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Bluest Realities' Anthropology: Creation Of Phantasies

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[Reader discretion advised: There'll be usage of mature language. There's currently a weak amount of sensual scenes, and no gore yet: later in the story when I add more content.] Series: (Chronicling Bluest Realities) Hiding many unknown secrets beyond what the chaos eyes see... For what a false sense of safety, only leads to a false sense of happiness... That cannot be judge to the entities beyond. As we together are the one watching above as one of them, staring down upon those mortals wanting a change... Throughout one of many realities, depicted as one of many phantasies. Are solely letting them experience outside the box of unknown taboos... True-Synapsis: In an overly-developed cloudy dystopian world. Colton [Kyhireol] always dreams childish wonders upon a fantasy beyond. Always trying to find ways for himself to somehow enjoy his desiring emotions inside. Before deciding to test out another test with his friends that he wishes were real… In which, prepares a technical helmet created by his mother and helped by his father to do some functional testing again… Which creates his “neurological copy” into the cyberspace data network into the enchanting “New World.” Solely there to experience what he wished he experienced here now over anew. Letting many unknown factors slip throughout the slipstream of his vision. Because, a bright happy world he may see may bring new happy memories together with his friends and new friends… Forever? But there’s something inside him watching he fears - waiting for something to happen beyond. Because what creation brings, destruction comes after… For what history falls into a whirlpool of temporal repetition. Seeing only eyes, eyes staring down upon him from above the foggy clouds of the ȼīⱦɏ. Raining paint that splashes and spreads into multiple black puddles of unknown certainties. Looking at a reflection of the “New World'' being perceived as what lives on tainted… Or what story closes in his hands to follow a new story ahead from the tragedy upon infinity. Peeking through the spectrum of pressure and emotions away. Letting colorful tones bleed and change the feeling beyond the story's comprehension! Loosely letting the warm colors bring his soul a light while his friend’s antics are soothing alright. Tearing and ripping the walls beyond these fantasies. Traveling deeper, darker, and harsher into the abyss where it shall go. Cause nothing at heart, will stake along… Only reminding him the paper he has at hand, glaring through the portraits of unknown histories, arts, changes, and emotions—for what experience and reality beyond these “New Worlds” ahead…

Chapter 1 - | Upon Parallels Into Alternate Conciousness

Much of life was a waste... For all the beguiling smells, sounds, and colors I haven't felt! Ahem, nothing here is particularly beautiful, for it's relatively a poor quality of life.

Where it's utterly brimming with food deserts and an unhealthy amount of free-radical indigestion. To the point that my body might fail me.

Even if my life is still considered good in another standpoint compared to those who have it far worse than me out there from the other districts.

Where I've always been dreaming of escaping this terrible world. As I always thought, a dream, a fantasy I can enjoy with others without my excruciating thoughts. Mostly always thinking about wasting time throughout escapism upon colorful stories I wish to create out of self-fulfillment.

For such a darn tragedy, that it feels annoying just to be born so late into this world. Yea, ranting is relatively what I can do...

Plus the continuous thoughts aren't here for no reason. They're only here to remind me of something ridiculously goofy. And I merely hope they're enjoying themselves in their world.

Ah, I forgot to take my respirator off. Well, I may as well go re-enter the servers again... I'll tweak some changes with the development. Even if it fails, at least the AI would fix the minor issues. And I'll also connect with a friend, ahem, friends I meant as well.

As I patiently waited for a connection, while split-screening it. Before seeing a library overgrown with greenery and machinery, with a planetarium dome ceiling filled with stars.

As I was distracted from the sounds of birds and metal reverberating together making harmony in one.

A soft ringing noise ran through my senses. Now becoming more vivid, slowly transforming into an audible synthesizer-voice; filling more of the lenient space from my left ear.

"Oh, welcome back Kyhirieol!" The white circular robot beeped, while spinning and changing its screen's expressions into exuberant emoticons. But, I didn't see Vialtogen or Cronixel.

"Ah, where are they doing for the time being?"

After I resonantly asked a lame question, a golden clockwork mechanical body appeared from view to the right side of my vision.

They have no arms or legs, but a bundle of mechanical attachments behind its body as it floats. Reaching about 104 centimeters in body height.

