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After 3 years of living a normal life Joseph Cooper gets challenged with new people and new things that will change reality forever.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Fire Up!

A Blob Monster comes and attacks Adopt Me City but not before a Team of Heroes comes and saves the day

Flame - Welcome Back Guys, Let's Do This, One Last Time

Jayden Orion - Let's Take Him Down!

She-Flame - Agreed!

Electric Shocker - Hell Yeah!

Blob Monster - You wish you can take me down Flame but in order to do that you'll have to see the truth that's right front if you

Flame - what do you mean, wait *turns around*

Flame - Electric Shocker? But your gone

Electric Shocker - Yes I am gone because after you quit being Flame everyone became unbothered to you. Ahhhhhh *falls*

Flame - what…

She-Flame - It's true

She-Flame - I'm still a hero without you and you don't even bother to check on me anymore about superheroing and now this is how it ends. Ahhhhhhh *falls*

Jayden - And you still keep the greatest secret of it all from me, WHEN WILL I DESERVE TO KNOW, AHHHHHHHH *falls*

Flame - wait it can't be like this


*wakes up from bad dream*

Joseph - ahh that's the second weirdest dream, I need to eat

Jayden - Joe I have good news

Joseph - yes?

Jayden - I have a interview for the car dealership tomorrow

Joseph - that's nice but how are you going to manage a new job when you still have doctor appointments for your legs

Jayden - I can figure that part out with my manager plus I hadn't had a problem with my legs since 3 weeks ago I'm good now

Joseph - ok if you say but I'm meeting up with Sarah later for coffee so I'll see you when I get home

Jayden - alright

Archer - Enjoy the new red heart tea

Sarah - Thank you, have a great day

Joseph - Hey Sarah

Sarah - Hi dad, what makes this visit

Joseph - well I figure before you go back

home we sit and talk about how you

been making saves as She-Flame

Sarah - I thought you didn't wanna talk about me being She-Flame and heroes after you quit being Flame

Joseph - at first I didn't but then I realize that being heroes plus demons is never going to leave us no matter how hard I tried to deny it and that soon ima gonna have to tell Jayden the truth

Sarah - oh well hopefully he isn't too mad

Joseph - I know but the longer I wait the harder it's gonna get but besides my problems how are you back in Seaboard City

Sarah - I'm great but being the only one fighting crime in the city can get a little boring I just wish sometimes you were there with me

Joseph - I'm sorry Sarah but I just can't I'm done with that life now and my plans now are with Jayden and to finally live peacefully after everything I've been through

Sarah - I understand but I gotta go catch the train soon so I'll see you next month *hugs*

Joseph - Ok bye Sarah *hugs*

Dr.John - Alright Jayden Orion you are good to go and I just have to check at the desk to see when's your next appointment

Jayden - Ok thanks so much Dr.John me and my boyfriend are so happy I'm not crippled anymore

Dr.John - I know it's a miracle

Joseph - What's a miracle?

Jayden - I'm fully healed of my treatments and I'm fully cleared of appointments for 3 months

Joseph - that's awesome

Dr.John - yep now come with me to the front

Dr.John - So good news is you don't have to come back for 3 months but til then you should be checking your health 3 times a week to be safe

Jayden - Ok that's sounds awesome thanks Doc

Dr.John - No problem you two take care

Joseph - wait what the hell why is it snowing

Jayden - climate change maybe

Joseph - I don't think so

Wally - He's right it's something else, something worst

Joseph - Wally?

Jayden - Joe you know him

Joseph - yea old friend somewhat

Wally - hello Joe it's been awhile but I've been trying to get in touch with you

Joseph - why?

Wally - I think we should talk in private

Joseph - fine, Jayden I'll see you back at home

Jayden - alright

Joseph - so what is it

Wally - well first i wanted to talk in private since your boyfriend doesn't know about your old life

Joseph - how do you know that

Wally - me and my team keep taps on you and your daughter

Joseph - so you're stalking us?

Wally - no not stalking keeping tabs in case there's a evil to powerful for us to handle, well know where to find you guys

Joseph - hmm I see, is that what this conversation about then

Wally - basically yes, as you see it's now snowing which isn't normal for the beginning of summer and a couple of weeks ago my team has been tracking cold temperatures coming from certain places at random times like someone was playing with the thermostat too much

Joseph - and you think it's a new villain that's too powerful

Wally - not just that, I think it's a whole new gang villain league and they been planning something that's taken me to long to figure out and soon enough things will get bad I've should've came to you before

Joseph - well this all sounds bad but this is exactly what I stayed away from, like I mean I'm living a normal life like normal people and I'm enjoying it and I haven't used my powers in months and now it's gets ruined

Wally - I know it sucks, but after me finding out I'm your friends doppelgänger I've had a different experience on what I'm supposed to do here

Joseph - hmm I see

Wally - all that matters is that I'm not failing this world as I did mine, and that I need you to come back with me to figure out how to solve this

Joseph - fine but let's make this quick

Wally - here we are the bunker

Joseph - great

Xavier - Wally I got some good news oh wait who's this

Wally - Xavier this is Joe aka Flame

Xavier - oh shit no way big fan man, I've heard some much about you I love the demon side a little better but it's all fire as hell

Joseph - lol ok thank you and you are?

