Chereads / Harry fleur / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Harry fleur

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

It may seem ridiculous to a casual observer, but as it turns out a lot of the witches and wizards that live in the magical world find their own little slice of land and then they stick to it faithfully for the rest of their lives. Even with amazing and magical destinations just waiting to be discovered, these people find that the boundaries of their comfort zone are only so big, and they don't stray too far from them.

Well not Harry.

Unlike most other people, Harry grew up in an extremely inhospitable environment, filled with people that he was quite happy to never see again. As part of his master plan 'FOR THE GREATER GOOD' Dumbledore made arrangements for Harry to grow up in the care of willfully ignorant child abusers so that he'd become an obedient, self-sacrificing, martyr type.

Likewise, Harry didn't have anything to do with his old Hogwarts friends anymore. The reason for the estrangement was pretty cut and dry, but it was also kind of sad and pathetic. A little over halfway through Harry's repeat of 7th year, Harry finally caught Ron and Ginny in the act of slipping loyalty and love potions into his and Hermione's food. Then, after a round of intense Veritaserum fueled questioning, it was revealed that the two of them had been slipping them these potions for over a year and a half. While a lingering sense of loyalty did manage to keep Harry from calling the Aurors on the two of them, he still couldn't believe that Hermione ended up taking Ron back. She was supposed to be the intelligent one between the two of them, but she somehow failed to see the similarity between love potions and rape. During the really bad fight that followed, Hermione ended up calling Harry a glory seeking, narcissist, with delusions of grandeur. The line struck Harry as being extremely similar to something that Ron would say, at which point he decided that the two of them deserved each other.

The icing on the cake for Harry, was six months later, soon after he graduated Hogwarts, when Charlie, George and Bill attempted to beat him up in an old fashioned Muggle bar fight for apparently "breaking their sister's heart." Not one member of the Weasley family was capable of seeing Ginny as anything but the victim, regardless of her actions.

Long story short, no… Harry never ended up settling down with all of his friends in Magical Britain. What's more, he didn't feel any specific loyalty to anyone that lived there. What did he do instead? He moved around. He moved around a lot.

Only yesterday, Harry visited South America and partied hard in the mysterious and magical city of El-Diago. The day before that, he found a nice quiet slice of beach in magical Australia, where he allowed some of the local women to think that he might actually stick around. The day before that he was in Atlantis, magically holding up the entire ocean as the locals repaired some damages that a terrorist attack caused on their water repelling wards. The day before that, he checked in on an extremely exclusive resort that he owned located under the ice shelf on Europa, Jupiter's frozen moon. And no, it wasn't science fiction that made colonization of other planets possible. It was magic…. Time, space, physical reality… All of those terms become completely meaningless in the face of magic and the people that have the will to use it. It was a wonder to Harry that anyone ever even bothered fighting for authority on a subpar mudball like Earth. It was far easier to just find somewhere both new and picturesque, slap down a flag with your face on it and then lay down some wards. The multiverse is indeed mind bendingly vast, but magic can make absolutely anything not only attainable, but convenient...

Keeping all of the above things in mind, you might start to understand why Harry was becoming so impatient as he listened to yet another petition placed in his lap by the International Confederation of Wizards (ICW). Here he sat, on Earth, in the massive and ostentatious Hall where the world's political elite do their business, when he could be literally anywhere else in the universe doing his own thing for fun and profit.

As he looked out at the 195 Delegates ringing the ICW Hall, he found himself thinking the same question as usual. Why the hell am I putting myself through all of this?

The reason that Harry was invited to take part in these meetings was somewhat obvious. He was a powerhouse of a magician the likes of which the world seldom ever sees. Too bad his problem with attending the ICW meetings centered around a lack of motivation rather than any lack of competency. He really wasn't a fan of being planet earth's on call magical handyman, putting out fires like a landlord with a drug addict for a tenant. The humans that occupied Earth were the problem with the Earth, and that goes double for their leadership. Even on the most peaceful of days it was completely galling to Harry that these Delegates believed they were a part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

Today wasn't turning out to be one of those peaceful days…

"You will locate and then change the trajectory of a global extinction sized Asteroid that is two days away from landing in the middle of Saskatchewan Canada," a wizened old Councillor demanded of Harry in an extremely pompous tone of voice.

In the moment that followed the elderly Wizard's demand, Harry fantasized about hitting the man with a bat bogey hex.

