"No one needs to panic! We do not have enough information yet!" Lohana demanded as they crowded around the map chart in the rear of the DT.
The moment Aelnala had told them something was wrong with Isra they had jumped onto her back and she had lifted into the air, speeding back to the airfield without a second thought. Lynwe, Selene and Layna had barreled along behind them in a commandeered Lifter, reaching the airfield only minutes after Tarifa and Aihola.
"Lohana how can you be so calm and…" Selene began to speak.
"Listen to me all of you!" Lohana barked out silencing them. "Isra and Aelnala have trained for this in the past. We've done this drill before! Aelnala tell them what I am talking about please."