Chereads / Hallow Throne / Chapter 36 - Questions

Chapter 36 - Questions

zenon thinks to himself if this keeps up i will lose no matter what euroz says is this all you have zenon said not even in the slightest meanwhile astrea and everyone else reach the CoreFury HQ and recceive medical assistance astrea says to klaus klaus eventhough in that dungeon we were able to grow stronger yet with the help of Roy we would have died no matter what we did klaus yes we need and then captain licht arrives lichy says yo kids how are you doing how was the dungeon iris said painful very very painful aoi said next time you ask that without helping i will harass you licht astrea says to klaus thats a joke right iris says to them nope thats was a threat licht says then oh well lemme heal all you guys now light magic blessing of light and says lumos how it feel lumos says better yet my leg still is a bit injured licht says now that you guys did a job well done lets have a pizza party tonight then astrea asks by the way lumos sir umm what happened to our prisoners then lumos said oh here look here is the statue of hell astrea said you carried her all the way here sir lumos said yeah and it was a lot of work licht says by the lumos you can free her for tonights pizza party astrea asks you sure sir cuz she was pretty strong klaus says sir i must agree with astrea licht says dont worry i am here whats the worst thing that will happen instead of pizza she will get you guys blood and lives when i am sleeping and all of corefury will be dextroyed except for those who are not here iris says yeah that sounds kinda really bad licht said so how are your injuries now astrea says i am all healed now lumos says my leg still needs a bit of a while licht oh i see here some curse was used on top of the blood magic meanwhile in ExistForger base lucifer says elizabeth are the preparations ready elizabeth says ok then as the intensity of the battle between zenon and euroz reaches its boiling point the entire ground turns black the whole village ground turns black euroz thinks what kind of magic is this on such a scale and how is it even possible when euroz or anyone tries to fly out of it showdy black hands grab them and the hands become chains howser thinks why now of all times faiz thinks to himself it couldnt have come at a better time and then a voice can be heard saying dark X shadow magic devils domain

While halfway being swallowed down, Euroz begins to freeze, and no matter what happens, the ice is not breaking. Even Euroz can't figure out why this ice is so hard. Then suddenly, a voice can be heard saying, "Good job, Euroz, because of you, we have reached our goal." Out of another portal, a giant white hand emerges and takes Euroz, trapped in ice, and all the knights are sucked down. Then, all the knights are dragged into another dimension, one where nothing can be seen except for darkness. Suddenly, they lose consciousness, and when they all wake up, they have reached their own respective HQs.

Lucifer says, "Good morning, Faiz. How was your mission?" Faiz responds, "Sir, what happened to Vah Medow? How are the citizens? What happened?" Lucifer reassures him, "Everyone is okay. They are all safe thanks to you people and your hard work." Then, the pizza party at CoreFury HQ begins, and a whole army of delivery guys arrives. Each says, "We have 100 pizzas for Sir Licht," totaling to 1,000 yel, and there are 100 drivers, so the total price is 100,000. Astrea almost passes out seeing the price.

Meanwhile, in Avalon HQ, Zenon can't help but think, "Why, Euroz? How are you alive yet you never even thought to contact your best friend?" Then, Zenon slams his fist on his table and screams, "Damn it! Why, you idiot?"

Somewhere else, while various attempts are being made to free Euroz from the ice, nothing is working. A mysterious voice says, "Wait a little longer, Euroz. We will free you soon enough." Iris says, "Licht, your HQ really is looking better than usual. I guess you have really become a captain, huh?" Licht responds, "Yeah, I guess."

The captain of Celestial Being, Alysa Bouduin, arrives. Licht greets her, "Welcome! How have you been?" Alysa just nods her head and then gives Astrea a letter written for Lucifer, covered in weird pink hearts, etc. Astrea asks, "Is this for Captain Lucifer or something?" Alysa again nods her head, then she begins to leave. Licht adds, "By the way, Lucifer isn't coming to tonight's party. He said he was busy. But why don't you stay for some pizza?" Alysa eats a slice of pizza, then leaves. Licht comments, "Damn, she really is like that, huh?"

In the corner, Hell says to Lumos, "Why are you letting a prisoner like me join a party for knights?" Lumos responds, "Ask Licht. He is the one who told me to let you join before sending you to prison." Hell questions, "Aren't you worried I will kill someone?" Lumos replies, "Nah, because first of all, you have handcuffs, so you can't use your magic or a weapon. So for the most part, I am not worried. Plus, right now, I just want to know your side of the story and why you turned evil." Hell retorts, "I prefer not telling if possible."