"I live to serve," Harry replied instead, with absolutely no trace of sarcasm evident in his tone.

Why was Harry being so very cooperative despite his obvious issues with authority? Good question. The answer was extremely simple. There was a very, very persuasive reason why Harry allowed himself to perform such idiotic and exhausting tasks as conjuring eight hundred trillion Kilograms of pure oxygen over Spain to fix an ecological disaster caused by wizards playing with portals, or placing wards over a massive new hole in the ozone layer to stop a deadly barrage of ultraviolet rays from frying every living thing in Brazil. Thankfully for the denizens of earth, there actually was a single variety of payoff that the ICW was giving him that Harry couldn't get anywhere else, and despite his extremely frequent complaints, she really was well worth every second of his time.

The ICW Delegate representing Magical France was none other than Fleur Isabelle Weasley… Her skin tight white blouses, knee length pencil skirts and the gold rimmed glasses that literally everyone knew held no refraction at all, completed the sexy librarian image that Harry just couldn't do without. He simply couldn't help himself. He also didn't want to help himself…


Fleur Weasley… Ever the workaholic, had never allowed her hag of a mother-in-law to persuade her to sacrifice her career in order to spawn a dozen kids. No. Not a chance. That kind of thing could be done much, much later. At the moment, Fleur had a career to build and a world to save. That's right. On a far too regular basis, it was actually Fleur Dela… Oops. It was Fleur Weasley who's actions saved the world… Kind of. While she may not be a Harry Potter type savant, with raw unadulterated magic leaking out of her every pore, she still had something that her emerald eyed associate had managed to lose along the way...

She still had some fucks to give.

Fleur still cared about the world and the people living on it. She worried about her family, her husband, France and then the rest of the Earth's population in that order. For that reason, she couldn't afford to have the Atlantic ocean transforming into blood because some Devil worshipping cult in South Africa botched a summoning ritual. She couldn't afford to have the leviathan worms that live near the Earth's core growing restless because of persistent deep core mining, leading them to start migrating towards the surface. She couldn't have interdimensional parasites latching onto the population of America to both feed off of and fuel their negative emotions until they almost have a civil war. No… Fleur couldn't have any of it. Too bad for her, she lacked the magical power to do anything about it by herself. That was the reason why she needed to keep Harry Potter both on earth and feeling... helpful.

Unfortunately for Fleur, there was only one surefire way of accomplishing such a thing…


"What brings you to my office this time Fleur?" Harry bantered, as he eased back into a conspicuously large leather couch in the corner of his office. Almost as soon as he'd crossed the threshold into his extremely well warded ICW workspace, a very focused young Veela woman suddenly Apparated into the room, banished all of the clothing right off of his body, dropped into a wide kneed squat, and began huffing his balls as if they were the sweetest mountain air.

"'Ou just altered ze course of an asteroid ze size of Paris for me." Fleur looked up into Harry's eyes with his still half flaccid cock draped over the entire length of her face. "'Ou just saved ze entire planet from disaster… again. 'Ou did your part for me. Now I shall complete my side of ze bargain. What I do, I do not for 'ou, but for ze entire world." As soon as she finished her little speech, Fleur drew her blouse up over her head, draped her heavy, bra covered tits across the top of Harry's thighs, and took a hold of his newly rock hard dick. Within the next few seconds, she slowly eased her slack jawed mouth around one of Harry's overlarge testicles, so that she could begin polishing it with her tongue.

Harry could only shake his head at all of the contradictions present between Fleur's actions, attitude, and the well rehearsed speech that she'd just given him. Even as the woman stopped tonguing his balls in order to kiss her way up the length of his shaft and take the head of his cock into her O'd out little mouth, the material of her pencil skirt was bunching up atop the thick mounds of her ass. As per usual, the panties that her spread open thighs slowly revealed were completely soaked through, and they had been ever since she first entered his office. Fleur was practically in heat at this point and her allure was billowing out of her body to slam against Harry like a tidal wave. All in all, the reality of the situation was as plain as day for literally anyone with a half a brain cell in their head. The French Veela ICW Delegate squatting in front of him was noticeably, visibly, obviously, lusting over his body, in love with his cock and completely obsessed with the contents of his balls.

And so she should be.