Who's dressed in a delicate religious robe hoodie with a mix fashion from the Victorian era color in golden brims of blue and white, which exposes the ticking bluest chronometer from their chest.

Their mechanical head is shaped like an oval that bears a singular mechanical light greenish-blue eye from one of its lens attachments. All the while glaring at a perception of temporality, ever changing bit by bit.

"Did you really meet Kyhirieol after linking your neurological data into that manky body? How shameless Vrizīǝn," Cronixel swiftly commented their thoughts out loud.

"What do you mean ʇᴉʍʇ ʇoᴉpI. I'm testing another neurological link with data transferring. But, isn't it considered more shameless to waste someone's time?" The artificial cleaner robot retorted back.

I let out an exasperated sigh from their childish performance. Their personalities are always so interchanging that it sometimes even irritates my feelings.

Then, a black fluffy mechanical curved ear creature materialized into the bright library room. Who looks in between organic and inorganic. Reaching about 122 centimeters.

His head has a slim visor with four gears rotating on the sides with gradient orange-yellow to light green color LEDS, which flows electricity throughout its tips.

He firstly wears a goldenly-decorated black Victorian coat covering his overly goldenly-garnish white and blue Victorian shirt, with a leather belt that goes around his left shoulder and waist; having a golden pocket watch attached on the right side.

He secondly wears brown steampunk boots that reach to his heels, which have leather straps with silver attachments.

He lastly wears long black sleeve gloves with golden-silver sharp attachments on each finger, with a gadget under the palm of his paws.

His black fur is messy; puffing into vibrating colors of a gradient bluish-red to yellowish-green at the end of his mane in a glossy pattern. While his golden-silver mechanical body parts from his thighs, bust, and visor are silently vibrating a dulcet hum.

He began to laugh hysterically randomly, before his emotion took a 180 degree flip into a more blank expression. "Sorry about that. My emotional cortex does that sometimes." While forcefully clearing his throat in a way to try to show embarrassment.

That statement irritated me a little bit. Before I begin calming myself down while announcing. "I promised both of you guys I'll be importing a physical avatar into this world three weeks ago.

Since preparations are done. I'll get in an avatar as soon as possible," I excitedly announced, filling my stomach with an endless amount of butterflies.

"Then we'll start preparing a welcoming ritual-, I mean ceremony for our lad," Cronixel happily said in the slightest pitch up.

Vialtogen froze up, while staring off into nothingness with no subtle movements or expression while swishing his tail slowly with the musical background's tempo. Before reverting back without anything to say.

I quickly wear the helmet prepared for neurological data transferring, for creating a cybernetic link into the cyberspace network.

Linking the helmet with a wire from the left side of my desk. Starting its process after I went through a whole array of complicated wireframes.

Time to retest the functionality of this product from my parents, since I've been tinkering with it to make sure everything is working as planned.

As my body is being scanned. The models and textures start rendering; causing a bright flash of light to cover my eyes.

Feeling my receptors twisting and churning into a sense of agony; as the ringing sound became louder and louder. Before stopping in a static silence.

I checked my surroundings first, which was all black of course. I figured my eyes had not synchronized properly, or my entire body actually.

I was sure it would work, since I've reworked the functionality so many times with it working before. As I exhale out non-existent air, a notification reading alerted me.

>User's Avatar Already Preselected<

>Continuing Recalibration<

The colors I finally wanted to experience entered my cornea. Refracting the colors of bright pinkish blue from the flowers blooming from the stripe trees. Forgetting how weird my perception has become.

I've finally touched what they called grass for the first time! How exciting, ahem.

Filling my brain with a feeling of calmness and exaltation, which makes me want to dance and sing my heart out from the views I see; still mumbling my voice out loud to myself from ecstasy.

I know this is an alternate consciousness from what I've tested, and my real body would continue doing his normal boring life routines. Who's soon to-be rotting away.

Wait, I wonder about the side effects from doing this to a being that doesn't exist in this world. Eh~whatever, I'll figure that out later.

As I wander around like an idiot in the woods for a few seconds that's slightly ever changing little by bit. Before a ringing notification came into my mind or somewhere I believe.

>Relocating User's Location<

Welp, I guess it didn't take that long for him to relocate my position. Letting out a low pitch noise in disappointment.