Wally - this is Xavier Austin he's been helping me fight crime and upgrade are lair and stuff he's a good technical bioengineer and does a lot for this place couldn't of done none of this without him

Joseph - ah ok

Wally - I found his sister fighting crime and I she couldn't quite keep her powers up so we talked and met her brother and now we're a team

Xavier - yea man I was thinking of making myself a suit til Wally needed help with his but he couldn't get what he need for his since he's on a different earth so we just used one of Micro Knight's old ones

Joseph - wait how did u get that

Wally - from Ramsey he still had access to Tech Labs before he got out down and he got everything from their that Team Micro used and some of those things are in here

Joseph - oh

Wally - yea so let's go to the cortex

Joseph - Sarah?

Sarah - oh hey dad

Joseph - what are you doing here

Sarah - Wally had came and told me he needed help with some new threats before I went home and he told me he was going to get you too I told him good luck with that but you came

Joseph - yea I figure out I should kinda miss this a little but not too much so what have y'all got so far

Wally - well a couple of weeks ago Xavier found that this new evil is going after a new shipment of cold artificial isotopes and that there stealing it for something we can't quite come up with yet

Xavier - yeah it's like there building different things to something even bigger and there's like no way to figure it out unless we catch one of them

Sarah - wait you said cold isotopes what if there trying to stop my dad

Wally - I don't see how plus there going to need a lot more to stop him since he's part demon

Joseph - yea and how can I be a target I haven't been flame in 2 years

Wally - well maybe we aren't the only keeping tabs on you

Joseph - it's not tabs it's stalking

Wally - it's not but after Micro Force took down the big bads we assume nothing else

Sarah - who?

Wally - Micro Force is a team of kids Micro Knight trained with powers but after the Crisis trained I guess I trained them but I sent them off to other crimes around the world and I have been the protector

Sarah - ah, I see

Joseph - well maybe you should call them here

Wally - nah they dealing with bigger problems and plus we don't even know what we're up against yet

Xavier - I think I can figure out I'll just take time

Wally - yea time is the key to everything now come Joe & Xavier

Joseph - who room this?

Xavier - mines I do have a room for Wally but it's not ready yet but I do need to check for updates

Wally - and this is where my suit gets upgrades and I had Xavier update yours & Sarah's just in case

Joseph - oh well still not sure about it

Wally - well it's here for y'all when you do

*systems beeps for emergency*

Xavier - welp looks like you should make the decision now because we finally got a hit on the of them

Wally - where?

Xavier - the playground…

Wally - ok unless they're targeting kids now then this should be easy

Joseph - good go get 'em

Sarah - dad your seriously not going with Wally

Joseph - no I don't need too it's just one bad guy probably and I never said I was coming here to be Flame again, sorry Sarah

Xavier - so your really not going out there

Joseph - naw I build up so much becoming normal and now if I put the suit back on and go out there again it feels like I'm giving it all up, like I did it all for nothing and Jayden my BF doesn't even know who I used to be

Xavier - wow that's deep well I don't know anything what you've gone through but your story goes out big time I mean like being part demon I would love to be you despise all the bad but it shows how much you've grown and it will always be apart of you and living like a superhero or whatever is like your normal life and I'm sure Jayden will know that once he knows

Joseph - idk it just seems to unreal

Xavier - I get the feeling every time my sister is out there I mean she's a goddess but that doesn't mean I don't worry about her but if living in this life has taught me anything is that one you can't hide from who you truly are, two you can't let what happened to your past infect your future and three you shouldn't let what can be special kept in the dark because of the outcome

Joseph - thanks but I still think it's better off if Jayden doesn't know yet, it's only been two years

Xavier - I guess so

Wally - *on comms* guys I'm here and I see hi, I'm going to use my new facial recognition

*facial recognition scans*

Wally - you got it Xavier, you know who this is?

Xavier - uh yeah I got it

Wally - who is he?

Xavier - this guy name is Owen Miller aka Candyman and he got arrested in Meep City at his home 8 years ago for the murder of his wife Ciara Miller with candy shaped weapons

Wally - oh wow

Xavier - and get this he escaped police prison a month later and was found again in Adopt Me where Falcon Man and Micro Man defeated him and he's been there ever since two months ago

Joseph - wow I wonder how's he's back this time

Wally - yea we'll time to find out

Megatron - hey you know criminals aren't allowed to just do whatever they want when they feel like it

Candyman - are you sure, cause why am I doing it then

Megatron - cause you wanna get stopped *aims weapons system and fires*

Candyman - *reacts fast and throws candy boomerang that reflects his attack on him*

Megatron - *gets hit with boom* Ahhhh

Candyman *jumps down*

Candyman *pulls out powered isotope*

*system suit power low*

Megatron - *blasts him and flys away*

Xavier - that's not good

Joseph - damn

Xavier - you ok?