In the 5 years since Harry graduated Hogwarts, his magical core had continued to expand, and along with the radical influx of surplus magic came an unexpected evolution. At this point, every single aspect of Harry's body was drastically improved, including but limited to his memory retention and creativity, bone structure, teeth, skin, hair, eyes, cardio and physique. Disregarding all of the new and amazing things that Harry was capable of doing, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that his physical appearance was that of masculine perfection. There was also the fact that his core continually generated enough ambient magic to make any Veela within a 2 Kilometer radius start ovulating. Veela are extremely sensitive to magical power as a part of their magical heritage. A heritage to which Fleur was no exception.

Well… Whatever. If Fleur was still determined to act as if she was acting purely out of obligation, then Harry was perfectly happy to continue screwing with her resolve. It was the results that mattered in these kinds of situations after all, and having a terribly conflicted Fleur suck on every last inch of his cock as if it tasted delicious was exactly the kind of result that he could get behind. As the career woman drew more and more of his truly cumbersome cock between her beautiful, stretched out, pillowy lips, she didn't even seem to notice the throaty moans of arousal that she was allowing to vibrate against his shaft. Then, over time, she began to increase her suction strength so that every time she drew her mouth back up the length of his shaft her lips were pulled an inch away from her face like a sleeve. After a few dozen rapid repetitions of this treatment, it started to feel as if Fleur was trying to force the cum directly from his balls using physics rather than merely pleasure. The woman was clearly becoming impatient to receive a fresh load of his cum.

How adorable…

With a happy sigh and a smile, Harry reached down, cupped the woman's chin so that she'd look up at him and then slowly drew her fake glasses away from her cheeks. "You've become quite the gifted cocksucker, Delegate," Harry complimented in a calm and businesslike tone. "I should've known that you would be. You're a very dedicated woman after all. You give a hundred and ten percent to absolutely everything that you do. Hell… It's gotten to the point that you really do look like nothing more than a cum starved little cockwhore."

After angrily popping her lips off of Harry's cockhead, Fleur began jerking him off with both of her hands so that she could protest her innocence. "I do zese disgraceful zings for 'ou because 'ou will forsake ze entire planet eef I don't. I do zis for 'ou because 'ou are a scoundrel driven by only ze most eempure of motives. I do zis for ze sake of ze world." At the tail end of her words, Fleur stared Harry in the eyes as she leaned forward and forced a little more than three quarters of his length into her mouth. When she finished swallowing as much of his cock as she was capable of taking into the clenching heat of her throat, she wrapped a hand around what she couldn't yet handle and then cupped his heavy balls with her remaining hand. Not one inch of Harry's monstrous cock was to be left unattended. She refused to allow such a thing to happen...

"I know that you're not really a slut," Harry graciously allowed, acting as if he believed every single word that the hyper aroused Veela was saying. "I also never said that you're a whore. I merely pointed out that you're getting really, really good at impersonating one. You're the type of woman that gets very good at the things that you do. In fact, I'd say that you're a world class cocksucker at this point. No one else is as driven to excel as you are. No one else makes my cock look as delicious as you do. No one else swallows on my cock while it's lodged deep down their throat like you do. No one else moans while enjoying the scent of my balls like you do. No one else leaks pussy juices down their thighs like you do. No one else allows their eyes to glaze over, cross, and then drift into the back of their head like you do. No… No one else sucks my cock anywhere near as voraciously as you do Fleur, and it's not because you're a Veela… I've had Veela before, several of them in fact. You my dear, are a breed apart. You're gifted. You're a cock sucking genius. You missed your calling…"

Fleur never once stopped dragging her elastic tight lips up and down Harry's cock the entire time he described her in vulgar terms and debased her, and while her eyes burned with poorly feigned outrage, her mouth clamped down along his shaft even harder with every single word that he said. By the time Harry finished calling her a cock sucking genius, you could see the outline of his shaft through the lining of her mouth because she was creating a vacuum tight sucking seal with her lips. Fleur needed to finish Harry off like right this second. She needed to make him cum. She needed to.

"I will admit, it's a little inconvenient that you've spoiled me to such an extreme," Harry continued as he ran his hands softly through Fleur's infinitely soft silver hair. I have an absurdly high, magically bolstered libido after all. Even after you make me cum harder than I ever thought possible, I find myself in need of relief within an hour or two at the very most. My magic wants me to breed a woman to secure the Potter legacy. Unfortunately for me, that same magic keeps either destroying or negating all of the anti-conception magics that I use, which means I live my life with balls packed to bursting and nowhere safe to put it all. Of course, now that I've become used to your... tender ministrations, I have trouble taking care of such things myself. I'm starting to fear I might accidentally knock up some completely forgettable witch that I run into in a nearby tavern..."

