The screaming of the Raptors engines was almost deafening within the small confines of the landing bay, centuries old dirt and dust and the recently disturbed debris from the surface blowing crazily in the man made tornado.

Ben's hands gently caressed the controls of the Raptor as he brought the ship in slower than he usually would so that Martin could lower the ramp and members of his team could sweep the interior of the dark landing pad. The Raptors lights illuminated much of the landing pad, leaving only one area shrouded in shadows, and it was this area that the team member in the chain gun belly turret trained his cannons, his fingers ready to mash down on the triggers.

"Four meters", Tina called out, her eyes glued to her instruments.

"Close the cover!"Ben called as he eased back on the throttles, the Raptor dropping even further until its landing struts touched the metal surface of the pad.

"Cover coming closed." Tina spoke, her hand flipping another switch, which controlled the overhead door. They could hear the groaning of the steel as it moved for only the second time in nearly four hundred years. Tina looked at Ben." That doesn't sound good."

Ben nodded. "I agree." He spoke just as an enormously loud wrenching sound came from above and even over the roar of the engines it was obvious the doors had stopped closing.

"Damn!" Tina exclaimed. "They jammed up!"

"Are they fully closed?"Ben asked, not taking his eyes from his instruments as he set the Raptor down gently on the pad.

"Negative." She replied. "It looks like they stopped about two feet shy."

Ben shook his head. "Damn I should have thought of that. The control mechanism is probably full of rust and grit. I'm shutting down the engines. Were stuck here now until we get the doors fixed."

"I'm powering down internal systems." Tina spoke. "If the doors worked then the base reactor must still be working. That means there is still power and we can plug in to recharge."

Ben unfastened his straps. "I'll let Marty know that the doors didn't close fully, and start breaking out the chocks."

Ben moved quickly into the rear of the Raptor and saw Martin and Tony standing on the edge of the Raptors ramp looking up at the stars that peered through the two foot wide gap in the overhead doors. The others were lined up behind them, waiting to disembark. Ben moved up next to Martin.

"Ben the overheads didn't close all the way." Martin spoke.

Ben nodded." They shorted out, I know. I'm guessing its because they haven't been used in over four centuries and they are kind of rusty. Not bad shooting with the sabot cannon uhu; three shots from thirteen kilometers away?"

"So were stuck here?" Martin asked looking at him.

"At least until we get the doors fixed." Ben answered." There is still power to the base, and Tina and I can handle the doors. Infra red and motion sensors were blank, so unless you want to stay here longer then we planned; I suggest we start getting to work."

Martin nodded. "I agree". He said turning to Master Chief Brown. "Master Chief put Zippy and Tommy on security for Ben and Tina. Danny you take Pablo, Trina and Cody and head to engineering. See if you can get the generators online and running so we have power throughout the station. Tony, Anja and Julie are with me. Well head to Command and see what we can find. "

Danny nodded. "Were on it".

Martin pulled the hand held but powerful flashlight from his vest. He looked at the smiling pilot. "You should have killed it with one shot". He said with a grin. "Lets get moving."

"So this is the famous EDEN Ground Command?" Anja spoke as her eyes took in the expansive control room. She walked alongside Julie as they entered the command center, the massive room filled with computer consoles and chairs, as well as a huge wall monitor. It was very similar to the Johnson Space Center Museum that Anja had visited as a child.

Martins eyes darted from shadow to shadow, his HK74 silenced assault rifle held at the ready. He heard Dans voice fill his ear receiver.

"Skipper, were at the generator room". He reported. "The reactor was set to the minimum setting to maintain coolant. I'm going to spool it up to one quarter power so we can activate the power grids. Stand by."

The four of them stood in the center of the control room and they could hear the low hum become just a little louder. All around them computer consoles began to flicker to life, and emergency lighting began to kick on. With the lights coming on, they could see the numerous human skeletal remains scattered throughout the huge control room.

"Skipper we are seeing human remains all over down here". Dan reported.

"Same here Danny". Martin told him as he watched Anja squat next to one skeleton. The bones were bleached almost white and covered in a thick layer of dust and she lifted the human skull into her gloved hands and looked closer at it. It was missing most of the facial bones and one entire cheekbone

Anja got slowly back to her feet carrying the skull and she came over next to Martin. She held the skull out to him, her other hand gripped tightly around the pistol grip of her HK. "This person was shot". She told him." It was a large caliber weapon, right through the back of the head. "

"Skipper", Tony called.

Martin turned to face him and Tony lifted the dust covered .40mm automatic from the skeleton remains on the floor in front of him. "It looks like he executed the entire control room crew and then blew his brains out."

"Danny I want you to sweep the entire lower level!"Martin spoke." Search every room, every corner. Then spool the reactor to seventy-five percent so we can bring the core online and find out what the hell happened here."

"You got it boss". Dan replied.

"Julie, you and Anja take the west wing, the Master Chief and I will cover the east. Meet back here in twenty and maintain an open com link. "Martin spoke.

Julie nodded." Will do Skipper." She said taking Anja's arm and leading her across the control center.

The man lowered the binoculars to reveal cold glittering red eyes against the pale dark gray almost chocolate color of his skin. His white hair hung down past his shoulders, the points of his elf ears sticking out from within the strands of hair. He stood next to the twenty foot long tank M100 Assault Tank, one of twenty in his command, the moon light casting him in an eerie light. He turned to the Corporate Alliance Officer standing attentively behind him.

"We will rest here tonight". He spoke, his voice dark and menacing. "They have entered the sacred ruins. We will give them a few hours to relax, and then send the Alliance Assassins in to wreak as much havoc as they can. Tell them they can kill whatever males they find, the female elves they can use as their playthings until they tire of them, but I want the Queen alive and unhurt. I will have the pleasure of raping that Elf bitch myself."

"Our scouts found the remains of the Grizz beasts Colonel Marcus". The officer reported. "It was dead, missing most of its head. Two very large entry wounds in its back as well. A large and powerful weapon was used as it punched right through the beasts armor."

"Interesting, I didn't think these Elves had heavy weapons with them. Perhaps I was mistaken. The gray skinned man brought the binoculars to his eyes again, scanning the jumble of buildings eight kilometers distant from his location. Place our M100s on the western edge of the Battalion flank, and have our heavy mortars set up to cover the mountain valley to our east. One company to cover the mortars, one company to our rear and the remaining two companies are to dig in to our front". He sensed that the officer had not left and lowered the binoculars to look at him." Is there something else Colonel?"

"I.... wish only to make you aware Colonel Marcus. I do not subscribe to the myths and rumors that filter among our troops." The man spoke.

Marcus turned back to looking through the powerful binoculars." Speak Captain."

"Some of the men they are concerned about our plans to attack the Elves sacred ruins." The officer spoke." Our forces have not entered the ruins in nearly two centuries after the last time we tried to attack them here."

"Yes I have heard of that." Marcus spoke with a grin. "The Alliance lost nearly a thousand troops to unseen weapons of incredible destruction. We have the advantage this time however".

"We do Colonel Marcus?"

"I am leading these forces and not some incompetent fool". Marcus growled. "If the men wish to persist with this ridiculous legend I will have them butchered as an example of what not to do in my unit. Make that clear to them if you would Captain."

The officer bowed his head deeply, "As you order Colonel Marcus."

Marcus turned back to the distant ruins and a cruel smile crept across his face. "Oh yes Tarifa, I will enjoy using you until you are my willing servant. I will have you in every orifice of your delectable elf body more times than you can imagine. And then I will cut out your heart and eat it while it still beats in my hands."

The Drow elf in service to the Alliance grinned savagely in the night sky