Devastating power rampaged within the Shattered Void, making the onlookers tremble with apprehension. How many could withstand such a terrifying force?
Gradually, almost in one breath's time, the Destruction Storm calmed down, and the Guardian of the Sky-Lion and the Great Elder tore free from the storm's grip. They were both in a sorry state, with fresh blood dripping from the corners of their mouths. Clearly, they had not gotten away unscathed.
"You cannot stop me. I have been courteous to you. If you don't drink when toasted, you must drink a penalty. I will no longer be courteous to you."
Long Yan stated coldly, holding his sword.
Truth be told, he had held back against the Guardian of the Sky-Lion and the Great Elder. If he had truly intended to kill them, they would not be standing there.
Before Long Yan, the Profound Emperor Territory posed no significant threat.