With every word of Harry's completely fake and made up dilemma, Fleur's sucking mouth and swallowing throat picked up in both speed and intensity, until finally she was bobbing up and down his length at an absolutely ludicrous pace and slamming her mouth against the hand that was wrapped around his base.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're becoming jealous," Harry happily groaned out as he reached down and hefted Fleur's heavy tits into his hands. "You needn't be. Your stomach is by far my favorite place to dump all of my semen and these huge fucking tits of yours are fantastic even when they're still contained in a bra. Never fear Fleur… Even if I'm forced to take a wife out of wedlock, I'll never grow tired of feeding my cum directly down your tight little throat."

As the idea that Harry might have to take a wife crashed through Fleur's mind like a bull in a China shop, she suddenly found that the fingers she had wrapped around the base of his cock were in the way of her best efforts. After drawing her lips up his shaft towards his head with as much licking and sucking as she could possibly provide, Fleur moved the offending hand out of the way to join her other hand fondling at his balls. Then, with a small grunt of effort, she basically threw herself forward with all of her core strength, attempting to force the entirety of his cock down her poor resisting gullet. She failed. She gagged and spluttered around his shaft, but she didn't back down this time like she had so often in the past. No. Not today… She tried again, and again, and again. Over the next 4 or 5 minute's time, Fleur continued to heave herself forward, dragging her lips mere millimeters further along his shaft with every few repetitions until finally, she managed to wrench her mouth down the remaining three inches of his cock. She'd done it! She'd achieved a completely flawless deepthroat of Harry's massive dick for the very first time! She had the flesh of his balls resting against her chin and her nose resting deep within his short and curly pubes.

Oh Gods…

In an immediate and dramatic reaction to both the excitement caused by her accomplishment and the musky scent of Harry's balls, Fleur flushed a deep shade of red, goose bumps grew along every inch of her body, she trembled from head to toe and a puddle of juices splashed out of her furiously convulsing pussy. With no airway left to scream her sudden orgasm, Fleur found herself moaning against every single millimeter of Harry's shaft and head. She squealed and swallowed convulsively on his dick, and her hands pawed at Harry's thighs and stomach muscles. Then, as if in response to her climax, Harry's cock started lurching and trembling deep within her throat. Fleur immediately redoubled her efforts, sucking on the entirety of his majestic dick and licking at his balls to the best of her ability. It was happening. He was cumming. Harry was finally cumming. She was finally getting his seed. He was finally giving her what she needed...

With an enthusiastic grunt and a smile on his face, Harry wrapped both of his hands around the back of Fleur's head, held her mouth nice and tight against his balls and then stared down into her unblinking gaze. "Good girl," he groaned out as he felt a tsunami of boiling cum bottlenecking against the base of his shaft. I swear Fleur, you're literally the hungriest cucksucker on the face of the planet. Go ahead then. Take your daily allotment if my cum. Take it all. You've earned it."

With only the smallest of nods because her throat was currently impaled upon his cock, Fleur began swallowing as quickly as she could against every millimeter of his shaft. She didn't stop swallowing when Harry let go of her head and started pinching her nipples instead. She didn't stop swallowing when Harry's cumvein expanded and his dick spasmed in her mouth. She didn't stop swallowing when dozens of cum loads started launching from his cockhead deep within her throat. She didn't stop swallowing when his cum was too thick and she couldn't keep up with the flow of it. She didn't stop swallowing when 30 seconds had already passed and Harry still wasn't finished filling her with cum. She didn't stop swallowing when her throat started spasming and her body began visibly demanding oxygen. She didn't stop swallowing when her eyes started fluttering and her consciousness began to wane. No. Fleur Isabelle Weasley didn't stop swallowing on the shaft of Harry's cock for anything at all until it appeared for all the world like she intended to asphyxiate herself on his cock and his cum.

In the end, it was Harry who brought Fleur's reckless cum swallowing to an end, when he grabbed the back of her head by her ponytail, dragged his cock out of her furiously resisting throat and then released another half dozen cumshots into her newly gasping mouth. Even as Fleur coughed and panted for air, she kept her mouth around his cockhead and her tongue splayed out to receive his seed. Fleur was, bar none, the thirstiest cum drinker that Harry had ever seen in his whole entire life.

It was completely adorable.