In which, I resaw the familiar wooden ornate bookshelves lined from the outskirts of the tree's library room, but it feels more bright and fulfilling that I would cry tears of joy living here.

It doesn't seem so bad after all, for with these feelings incorporated. That I still feel like I'm in control.

I was too distracted with my thoughts that a soft-robotic noise alerted my new senses.

"Are you finished?" Vialtogen exclaimed while closing his book. Sitting on his favorite rolling chair while rolling closer to me in a remarkable spin.

"Hmm? Your avatar looks quite interesting. But, it's not as beautiful as created chimeras." Leaning his chair back while swishing his tail faster and faster as he spins.

"First time meeting me in person, and you're already insulting my cup of tea. Which is very sweet~ and kind~ of you, so I'm honestly grateful for your undeserving words," I sarcastically remarked.

But I didn't mind it, since my mind was being overridden with such bright feelings.

Cronixel snatched Vialtogen off the rolling chair, where it skirted away towards the stairs.

"Didn't we specifically throw a welcoming shindig for our lad, Vrizīǝn?" Cronixel remarked in modest annoyance, while tightening their mechanical appendages onto Vialtogen's body.

"Yea, yea… I already finished it. It's in a different room inside this dimension," Vialtogen said nonchalantly. Easily escaping from Cronixel's grasp before curling up onto the floor; perking his ears up without a care.

Then another flash of light blurred my vision into another reality. Where I was in a silent room.

Even though I could see through the dark - it's only empty space.

Couldn't they have at least left me something…

Seeing something appear in front of me, fading into reality. It was someone or something staring back at me. Distorting the view and lens from what I see.

Its form was disconfigured—alternating between many sharp, droopy, and lenient shapes.

As I begin to fall into a black void; where a peerless amount of eyes stare down upon me, as the endless amount of noise becomes louder and louder.

Whispering that darkens bit by bit, as space distorts more within reality and time that ticks away. Before I begin to swim, swimming out of this abyss to anew.

As the wrapping reality begins to twist and turn the planes of existences; separating the filters that spiritually cannot be seen.

Before I begin to peer at the disfiguration right back at me; where I feel sadness and hatred dwelling inside.

That's ever so never ending—waiting for someone to be right there right by their side. Ticking so slowly, as the clock hand strikes midnight.

Orange roots begin to start binding me. Withering away quickly with the world around it; as the colors dampen more and more, while a spider lily blooms in light. Filling the colors I-...

As static feelings soften the colors and shape, so that it becomes more easier to determine. It's me… who's looking at my reflection staring right back at me was a 'human.' Who has short long whitish-bluish-purple hair.

Their eyes are heterochromia, as their left eye's pupil being orange with a vertical slit, while their right eye's pupil being light green that's a flower.

Their teeths are sharp and serrated - which are continuously alternating in shapes. While its body being short in stature with little to no physique.

As I dozed off, the view flickers upon reality as my watery eyes stare into Vialtogen's visor.

Whose fur is haggard, and still gently holding onto my body while looking indifferent. "Not interested," tossing my body aside onto the bed with a thud. Before going back onto the other bed in the room.

Still lost in thought—feeling as if my sanity hadn't changed in the slightest.

My eyes, are they watery? Ah, must be that period of my inner-conflict being so~ 'nice' to my emotions. It's supposed to be 'comforting' I swear, and this strange connectedness inside me…

I wipe my eyes, as I see that the endless amount of tears spread across my cheeks, which are fading into the color black.

I got off the bed. While I begin to admire the clothes I was wearing, which are quite colorful. Maybe not too colorful but yea, since it's sewn with a white star-snake-wheel symbol with golden outlines sewed on the sides of the coat.

The leggings is black with golden and maroon color patterns spreading across it elegantly. Which feels way too comfortable.

I begin thinking to myself as I'm about to exit the small bedroom… Before the door closes in front of me, almost slamming in my face.

I look back where Vialtogen is, where he's there curled up in a ball.

"Hurry and open the door already, because standing there won't do anything," he spoke, while getting out of the bed—swishing his tail excitedly. "The door led to the library, so I had to change the link to the right room."

"Ah... You could've told me earlier. Well it's alright," I sighed to myself before I began opening the door. Causing a blazing ray of light to envelope my body before I saw...