Wally - no not really but whatever tech he had was too advanced for my suit, like it got powered down in one of his blast like either he got something we haven't found or he's getting help

Joseph - most likely help from someone

Xavier - well that's just great, I'll be back

Wally - *takes helmet off*

Wally - I guess it would've been better with you out there too

Joseph - maybe but I don't do this anymore

Wally - I don't understand man I've done good here and it's enough but it can't be complete without someone else doing the same and right now that's you

Joseph - no I'm not gonna and I knew you probably brought me here to get me to become Flame again and it's not happening I'm out

Wally - ughhh

Jayden - Joe where have you been I've been calling you for the past hour I wanted to tell you that I got the job at the dealership

Joseph - oh that's awesome but I'm sorry for not answering Wally had tricked me into something and it would've effect my new life

Jayden - affected your life how?

Joseph - it's complicated

Jayden - then I need a explanation especially since the past few nights you wake up from a bad dream or something so I know something going on

Joseph - uhh well I guess it's time I finally tell you, so I've been a superhero for the past years and I'm not fully human I'm half demon and with a bunch of long story stuff but that's the short version

Jayden - ok woah was not expecting that lol you gotta be joking

Joseph - sadly I wish but when Wally to us earlier he was tryna get me to become Flame again and give up the normal life I've had so far since I quit

Jayden - your really not kidding

Joseph - you believe me how I didn't even show you proof

Jayden - it's ok I don't need that I know you Joe and I can tell this means a lot but you don't have to hold who you really are for me, I want you to know that so if Wally is trying to get you back to what your born to do then do it I would because it's a gift at the same time it's like your a god now

Joseph - I see but it comes with a lot of baggage how am I suppose to deal with it all if I never let go and move forward

Jayden - you are moving forward by uses what other have used for bad for a good cause and plus you'll be going through it with me now

*doorbells rings*

Joseph - I'll get it

Joseph - Wally? what your doing here

Wally - I came to say I'm sorry for tryna push you into something that your not anymore and I see you made your decision to not risk your relationship

Joseph - well thanks but after me and Jayden talked I think it's time for me to let go of my past and brace my new future

Wally - wait so you're coming back?

Joseph - yes I don't know for how long but one thing I'm sure we'll figure out this new villain situation

Wally - awesome

Xavier *on comms* Wally, Candyman is back again at the playground

Wally - well isn't that prefect timing

Joseph - what?

Wally - Candyman is back at the playground

Joseph - oh wow

Wally - so your ready for this

Joseph - yep but I need a suit

Wally - already got it covered

Joseph - nice

Megatron - *rides in with hoverboard* * on comms* I see him

Flame - *on comms* ok good let's go

Xavier - *on comms* you guys are good to go we're watching everything

Megatron - *on comms* ok good

Sarah - *on comms* be careful dad it's been awhile

Flame - I'll be alright he can't hurt me anyways

Candyman - hmm ready for round two ay and with a friend this time

Megatron - yep and we're going to make sure you go back to prison

Flame - Yeah!

Candyman - yeah good luck that

Megatron - *pulls out freeze ray and blasts*

Candyman - *gets hit with ice and falls*

Megatron - *gives Flame freeze ray*

Candyman - *gets and makes a sonic blast*

Megatron - ahhh

Flame - grrr

Candyman - *sets machine on and takes piece of machine and grabbles out*

Flame - Damn well that went well

Megatron - whatever he did doesn't seem to have a off button but I can at least contain whatever that's going to explode

Flame - ok good

Sarah - so what you do

Wally - well I manage to contain that machine he made so we have 48 hours to figure how to shut it down but in the mean time he's gonna keep going there so we need a stronger plan to take him down before whoever he's working with comes out to play

Joseph - yea because there's no way he'll keep coming without back up

Xavier - well don't worry we're gonna stop them especially since we got more help now and from you too Sarah

Sarah - yes me too

Wally - even tho we didn't win you still did good out there, welcome back

Joseph - thanks and it wasn't too bad as I thought, I felt complete I guess I did miss this, I'll see you guys tomorrow

Sarah - bye dad

Wally - well thanks for being here Sarah couldn't of done it without you

Xavier - same

Sarah - aww thanks guys I'll be around until we stop them

Wally - good

Xavier - oh Sarah come I got your suit

Sarah - ohh ok

Xavier - it's nanotechnology so you put this on your glasses and the the button and your transforms on to you

Sarah - omg that's so cool thanks so much

Xavier - of course now I gotta go meet up with my sister

Sarah - ok see you

Jayden - so did you win

Joseph - no but that's the daily life of superheroing your job is never done

Jayden - I see lol it's all too weird but it's good to know your out protecting the world that someone people don't care about

Joseph - yea we'll that's how life is

Jayden - it sure is

Candyman - I'm here and the machine is set to go off in 48 hours and our plan is finally nearing

Mystery Man - Good and it's now time for you to free a friend of mines for your next mission

Candyman - ok

Candyman - and then what

Mystery Man - and then we'll kill Flame for what's he's done