the petrified Johnny. The bullet impacts his left shoulder, burying itself into his flesh and bursting into a brilliant white flame.

"The Second: Eve- *thrumb BOOM!" The second round barks our and strikes his right shoulder, doing the same as the first, but it intensifies both flames.

"Your End: Michael- *throoooooom baBOOOOOM!*" Came the last bullet as it causes the gun to glow with engravings of what I can only call holy energy. As the bullet flies off I can almost see five figures around Johnny, holding him in place as he struggles to break free and run. A sixth figure of bright gold flying towards him with a sword raised and wings extended. As the figure swings its sword-

*squelch!- FWOOOM!!!*

The bullet impacts the center of his chest and engulfed his body in golden fire.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! WELL PLAYED!!! WELL PLAYED INDEED RAT-!!! GAH!!!" Johnny screams as he burns, but his screams are cut off by the figures of white forced him to his knees and the golden fugure brought its sword down on his neck. Taking it off his shoulders.


"Fuck you...Johnny..." I say as I grab my things and load them up. I toss a gas can onto the floor and tip it over, as it pours out I open various canisters of propane to make sure everything in here is destroyed. As I walk off to do more preparations something pops up in front of my face-

"...yup, I'm officially crazy..."