Andro looked at the altimeter on his wrist and smiled. Sixty-four thousand feet sister! He announced.
We've done this from higher Andro! Elynth declared joyfully. She was happiest when her bonded brother was upon her back and they were soaring through the sky.
They too were speaking unshielded allowing the Coven riders far below them to hear their words.
Yes we have… though now that you have announced it unshielded to everyone; I don't think my mothers will allow us to do it anymore. Andro spoke with a grin. And neither will KertaGai!
If you are about to do what I think you are about to do… you would be so correct! Aricia's voice boomed out in their minds.
Andro… Elynth… are you insane? Sadi's voice joined in from where she sat in her classroom in Sparta.
Elynth leveled off easily and turned her head back to look at him. Oops! I forgot.