Dysea stood next to Martin as they watched the SPAT lift off and rocket into the stars. They both wore the Spartan armor, their Nehtes secured to their thighs. The Spartan Weapons Master Nehtes, the elf the weapons were named after, had forged all of their weapons right down to the millimeter of specification. Dysea's Nehtes was four inches shorter than normal, due to her height and weight, but when she wielded the weapon it was an extension of her body. Standing next to Martin, he realized that Anja had been right. Dysea was a warrior, she would always be a warrior, and her love of him and his of her insured that fact for all time. Martin's Nehtes was the standard size, but weighted perfectly for his combination of speed and power, and it was also ornately carved with Spartan symbols of Kingship, the letters of Ancient Greek spelling out the words Molon Labe along the side.
"We will see them again soon Nauta Melme." Dysea said softly, taking his hand in hers.