The sounds of flesh clapping against each other stirred me from my deep slumber. I was having a dream—one I never wished to wake up from. Apparently, the two perverts in the other room thought otherwise and decided to interrupt my fantasy with their moaning and groaning. Again, an invisible spear seared my heart at the thought of him being with someone.
"My lady, are you awake?" A familiar hoarse voice asked briskly. That was my personal guard and assistant. And, against the pack's policy, my only friend and confidant.
"How could I not be? Their yelping and screaming won't let me have a good night rest."
"If you want, I can ask for a change of room for you---"
"And risk having your head yanked off by Gerald? No, thank you." I shook my head at the thought of moving. How would I satisfy myself then?
Gerald had coronated me as one of his bed mistresses now but had never touched a single hair on my head. This made me worried all the time and I wonder if he does this to punish me for nothing or he doesn't want to touch me because of the curse I have oh my head; thanks to my late dad who is now rotting six feet below. I touched the pendant on my necklace as I remembered his last words.
'I'm really sorry, Keisha. I wish I could revert this curse but I made the biggest mistake of my life cursing you under the...' He coughed out blood and passed away. That was twelve years ago. Now, my life was miserable and not even my romantic life could make up for it.
"Your bath will be ready in two minutes, my lady. Please, get ready."
I sighed. I can now resume my duties as a bed mistress asides from warming his bed. The last time I'd even seen him was two weeks ago after I was chosen. I only hear him give orders to the other mistresses, barking at them to either bend over, arch their backs or stop staring at him. He sounded like a really miserable person from the other side of the wall. With each day that passes, my constant thirst to be fucked by him diminished. I couldn't put up with someone who would treat me like a sex slave.
As I undressed and stepped into the warm bath tub, I wondered if being cursed was now a good thing. At least, it kept Gerald away from me.
"Lady Keisha, when you're done, his majesty demands to see you." A maid announced.
My heart throbbed hard against my chest and I couldn't tell what it was. Anxiety? Nervousness? Fear? Or irritation? Whatever it was, I quickly dressed up and chose to wear the sexiest white gown in the rack. It was a slightly flowing gown that left my back open. At the front, I left part of my cleavage open as well. According to what I was taught by our chief court lady, Groonie, first impressions matter a lot to the Alpha. I let my long blonde hair down too, letting it cascade down my waist. After a few makeup here and there, I was ready to go.
Walking down the flight of stairs to the breakfast room was one hell of a job. I had to endure the pain shooting up my ankles, arch my back, straighten my shoulder and keep a straight face. That is what attracts the Alpha, so I was told.
Gerald was ruthless, merciless and arrogant. He could always get a thousand ladies at his mercy which was something I was opportune to see everytime we had the full moon wolfing out festival. Ladies, pretending to have the ritual dance would often sway their hips around him, give him lap dances and even press their whole body against his.
I wouldn't blame them. He was a smoking hot Alpha with hazel eyes in his thirties. His cold demeanor was what attracted lots of women as well but I simply saw it as a normal lifestyle for an Alpha. To be tall, rich, enigmatic and extremely handsome.
"I'd appreciate it if you walked faster and stop trotting like a snail." His rich, deep voice ordered coldly as I entered the room.
In a frenzy, I took off my heels and ran further inside. He was looking out the windows so his back was turned against me.
"I'm here." I announced.
Gerald turned to look at me and at first, I was mindblown by how sexy he looked in his suit jacket and tie. His hair was beautifully geled and styled, his curly long lashes covering his hazel eyes. This made him look like he was flirting with any woman if he sized them up. My insides swirled and I could swear my heart pumped a hundred times more blood.
"What took you so long?" His question threw me off balance and made me throw fits of rage before I could speak.
"It took me five minutes to get ready unlike the usual thirty minutes---"
"Is that why you look like a possessed doll?" As he sat on one of the chairs, I frowned, wondering whether that was a failed attempt at humor or he was just unnecessarily rude.
"I appreciate your compliment, Sir but I don't think I look like the ridiculous thing you just mentioned."
He raised his head, throwing me a glare that meant I was doing too much. I dropped my eyes, stating at the oakwood floor.
"You're fiesty! I like that."
I gulped. Again, confused by the compliment. But before I could reply, he rose and moved to the window. "But that won't be for long. Here in the palace, I give the orders, I talk first and you give me a yes or no answer or we could have problems."
"Serious," he interrupted. "Serious problems."
"Yes, your highness."
Gerald sighed. "So, Keisha right?"
"Keisha Linkletter, your highness."
"I understand you feel threatened by my method of being sensually involved with your colleagues. You think I---what's the word "disturb" with the noises and all. Isn't that right, Keisha?"
How the hell did he know?