Of course Harry knew what Fleur really wanted from him right now and it wasn't for him to give her flowers and a box of chocolates...

Almost immediately after Fleur finished coughing, spluttering and drawing in a deep lungful of air, Harry suddenly smiled and then dragged her mouth right back down the length of his shaft. It seemed like the man cared nothing for her comfort just so long as he knew she'd survive. Fleur almost came again in response. Harry was treating her as if she was nothing but a sex toy that he could use to masterbate with. He was scrubbing her tightly sealed lips up and down the length of his still cumming cock as if she were a vacuum designed specifically for his seed. She loved it. She couldn't get enough of it. Fifteen seconds later, when the volume of his cumshots finally started decreasing, Harry withdrew her mouth to the head of his dick and then held her body perfectly still with implacable strength. He used her. He used her mouth as nothing more than a cumdump. Fleur's thighs rubbed together as her untouched little pussy dripped, clenched and convulsed in a brand new state of orgasm. She moaned deep in her overtaxed throat as she luxuriated in the delicious taste of Harry's seed. She wrapped her trembling arms around Harry's waist as she felt the thick, gluey mass of his semen coating her entire esophagus. She tried not to swallow for as long as possible in order to fully enjoy the sensation of it all. She focused on the taste, and smell of his cum as if she was a wine connoisseur sampling a million dollar vintage. She polished Harry's dickhead clean with her tongue so that no seed would be left behind. She reveled in the moment, and she kept her Icey blue eyes locked on Harry's the whole entire time.

In the moments that followed, Harry began affectionately rubbing and lightly scratching at Fleur's scalp and she was forced to apply huge amounts of willpower not to rub her face against his hand. She didn't. She couldn't. She did the opposite instead. As if Harry's attempts to be kind to her were a signal of some kind, she suddenly released her arms from around his waist, linked them together behind her back and then sat as still as a statue with her lips firmly pursed around his shaft. Harry immediately knew exactly what she wanted, and as per usual the man took his time. Ever so slowly, inch by delicious inch, he thrust his dick all the way down her throat, and then he slowly, ever so slowly pulled it back out, allowing her lips to milk his dick for any traces of ejaculate that remained in his shaft. When his cock popped free from within her mouth, it was as clean as it would ever be, and that was with magic spells that could banish away even microscopic traces of dirt and grime. Finally, after easing back to rest her ass on her calves, Fleur looked up into Harry's eyes with as impassive an expression as she could muster. "Are you satisfied with my services 'Arry?"

Rather than answer with words, Harry slowly reached out, took up Fleur's right hand and gently drew it back to his goose egg sized testicles. Over the following half a minute, Fleur actually felt his balls rapidly and seemingly violently refilling with what had to be at least a million preternaturally virile sperm. Her hand started idly rubbing at his balls again as she started trembling and squirming where she sat. "Zis… Zis ees a real problem Arry," Fleur panted out in a shaken up little voice. "Een our agreement, I promised zat I would satisfy all of your lecherous needs. I am a married woman, but… My promise. My bargain… Eef ze situation ees as 'ou say eet ees... zen only sex, real vaginal sex will bring 'ou any relief…"

Harry's eyes suddenly grew dark, pained and mercurial as he drew Fleur's hand away from his crotch and held it tightly to his chest instead. "You don't need to worry about that Fleur. I won't ask you to cheat on your husband. I bully and objectify you sure, but despite everything I do to you, I do still consider us friends. I refuse to destroy the sanctity of your marriage for the sake of my own satisfaction. Tomorrow morning, I'll head to the Veela enclave, where I'll find a few half Veela to satisfy my needs. Half Veela such as yourself generally only conceive female children... What this means is I'll be relatively safe from knocking them up as long as I force my body to generate only Y chromosome sperm. Thankfully for me, my magic wants me to sire a male heir to be the next Potter family Lord. I'm fairly certain that my plan will work."

Standing up and summoning himself a pair of boxer shorts, Harry moved towards a nearby bank of windows. He stared off into the orange lit sky of early twilight as if he were extremely deep in thought..

"......….Wait, 'Arry… I…. I made a promise," Fleur whispered in a surprisingly demure tone of voice. "I made a promise to satisfy 'ou een payment for saving ze world over and over..... I will not.... No… I refuse to shirk from my responsibilities….."

It was a bit of a challenge, but Harry did manage to wipe the shit eating grin off of his face before turning back around….